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duplicate text, on saving

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When i pres save for settings file ($saveb) it duplicates text ant then saves it , how to fix it?

#include <guiconstants.au3>
#include <File.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <GuiEdit.au3>

GUICreate("Config Editor",640,800) 
$configpath = GUICtrlCreateInput("file path not loaded",3,3,634)
$load =  GUICtrlCreateButton("Load",3,25+1)
$reload =  GUICtrlCreateButton("ReLoad",3 + 33,25+1)
$save =  GUICtrlCreateButton("Save",3 + 33 +  45,25+1)
$loadb =  GUICtrlCreateButton("Load",3,25+26)
$reloadb =  GUICtrlCreateButton("ReLoad",3 + 33,25+26)
$saveb =  GUICtrlCreateButton("Save",3 + 33 +  45,25+26)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("<--- For settings file path",3+33+45+28+ 10,35)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("<--- Bottons for main settings file",3+33+45+28+ 10,55)
$edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("file path not loaded",3,3 + 77,634,800 - 93)
GUISetState (@SW_SHOW)

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
Case $save 
$pathtexet = GUICtrlRead($configpath)
$crypt = _StringEncrypt(1,$pathtexet,"keerulinesalas6na",1)
Case $load
$read = FileReadLine (@ScriptDir&"\path",1)
$decrypted = _StringEncrypt(0,$read,"keerulinesalas6na",1)
$configfilepath = $decrypted
Case $reload
$read = FileReadLine (@ScriptDir&"\path",1)
$decrypted = _StringEncrypt(0,$read,"keerulinesalas6na",1)
$configfilepath = $decrypted
Case $loadb
$read = FileRead (@ScriptDir&"\path")
$decrypted = _StringEncrypt(0,$read,"keerulinesalas6na",1)
$configfile = $decrypted
$set = FileRead($decrypted)
GUICtrlSetData($edit1, $set)
Case $reloadb
$read = FileRead (@ScriptDir&"\path")
$decrypted = _StringEncrypt(0,$read,"keerulinesalas6na",1)
$configfile = $decrypted
$set = FileRead($decrypted)
GUICtrlSetData($edit1, $set)
Case $saveb
$read = FileRead (@ScriptDir&"\path")
$decrypted = _StringEncrypt(0,$read,"keerulinesalas6na",1)
$configfile = $decrypted
$settingstexet = GUICtrlRead($edit1)
$set = FileWrite ($configfile,$settingstexet)
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But in this function it works

Func Defaults($iDelay = 0)

Local $sCmdFile


$sCmdFile = 'toor' & @CRLF _

& 'NO' & @CRLF _

& 'YES' & @CRLF _

& 'YES' & @CRLF _

& 'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe' & @CRLF _

& 'Notepad' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\7-Zip\7zFM.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\OpenOffice.org 2.3\program\swriter.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\OpenOffice.org 2.3\program\smath.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\OpenOffice.org 2.3\program\simpress.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\OpenOffice.org 2.3\program\sdraw.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\OpenOffice.org 2.3\program\scalc.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\OpenOffice.org 2.3\program\sbase.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\Notepad++\notepad++.exe' & @CRLF _

& 'Word' & @CRLF _

& 'Excel' & @CRLF _

& 'Wallpapers=YES' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\IrfanView\i_view32.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\GIMP-2.0\bin\gimp-2.4.exe' & @CRLF _

& @SystemDir & '\mspaint.exe' & @CRLF _

& @ProgramFilesDir & '\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe' & @CRLF _

& 'root' & @CRLF _

& 'C:\run.exe' & @CRLF _

& 'C:\taskmanager.exe'

FileWrite($configfilepath, $sCmdFile)

EndFunc ;==>Defaults

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Sure it will, because you deleted the file first so you can use FileWrite or FileWriteLine without first using FileOpen() but it the file exists then any FileWrite or FileWriteLine will append to the existing file.

There are two ways to do what you want when using an existing file.

$tFile = FileOpen("myFile.txt", 2)


Write whatever you want to the file "myFile.txt" because it is now blank.

However this method is prefered,

$tFile = FileOpen("myFile.txt", 2)

Write whatever you want to $tFile

Write some more to $tFile



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