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SendMessage.au3 & Autoit vs AutoitBeta

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I've got one and the same script and the latest beta version can't include SendMessage.au3 but the normal version can. What's the deal? Should I not use the Beta? Am I doing something wrong?

If I copy the file into the Beta/include folder it gives me and "already defined" error when I try to compile. I make enough errors as it is I need the compiler to aid my stupid self not give me more error messages than I deserve :)

Any suggestions?

It has got to do with:

#include "ScriptComm.au3"



I assume these functions have been changed somwhat but I'm clueless as to how to help myself. I used to always save my script using notepad++ and then use the aut2exe to test my script but I'm now enjoying only pressing F5 to do so and I'd love this to work for my stupid script as well.

Thank you!

Edited by hypertyper
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SendMessage.au3 works for me in the beta. I'm not sure about Notepad++ since I don't use it for AutoIT. But in SciTE, if you want to run scripts with includes from the Beta you can choose Tools > Beta Run (ALT+F5).

And the include has changed from the current release to the beta. In the current release, you need to include Misc.au3 for _SendMessage(). In the beta you need to include SendMessage.au3.

So, using SciTE, current release, run with F5:

#include <Misc.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

_SendMessage(WinGetHandle("Untitled - Notepad"),$WM_CLOSE)

Beta, run with ALT+F5:

#include <SendMessage.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

_SendMessage(WinGetHandle("Untitled - Notepad"),$WM_CLOSE)

Is that what you meant?

Edited by covaks
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