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[Solved] Embedding Windows Media Player in the GUI


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I'm trying to embed the Windows Media Player in a GUI. I searched long for a solution but couldn't figure out how it is possible to show the video output of the player.

I tried this:

$oMP = ObjCreate("WMPlayer.OCX")
With $oMP
    .Settings.autoStart = True
$mediaplayer = GUICtrlCreateObj($oMP, 470, 110, 300, 300)

When I load a file ($oMP.url = "...") I hear the sound but the object in the GUI remains to be a black box.

I already looked up the Microsoft Developer Network and in the OLE/COM Object Viewer for any possible option but found no solution.

Anyone know what to do?

Edited by Armag3ddon
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Ah, sorry. Thought this forum was for COM scripting in general. Maybe a mod could switch this thread to the right forum please? :D

A "quick" search gave me this solution: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.ph...&hl=WMMedia

I copied the code but it doesn't work:

$firstfile = GUICtrlRead($pathf); this is definitely an existing file
$handle = _VidOpen($firstfile, "dbViewer", $window, 470, 110, 300, 300)

Same effect: sound but no video output

Edited by Armag3ddon
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That's maybe a step more towards success.

$oMP = ObjCreate("WMPlayer.OCX")
$mediaplayer = GUICtrlCreateObj($oMP, 470, 110, 300, 300)
With $oMP
    .fullScreen = True
    .windowlessVideo = True
    .stretchToFit = True
    .enableContextMenu = True
    .enabled = True
    .uiMode = "full"; none / mini full
    .settings.autostart = True
    .settings.mute = False
    .settings.volume = 100; 0 - 100
    .settings.Balance = 0; -100 to 100

This is my code. When I start my gui, there are the media player controls (.uiMode = "full"). The size of the control is smaller than 300x300

But after loading a video file:

With $oMP
    .URL = GUICtrlRead($pathf); $pathf is an existing file

...the control resizes itself (to 300x300) and becomes black if it's a DivX formatted ".avi" file. I also tested a ".mpg" file. Then the control resizes itself as well but the control bar remains (the progress slider does his work too)!

But still no visual output of the file :D

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But still no visual output of the file

In your code, make this change:

.windowlessVideo = False

But I couldn't get the .stretchToFit = True part to work in that code.

But I made a UDF for you, it will only work to play one file or playlist, but it has many options that all work:


#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

#include <IE.au3>

#Region Test

Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1); no required

_IEErrorHandlerRegister (); optional error handler

Global $movie = FileOpenDialog("Open a movie or playlist", @MyDocumentsDir, "Movies (*.wpl;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.wmv;*.avi)", 3)

Global $MyGUI = GUICreate("WMPlayer Control", 330, 250)

Global $oIE = _GUICtrl_CreateWMPlayer($movie, 5, 5, 320, 240)

GUISetState (@SW_SHOW, $MyGUI)

Global $playerOBJ = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "objWMPlayer")

While 1


If GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then ExitLoop


$oIE = ""

#EndRegion Test


; Function: _GUICtrl_CreateWMPlayer

; Purpose: Embed Windows Media Player and play one file or one playlist only.

; Notes: PARAM NAME="url" is ReadOnly

; Authors: squirrely1

; borderless IE embed example: GaryFrost

; Kudos - Kåre Johansson, CFire

; References:

; http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms930698.aspx

; http://www.w3schools.com/media/media_playerref.asp

; clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6 - wmplayer latest installed version

; clsid:22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95 - wmp 6.4


Func _GUICtrl_CreateWMPlayer($movieURL, $playerLeft, $playerTop, $playerWidth, $playerHeight, _

$insetBorders = 0, $fullscreenMode = False, $showControls = False, $enableContextMenu = True, _

$LoopMode = True, $playCount = 1, $playVolume = 100, $playBalance = 0, $enableFullScreenControls = True)

If $fullscreenMode Then

$fullscreenMode = "true"


$fullscreenMode = "false"


If $showControls Then

$showControls = "true"


$showControls = "false"


If $enableContextMenu Then

$enableContextMenu = "true"


$enableContextMenu = "false"


If $LoopMode Then

$playCount = 999


If $enableFullScreenControls Then

$enableFullScreenControls = "true"


$enableFullScreenControls = "false"


Local $myIE_Obj = _IECreateEmbedded ()

Local $GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj($myIE_Obj, $playerLeft, $playerTop, $playerWidth, $playerHeight)

_IENavigate($myIE_Obj, "about:blank")

Local $htmlWMP

$htmlWMP = '' _

& @CR & '<body style="margin:0;padding:0">' _

& @CR & '<OBJECT' _

& @CR & 'ID="objWMPlayer"' _

& @CR & 'STYLE="margin:0;padding:0"' _

& @CR & 'HSPACE="0"' _

& @CR & 'VSPACE="0"' _

& @CR & 'BORDER="0"' _

& @CR & 'WIDTH="' & $playerWidth & '"' _

& @CR & 'HEIGHT="' & $playerHeight & '"' _

& @CR & 'CLASSID="clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6"' _

& @CR & 'STANDBY="Loading Windows Media Player components..."' _

& @CR & 'TYPE="application/x-oleobject">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="allowHideControls" VALUE="true">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="autoStart" VALUE="true">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="audioStream" VALUE="false">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="autoSize" VALUE="true">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="balance" VALUE="' & $playBalance & '"><!-- -100 to 100 -->' _

& @CR & '<!-- <PARAM NAME="bufferingTime" VALUE="5"><!-- seconds -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="clickToPlay" VALUE="false"><!-- has no effect -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="currentPosition" VALUE="0"><!-- start position within video, in seconds -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="enableContextMenu" VALUE="' & $enableContextMenu & '">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="enableFullScreenControls" VALUE="' & $enableFullScreenControls & '">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="enabled" VALUE="true"><!-- whether controls are enabled -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="fullScreen" VALUE="' & $fullscreenMode & '">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="mute" VALUE="false">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="playCount" VALUE="' & $playCount & '">' _

& @CR & '<!-- <PARAM NAME="previewMode" VALUE="true"> -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="rate" VALUE="1"><!-- play speed of -.5 to 2 increments of .1 -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="sendPlayStateChangeEvents" VALUE="false">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showCaptioning" VALUE="false">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showControls" VALUE="' & $showControls & '">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showGotoBar" VALUE="false">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showPositionControls" VALUE="true"><!-- uiMode must = "full" -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showStatusBar" VALUE="false"><!-- has no effect -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="showDisplay" VALUE="true"><!-- has no effect - reportedly shows filename -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="stretchToFit" VALUE="true">' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="uiMode" VALUE="none"><!-- invisible, none, mini, full -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="url" VALUE="' & $movieURL & '">' _

& @CR & '<!-- <PARAM NAME="videoBorderWidth" VALUE="0"> -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="volume" VALUE="' & $playVolume & '"><!-- volume percent setting of wmplayer.exe -->' _

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="windowlessVideo" VALUE="false"><!-- must be the default (false) for function to work in wmp 9.0, otherwise might renders video directly in the client area -->' _

& @CR & '</OBJECT>' _

& @CR & '</body>'

_IEDocWriteHTML ($myIE_Obj, $htmlWMP)

_IEAction ($myIE_Obj, "refresh")

$myIE_Obj.document.body.scroll = "no"

$myIE_Obj.document.body.style.border = $insetBorders

Return $myIE_Obj

EndFunc ;==>_GUICtrl_CreateWMPlayer

Edit 2: Well I found out that, in my code above, if you exclude the line:

& @CR & '<PARAM NAME="url" VALUE="' & $movieURL & '">' _

then the object.url is not readonly and you can change it, using the object as returned by this line:

Global $playerOBJ = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "objWMPlayer")

so you can load file after file by chaning the value assigned to $playerOBJ.url

Edited by Squirrely1

Das Häschen benutzt Radar

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Wee :D Finally I see the video! .windowlessVideo = False did it.

According to MSDN .stretchToFit maintains the original aspect ratio. But that's okay for me.

IE.au3 doesn't work proper on this PC (--> IE.au3 V2.3-1 Warning from function _IEGetObjById, $_IEStatus_NoMatch) due to my IE security settings I think.

I'll test your UDF tomorrow on the right PC.

But so far .windowlessVideo is sufficient.

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