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My message box is too little (size does matters)

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I am concatenating several files into one and displaying the resulting file in a msgbox. My problem is that the file is larger that the display and it scrolls off the bottom of the screen and no way to see the bottom of the msgbox. I don't see a way to add scroll controls to the msgbox.

The following is the function I am calling and the last line of the last if statement is where I am stuck.

Func dsply_log()

$chars = "0"

$icounter = 7 ;max number of logs to read

$iolder_than = $slogfilename

While $iolder_than > 0

;next two lines insures the necessary preceding zero's are in place else the systen can't see the log files

If $iolder_than < 100 And $iolder_than > 9 Then $iolder_than = "0" & $iolder_than

If $iolder_than < 10 And $iolder_than > 0 Then $iolder_than = "00" & $iolder_than

If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\" & $iolder_than & ".log") Then ;checks for the file first

$file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\" & $iolder_than & ".log", 0);reads file into var

While 1 ; reads var char by char into $chars

$chars &= FileRead($file)

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop; this indicated EOF is found and exits loop



$icounter = $icounter - 1

If $icounter = 0 then ExitLoop


$iolder_than = $iolder_than -1


If $chars = '' Then

MsgBox(0, "Test Log", "No logs found")


MsgBox(0, "Test Log", $chars)



Thanks again

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And thanks for having a look.

I am concatenating several files into one and displaying the resulting file in a msgbox. My problem is that the file is larger that the display and it scrolls off the bottom of the screen and no way to see the bottom of the msgbox. I don't see a way to add scroll controls to the msgbox.

The following is the function I am calling and the last line of the last if statement is where I am stuck.

Func dsply_log()

$chars = "0"

$icounter = 7 ;max number of logs to read

$iolder_than = $slogfilename

While $iolder_than > 0

;next two lines insures the necessary preceding zero's are in place else the systen can't see the log files

If $iolder_than < 100 And $iolder_than > 9 Then $iolder_than = "0" & $iolder_than

If $iolder_than < 10 And $iolder_than > 0 Then $iolder_than = "00" & $iolder_than

If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\" & $iolder_than & ".log") Then ;checks for the file first

$file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "\" & $iolder_than & ".log", 0);reads file into var

While 1 ; reads var char by char into $chars

$chars &= FileRead($file)

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop; this indicated EOF is found and exits loop



$icounter = $icounter - 1

If $icounter = 0 then ExitLoop


$iolder_than = $iolder_than -1


If $chars = '' Then

MsgBox(0, "Test Log", "No logs found")


MsgBox(0, "Test Log", $chars)



Thanks again

Instead of the MsgBox if $chars <> '' you could make your own gui and put an edit in it. Put $chars in the edit and then the user can scroll to the bottom.
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