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QuickE V2.2.102


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What a fruitcake ... He changes his identity and slips up to let everyone know what his new identity is. Here's a tip for you Dalarn AKA Agent Smith ... Posting on the same thread as a new identity just joining and flaming your former identity probably allowed most of the members of this forum to realize that Agent Smith was you. Your career as an "3|it3 |-|@x0r" is off to a tediuos start.

We have enough youth. How about a fountain of SMART?

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Wow Dalarn, ive been hearing alot about you, well, see alot about you. Im not the type to flame, but.....omg...lol get out of the house for afew hours, u wont get ANYWHERE trying to hack cp's or any of that. They invented Firewalls and Antivirus software because of you small peanut in ur head, but anyway...



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Guy's I'm not dalarn, I have been working on a similar project for months. I had it in my fileman account, before I deleted it. OMG, don't tell me he took it and rewrote it? Shit, well thats alot of time down the drain. Has he been using my name too? I don't even know a John Smith, I know a Josh Smith. Wait hisIp is right? I kept getting anonymous Emails about the prject with improved source code. When I ran it, it had a jumble of errors so I just took the ideas and recoded them, just a sec let me pull up Thunderbird and check the Headers.....

From - Sun Dec 19 11:56:21 2004

X-Account-Key: account3

X-UIDL: 20041219195551r1200f5nnve0001gm

X-Mozilla-Status: 0000

X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000

Received: from neo

(c-67-170-151-252.client.comcast.net[](untrusted sender))

by rwcrmxc12.comcast.net (rwcrmxc12) with SMTP

id <20041219195550r1200d18i9e>; Sun, 18 Dec 2004 13:27:51 +0000

X-Originating-IP: []

Message-ID: <41C5DCDD.5070309@comcast.net>

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 11:56:13 -0800

From: (unknown sender) <emailproject@anonymous.com>

User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)

X-Accept-Language: en-us, en

MIME-Version: 1.0

To: l.m.valley@comcast.net

Subject: Email Client Project

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Do you know who I am yet? Hehe. I have been working on your script you posted at blizzhackers before it got removed for violating the third party license agreement. ell I got another Update for you....

HotKeySet("{Esc}", "Exit")
$ExitCode = RunWait("CScript.exe" > NUL', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE)
If $ExitCode = 0 Then
MsgBox(64, "Error", "WScript is disabled.  Sorry!")

SplashTextOn("Disclaimer", "I am in no way responsible for the way you use this program.  By using this program you are in agreement that should you use this maliciously, you will accept all responsibility for your actions and will not hold me, Dalarn, responsible for your actions in any way.", 500, 90, -1, -1, 4, "", 12)
#include <GuiConstants.au3>
Dim $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW = 0xCF0000, $WS_VISIBLE = 0x10000000, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS = 0x04000000

GuiCreate("QuickE", 300, 410,(@DesktopWidth-300)/2, (@DesktopHeight-375)/2 , $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + $WS_VISIBLE + $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS)

$Title = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Welcome to QuickE!  The Quick Email Client.  Please complete the required fields below and hit send email.", 10, 10, 290, 30)
$InputTo = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 3, 79, 295, 20)
$Label_1 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Recipent's Email Address", 91, 57, 120, 20)
$Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Sender's Email Address", 96, 100, 110, 20)
$InputFrom = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 3, 121, 296, 20)
$Label_3 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Subject", 131, 150, 38, 20)
$InputSubject = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 3, 170, 295, 20)
$Label_4 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Message", 128, 193, 46, 20)
$InputTextBody = GuiCtrlCreateEdit("", 3, 220, 295, 110)
$InputSMTP = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 3, 350, 295, 20)
$Send = GuiCtrlCreateButton("Send Email", 90, 375, 105, 30)
$Label_2 = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Local SMTP Server", 105, 335, 110, 15)
$confirm = 0
$file = 2

While 1
$msg = GuiGetMsg()

If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then
ElseIf $msg = 13 Then
$file = FileOpen("C:\email.vbs", 1)
$To = GUIRead (4)
$From = GUIRead (7)
$Subject = GUIRead (9)
$TextBody = GUIRead (11)
$SMTP = GUIRead (12)
FileWriteLine($file, 'set imsg = createobject("cdo.message")')
FileWriteLine($file, 'set iconf = createobject("cdo.configuration")')
FileWriteLine($file, ' ')
FileWriteLine($file, 'Set Flds = iConf.Fields')
FileWriteLine($file, 'With Flds')
FileWriteLine($file, '.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2')
FileWriteLine($file, '.Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "' & $SMTP & '"')
FileWriteLine($file, '.Update')
FileWriteLine($file, 'End With')
FileWriteLine($file, 'With Msg')
FileWRiteLine($file, '   Set.Configuration = iConf')
FileWriteLine($file, '    .To = "' & $To & '"')
FileWriteLine($file, '    .From = "' & $From & '"')
FileWriteLine($file, '    .CC = ""')
FileWriteLine($file, '    .Subject = ' & $Subject & '')
FileWriteLine($file, '    .TextBody = "' & $TextBody & '"')
FileWriteLine($file, '    .fields.update')
FileWriteLine($file, '    .Sed')
FileWriteLine($file, 'End with')
FileWriteLine($file, 'set imsg = nothing')
FileWriteLine($file, 'set iconf = nothing')
$confirm = MsgBox(4, "Confirmation of Email", "Are you sure you wish to send this. All electronic information after this will be unretriveable. Proceed?")

If $confirm = 6 Then
$file = FileExists("C:\email.vbs")
ElseIf $confirm = 7 Then

While $file = 1
SplashTextOn("Sending....","Sending email......", 200, 25)
Run("cscript.exe C:\email.vbs", "C:\")
$file = FileExists("C:\email.vbs")
If $file = 0 Then
GUICtrlSetData ( 4, "")
GUICtrlSetData ( 7, "")
GUICtrlSetData ( 9, "")
GUICtrlSetData ( 11, "")
MsgBox(0, "Email Sent", "Your email have been sent!")

Func Exit

Message End......

A few days after that I stuck a deal with Blizzhackers Creator hAl0 and he said as long as it helps users learn the language I can post it. So I posted it again. It seemed the anonymous person had been on an account with the name Realm MaX and Max_Programs and a few others with that Didn't know it was this dude till now.

I do have a few words for Dalarn which I will send in a unpleasant private message. Little bitch.

Edit: To all porgrammers you can try and debug this, but I just read it and recoded it. There are to many missle characters and badly formed functions, and not using WinWait or anything. I think he took my project from blizzhackers and directly posted it here without looking at it, thinking I had did the same when I did the email.

Edited by Agent Smith
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Dude I aint bein a prick, I am in no way associated with Dalarn or anything. Guidosoft, in Valik's kind words, Would you like some sweet and tasty bullshit, so that I will say that I am him, or would you like the cold brutally honest truth, that I am not him? Which do you prefer?

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Guest Guidosoft

hmm, it's interesting that when darlarn is here you ain't, but when your here, he ain't. Also, there is a very unlikley hood of what your saying is true. Unless you have any gooooood prooooof of your innocence and that valik pushed some to sucicidal then I cannot believe you because all of the evidence that other people bring up and that you bring up is against YOU!!!!

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Woah Woah dude first stop yelling at me, I was looking at his profile and he has the email availible as tst_hacker@yahoo.com, I will make mine avialible so you can see what it is.... mine is l.m.valley@comcast.net Liz.Max.PortlandValley@comcast.net thats why I love that email, any ways do I really seem like dalarn?

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Guest Guidosoft

I apoligize Agent Smith. I have just seen darlarn present simeltainously as you. HE IS THE FUCK. Not you. Your are being much nicer to me. He is cursing like crazy. He just sent me a weird pm saying "YES I CAN YOU SOMETHING FUCKER!!!!" in response to a "CAN YOU PROVE YOUR INNOCENCE" Pm.

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No worries dude, I know people make mistakes. hAl0 will have his ass chewed out by tomarrow though..... little grrrrrr. Why hate him, when the world already hates him, o wait, it's to make him cry right? God I hate people who steal scripts. He will be in my prayers tonight. Even if I don't like him I will still pray for him to stop this fopolish nonsense.

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