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Reading an .ini problem


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Hey. Can someone help me with solving my ini file issue..

I'm trying to read in 2 different pieces of information and use this info for the dirmove. The ini would look like this










My code is below. Thanks

#include <date.au3>
Dim $date[3]=[@YEAR,@MON,@MDAY]
$inputlocation = @TempDir&"\XS_TEMP2";Location to obtain extracted files
$outputlocation = "C:\OUTPUT\";location to output files
$foldername = @YEAR & _WeekNumberISO()
If Not FileExists($outputlocation) Then DirCreate($outputlocation);creates the dir if it doesn't exist

;************INI TEST*****************
$sections = IniReadSectionNames ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini");reads the sections

$filetoextract = IniRead ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini",$sections,"Filetoextract", "default");gets file to extract

$locationtosave = IniRead ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini",$sections,"Locationtosave", "default");gets location to save

DirMove($inputlocation & $filetoextract,$outputlocation & $locationtosave)
Edited by jben
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IniReadSectionNames returns an array.

Success: Returns an array of all section names in the INI file.

Failure: Sets @error on failure.

Should do something like the following:

$filetoextract = IniRead ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini",$sections[0],"Filetoextract", "default");gets file to extract
Edited by DarkMatter

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Hey. Can someone help me with solving my ini file issue..

I'm trying to read in 2 different pieces of information and use this info for the dirmove. The ini would look like this










My code is below. Thanks

#include <date.au3>
 Dim $date[3]=[@YEAR,@MON,@MDAY]
 $inputlocation = @TempDir&"\XS_TEMP2";Location to obtain extracted files
 $outputlocation = "C:\OUTPUT\";location to output files
 $foldername = @YEAR & _WeekNumberISO()
 If Not FileExists($outputlocation) Then DirCreate($outputlocation);creates the dir if it doesn't exist
;************INI TEST*****************
 $sections = IniReadSectionNames ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini");reads the sections
 $filetoextract = IniRead ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini",$sections,"Filetoextract", "default");gets file to extract
 $locationtosave = IniRead ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini",$sections,"Locationtosave", "default");gets location to save
 DirMove($inputlocation & $filetoextract,$outputlocation & $locationtosave)
Hello jben, having troubles gain? :D

IniReadSectionNames() return an array so this would be better:

#include <date.au3>
Dim $date[3]=[@YEAR,@MON,@MDAY]
$inputlocation = @TempDir&"\XS_TEMP2\";Location to obtain extracted files
$outputlocation = "C:\OUTPUT\";location to output files
$foldername = @YEAR & _WeekNumberISO()
If Not FileExists($outputlocation) Then DirCreate($outputlocation);creates the dir if it doesn't exist

$sections = IniReadSectionNames ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini");reads the sections
If IsArray($sections) Then
For $section In $sections
$filetoextract = IniRead ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini",$section,"Filetoextract", "default");gets file to extract

$locationtosave = IniRead ("C:\Documents and Settings\myname\Desktop\INI TEST\locations.ini",$section,"Locationtosave", "default");gets location to save

DirMove($inputlocation & $filetoextract,$outputlocation & $locationtosave)

Edit: Also fixed some backslash errors in your code :D

Edited by monoceres

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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