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pixel detection

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hello, :idiot:

the bot is mm.Bot for Diablo II. It uses pixel detection as the author said.


please take a look at the link awhile

i just wondering what does he mean? could AutoIt re-detect letters(that is unknown to windows fonts library) on a game with pixel detection? because i tested AutoIt Spy on a game screen, and it couldn't detect any letters on that screen except some pixel colors. And could AutoIt detect them(the non-windows letters) without having to do any editing/altering the game system?

I bet this kind of topic have been asked many-many times. I'm really really sorry if this is bugging all of you. But I kinda need this and totally newbie on it. Thanks for any helps/replies. :D


just give me a non-detailed answer if you're kinda lazy to answer, coz i'm new on this. and maybe you can tell me where to start.

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I made a few search on the forum, and found some interesting topic that maybe give me some hints about what i'm looking for or what i need to know... but still a bit confusing...


-. #6325 hm this means, i need another software to do this job?

-. #6442 this one looks interesting... so all i have to do take screenshot on the game, and then mark the location of the letters that i want to detect, write down the location, and then crop the letters, and then somehow maybe i could write an if-then-else script to do true-false on the letters i cropped to the screen location when the game runs? if the answer is yes. which one is variable that will define the cropped screenshot of letters? is it $pixel as shown on the #6442 topic? so, i have to define $pixel first right? is it $pixel = c:\foldername\letterstocompare.jpg/bmp/gif/(should_be_on_what_format?) ?

sorry if what i'm saying isn't clear, because i got poor english. :idiot:

btw, i'm used to write some mIRC scripts and kind of familiar with HTML & Php scripting, so maybe this AutoIt scripting will be abit easier for me to understand.

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as I see on post #6442. It seems that script only do search a single pixel color on a 1024*768 screen area. Is there any way to make AutoIt to search "some pixel colors"(as stored on a file, maybe a BMP coz it's not compressed) on a (such as) 1024*768 screen area?

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I found something simplier,

function PixelCheckSum

i think, i'm getting closer...

the only thing i need to know is,

how to make AutoIt stays on Windows, until I hit a Hot-Key on a application/game and then AutoIt finish the scripts loop??

because when I open AutoIt and load the script, the script automatically finish the loop immediately....

Here is the simple script I made, the script should get a checksum of screen pixels of a location i wanted... please tell me what's wrong... and what is the key code for CTRL ALT ? i wanna use CTRL+ALT+x

Global $Paused

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Checksum")

Func Checksum()

$checksum = PixelChecksum(110,65,326,78)

$file = FileOpen("checksum.txt", 1)

FileWriteLine($file, $checksum)



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HotKeySet("+!j", "Checksumshow")

HotKeySet("+!k", "Checksumclose")

While 1



Func Checksumshow()

$checksum = PixelChecksum(2,59,217,71)

ToolTip ($checksum,400,400)




Func Checksumclose()



ah at last, i solved the matter

i believe the if-then-else wouldn't be more difficult

thanks :idiot:

for AutoIt Help.chm file

for the other posts that gave me some hint

for Larry who gave me another hint

for everyone who spend their time to read this

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