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Progess Bar and multiple installations


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I have been tasked with rolling out multiple pieces of software. I am attempting to create an autoit script that will install one piece of software, then go to the next install, and so on until it is complete. I also want to show the user some type of progress bar. What I have created in my test doesn't actually show the progress. It just scrolls from from left to right the entire time. Then once it completes that box will go away and be replaced with a gui that has a button to reboot.

The main 2 issues that I am having is it won't run the script while the progress bar is up and for some reason it is attempting to run all 3 installs at once. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

;Global Const $PBS_MARQUEE = 0x00000008; The progress bar moves like a marquee

Global $i=0

; Create GUI

$Form1 = GUICreate("Install in Progess", 220,60,100,200)

$Progress1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 10, 200, 30, $PBS_MARQUEE)


AdlibEnable("Advance", 50)

; Loop until user exits


until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

Func Advance()


GUICtrlSetData($Progress1, $i)

If $i = 100 Then $i = 0


FileInstall ("C:\test\CitrixWebClient.msi", "c:\Software\",1)

FileInstall ("C:\test\EDSMR11.exe", "c:\Software\",1)

FileInstall ("C:\test\SPA_Sales.exe", "c:\Software\",1)

;EDSM Install

RunWait ("c:\software\EDSMR11.exe --silent --ssf: servername --uninstr4")

;Citrix Install

ShellExecuteWait ("c:\software\CitrixWebClient.msi", "-passive")

;Sygate Install

RunWait ("c:\software\SPA_Sales.EXE")

GUIDelete ($Form1)

$Form1_1 = GUICreate("Installation Complete", 318, 112, 193, 125)

$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Reboot Now", 56, 24, 177, 49, 0)


While 1

$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()

Switch $nMsg


Case $nMsg = $Button1

Shutdown (2)




Edited by tharris
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This is because, you do not want to adlibenable the progress... you want to do somehting like this:

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
;Global Const $PBS_MARQUEE = 0x00000008; The progress bar moves like a marquee
Global $i=0

; Create GUI
$Form1 = GUICreate("Install in Progess", 220,60,100,200)
$Progress1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(10, 10, 200, 30, $PBS_MARQUEE)
until GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
FileInstall ("C:\test\CitrixWebClient.msi", "c:\Software\",1)
FileInstall ("C:\test\EDSMR11.exe", "c:\Software\",1)
FileInstall ("C:\test\SPA_Sales.exe", "c:\Software\",1)
;EDSM Install
RunWait ("c:\software\EDSMR11.exe --silent --ssf: ssfxfgo4.fxfeast.freight.fedex.com --uninstr4")
GUICtrlSetData($Progress1, 33)
;Citrix Install
ShellExecuteWait ("c:\software\CitrixWebClient.msi", "-passive")
GUICtrlSetData($Progress1, 66)
;Sygate Install
RunWait ("c:\software\SPA_Sales.EXE")
GUICtrlSetData($Progress1, 100)
GUIDelete ($Form1)

$Form1_1 = GUICreate("Installation Complete", 318, 112, 193, 125)
$Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Reboot Now", 56, 24, 177, 49, 0)

While 1
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $nMsg
Case $nMsg = $Button1
Shutdown (2)

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The technique you mentioned is one I have used in the past for other installs. I was hoping to be able to set some sort of a scrolling bar. The only reason I say this is because one install will take 10-15 minutes and the others will only take a couple. If I set the progress bar like this most users will close it off because they will think it is hung.

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Then maybe during this installer, after each install make it adlib enable, going back and forth only from 0-33, and then the next time, 0-66, etc. until its finished, that may make it look better, and may look like its actually installing.

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