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Playing steaming music.

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The sound functions don't let you play streaming music. So I decided to try something different. I started a method which worked somewhat. I connected to a Shoutcast server and saved the stream to a file then I used the sound functions to play the file and repeated the process. The only problem is Shoutcast, like most streaming music servers, have a function to send you the same data over and over again if the connection is interrupted. The connection is interrupted every time the file is played. So I'm trying a new method where the sound is piped directly into Autoit. below is all I have at the moment.

$Socket = TCPConnect("",8240)
TCPSend($Socket,"GET / HTTP/1.0"&@CRLF&"Host:"&@CRLF&"User-Agent: WinampMPEG/5.52"&@CRLF&"Accept: */*"&@CRLF&"Icy-MetaData:1"&@CRLF&"Connection: close"&@CRLF&@CRLF)

While 1
    $Recv = TCPRecv($Socket,2048)

From there I'm stumped.

Anyone wanna take a crack at it and collaborate on it?

[size="1"]Please stop confusing "how to" with "how do"[/size]

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Tried it. It would load the object but it wouldn't play. I would really like to see this with a TCP function though since it would be more flexible.

[size="1"]Please stop confusing "how to" with "how do"[/size]

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Yes I know how to do that. My issue is that it won't load the video in the embedded object in autoit. I also don't want there to be a requirement to have WMP installed on a persons system. Personally I don't have WMP installed unless I'm doing something that requires it such as the WMP object.

[size="1"]Please stop confusing "how to" with "how do"[/size]

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this actually reminds me of a program that i was going to write a while back.

my dad owns a restaurant and i have streaming radio going to the store speakers for music, but the station keeps closing, it just sparked me that i can use autoit to detect if it stops then reconnect, or play another station if there is no connection.

let me know what you come up with, i might have to look back into this project.

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With the new feature to send binary streams via STDIO you can do a whole bunch of things with the VLC Player (link).


$f_MediaFile = FileOpen("C:\somemovie.avi",0+16)
$p_VLC = Run("vlc.exe -","",@SW_MAXIMIZE,1) ; the "-" as parameter tells VLC to take STDIO as input

While 1
    $buffer = FileRead($f_MediaFile,1024)
    If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop


Instead of streaming from a file you can send the TCP buffer to VLC.

Just make sure you use the latest Autoit version (v3.2.12.0).

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