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problem using variables for GUICtrlSetData

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Hi, I have written a script to learn AutoIt that shoots down the pc, having configured it on a gui.

I added to it the possibility to change the gui language from the menu, but by now it only writes the language chosen in a ini file, and it reads the ini configuration when you start it agai: I wanted to refresh the gui..

The problem is on $radioReboot variable at line 245 (file "shutdown_please.au3"), it says "variable used without being declared" (if I comment this line it works, but does not what I wanted to)... :)

someone can help me?

The program if made of these files:

shutdown_please.au3 - main script

LABELS_IT.AU3 - translation labels for gui in italian

LABELS_EN.AU3 - translation labels for gui in italian

LABELS_DEFAULT.AU3 - translation labels for gui (experimental)

LABELS.AU3 - labels (experimental)

sp_config.ini (configuration file, by now only with language preferences)



; Script for shutting down pc with delay time:

; - shutdown could be from logoff to suspend

; - time may be delayed, up to 24 days


; - shutdown at a given time (i.e. 12:00:00 AM)

; - menu and language change to be improved

; The code of mine is under GPL 2

; ******************************


Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) ;variables MUST be declared

; ******************************


; Configuration:

Enum $ConfigFile = "sp_config.ini"

; Constantants for AutoIt shutdown option:

Enum $CodeLogoff = 0

Enum $CodeShutdown = 1

Enum $CodeReboot = 2

Enum $CodeForce = 4

Enum $CodePowerdown = 8

Enum $CodeStandby = 32

Enum $CodeHibernate = 64

; Constant for results and controls

Enum $CTRL_OK = "OK"

Enum $CTRL_NOK = "NOK"

; Constants for messages

Enum $OK = 1

Enum $CANCEL = 2

Enum $ABORT = 3

Enum $YES = 6

Enum $NO = 7

; Constants for language

Enum $LanguageCodeEN = "EN"

Enum $LanguageCodeIT = "IT"

Enum $LanguageCodeDef = "Default"

; ******************************


; Include for text in different languages:

#include "LABELS.AU3"

Dim $configUserLanguage = IniRead($ConfigFile, "Language", "UserLanguage", $LanguageCodeDef)


; ******************************


Dim $shutdownChoice, $chosenActionLabel, $delayTime

; ** GUI variables **

Dim $eventMsg

Dim $choiceLanguage, $choiceAction, $choiceTimeLength, $choiceTime

; * menu variables

Dim $menuSettings, $menuSettingsLanguages, $menuitemSettingsLanguageSeparator1

Dim $menuitemSettingsLanguageDefault, $menuitemSettingsLanguageIT, $menuitemSettingsLanguageEN

; * group with radio - choice of shutdown action type variables

Dim $radioLogoff, $radioShutdown, $radioReboot, $radioForce, $radioPowerdown, $radioStandby, $radioHibernate

; * edit - choice of time variables

Dim $editTime

; * group with radio - choice of timer type variables

Dim $radioSeconds, $radioMinutes, $radioHours

; * buttons - ok and cancel variables

Dim $okbutton, $cancelbutton

; ******************************


; ** Generate GUI **


; ** Manage GUI events **


; ******************************


; ******************************

; ******************************

; *** ShutdownChoiceGui ***

; Function that creates and shows the program GUI.

Func ShutdownChoiceGui()


#include <GUIConstants.au3>

Global $radioLogoff, $radioShutdown, $radioReboot, $radioForce, $radioPowerdown, $radioStandby, $radioHibernate

; ** GUI creation **

GUICreate($TitleGUI) ;, 200, 100)

;GUISetIcon ("shutdown_please.ico")

; ** GUI composition **

; * menu Settings

$menuSettings = GUICtrlCreateMenu ($LabelSettingsMenu)

$menuSettingsLanguages = GUICtrlCreateMenu ($LabelLanguagesMenu, $menuSettings, 1)

$menuitemSettingsLanguageIT = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ($LabelLanguageItalian, $menuSettingsLanguages)

GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_CHECKED) ;DA MODIFICARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

$menuitemSettingsLanguageEN = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ($LabelLanguageEnglish, $menuSettingsLanguages)

$menuitemSettingsLanguageSeparator1 = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ("", $menuSettingsLanguages, 2)

$menuitemSettingsLanguageDefault = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem ($LabelLanguageDefault, $menuSettingsLanguages)

;GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_DEFBUTTON)

; * group with radio: choice of shutdown action type

GUICtrlCreateGroup ($LabelGroupAction, 15, 10, 200, 250)


$radioLogoff = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioActionLogoff, 30, 30, 180, 30)

$radioShutdown = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioActionShutdown, 30, 60, 180, 30)

$radioReboot = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioActionReboot, 30, 90, 180, 30)

$radioForce = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioActionForce, 30, 120, 180, 30)

$radioPowerdown = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioActionPowerdown, 30, 150, 180, 30)

$radioStandby = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioActionStandby, 30, 180, 180, 30)

$radioHibernate = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioActionHibernate, 30, 210, 180, 30)

GUICtrlCreateGroup ("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group

GUICtrlSetState ($radioHibernate, $GUI_CHECKED)

; * edit: choice of time (for timer)

$editTime = GUICtrlCreateInput ( "1", 240, 30, 70, 20)

; * group with radio: choice of timer type

GUICtrlCreateGroup ($LabelGroupTime, 225, 10, 120, 160)


$radioSeconds = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioTimeSeconds, 240, 60, 100, 30)

$radioMinutes = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioTimeMinutes, 240, 90, 100, 30)

$radioHours = GUICtrlCreateRadio ($LabelRadioTimeHours, 240, 120, 100, 30)

GUICtrlCreateGroup ("", -99, -99, 1, 1) ;close group

GUICtrlSetState ($radioHours, $GUI_CHECKED)

; * labels


; * buttons: ok and cancel

$okbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton($LabelButtonOk, 100, 280, 60)

$cancelbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton($LabelButtonCancel, 170, 280, 60)

GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_FOCUS)


; ** Set state for GUI **


; * Default values

$choiceLanguage = $configUserLanguage

$choiceAction = $radioHibernate

$choiceTimeLength = 1

$choiceTime = $LabelChoiceHours

EndFunc ; ShutdownChoiceGui

; ******************************

; *** ManageGuiEvents ***

; Function that manages GUI events.

Func ManageGuiEvents()

While 1

$eventMsg = GUIGetMsg()


; * Laguage choice

Case $eventMsg = $menuitemSettingsLanguageEN


Case $eventMsg = $menuitemSettingsLanguageIT


;GUICtrlSetData($radioSeconds, $LabelRadioTimeSeconds)

Case $eventMsg = $menuitemSettingsLanguageDefault


; * Program base commands

Case $eventMsg = $okbutton

; Time lenght choice

$choiceTimeLength = GUICtrlRead($editTime)

;MsgBox(0, "GUI Event", ControlInput($choiceTimeLength))

If ControlInput($choiceTimeLength) = $CTRL_OK Then

; Action choice


Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioLogoff),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceAction = $CodeLogoff

$chosenActionLabel = StringReplace($LabelRadioActionLogoff, "&", "")

Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioShutdown),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceAction = $CodeShutdown

$chosenActionLabel = StringReplace($LabelRadioActionShutdown, "&", "")

Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioReboot),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceAction = $CodeReboot

$chosenActionLabel = StringReplace($LabelRadioActionReboot, "&", "")

Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioForce),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceAction = $CodeForce

$chosenActionLabel = StringReplace($LabelRadioActionForce, "&", "")

Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioPowerdown),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceAction = $CodePowerdown

$chosenActionLabel = StringReplace($LabelRadioActionPowerdown, "&", "")

Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioStandby),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceAction = $CodeStandby

$chosenActionLabel = StringReplace($LabelRadioActionStandby, "&", "")

Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioHibernate),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceAction = $CodeHibernate

$chosenActionLabel = StringReplace($LabelRadioActionHibernate, "&", "")


; Time type choice


Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioSeconds),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceTime = $LabelChoiceSeconds

Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioMinutes),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceTime = $LabelChoiceMinutes

Case BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($radioHours),$GUI_CHECKED)

$choiceTime = $LabelChoiceHours


;MsgBox(0, "GUI Event", "Lang: " & $choiceLanguage & " - Action: " & $choiceAction & " - Timer time: " & $choiceTimeLength & " - Time type: " & $choiceTime) ;, 4)

$delayTime = SetDelayTime($choiceTimeLength, $choiceTime)

$ConfirmMsg = StringReplace($ConfirmMsg, "$chosenActionLabel", $chosenActionLabel)

$ConfirmMsg = StringReplace($ConfirmMsg, "$choiceTimeLength", $choiceTimeLength)

$ConfirmMsg = StringReplace($ConfirmMsg, "$choiceTime", $choiceTime)

If MsgBox(4, $TitleConfirmMsg, $ConfirmMsg) = $YES Then

DoShutdown($choiceAction, $delayTime)



Else ; time lenght input not correct

MsgBox(0, "GUI Event", $ErrorMsgChoiceTimeLength)


Case $eventMsg = $cancelbutton


Case $eventMsg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

Exit ;ExitLoop



EndFunc ; ManageGuiEvents

; ******************************

; *** ChangeLanguage ***

; Function that changes settings and GUI language (messages included)

Func ChangeLanguage($configUserLanguageIN)

; Memorize user choice:

Dim $ctrlIniWrite = IniWrite($ConfigFile, "Language", "UserLanguage", $configUserLanguageIN)

If $ctrlIniWrite == 1 Then

; Change GUI language according to user choice:

Switch $configUserLanguageIN

Case $LanguageCodeDef


Case $LanguageCodeEN

#include "LABELS_EN.AU3"

GUICtrlSetData($radioReboot, "");$LabelRadioActionReboot)

Case $LanguageCodeIT

#include "LABELS_IT.AU3"

Case Else





MsgBox(48, $TitleChangeLanguageNOK, $MsgChangeLanguageNOK)


EndFunc ; ChangeLanguage

; ******************************

; *** ControlInput ***

; Function that verify (and eventually change) data input received from GUI.

Func ControlInput($choiceTimeLengthIN)

Dim $control

$control = StringIsInt($choiceTimeLengthIN)

If $control == 1 Then

Return $CTRL_OK


Return $CTRL_NOK


; If $choiceTimeLengthIN > 0 AND $choiceTimeLengthIN < 1 Then

; Return $CTRL_OK

; Else

; Return $CTRL_NOK

; EndIf

EndFunc ; ControlInput

; ******************************

; *** SetDelayTime ***

; Function that prepares delay time in the correct format.

Func SetDelayTime($choiceTimeLengthIN, $choiceTimeIN)

Dim $timeMultiplier

; Note: delay time must be in milliseconds

Switch $choiceTimeIN

Case $LabelChoiceSeconds

$timeMultiplier = 1000

Case $LabelChoiceMinutes

$timeMultiplier = 60 * 1000

Case $LabelChoiceHours

$timeMultiplier = 60 * 60 * 1000


Return $choiceTimeLengthIN * $timeMultiplier

EndFunc ; ControlInput

; ******************************

; *** DoShutdown ***

; Function that executes the shutdown, accordingly to user choices.

Func DoShutdown($shutdownChoiceIN, $timeIN)

Sleep ($timeIN) ;in milliseconds (max 24 days)


EndFunc ; DoShutdown




; Variables

$LabelChoiceSeconds = "secondi"

$LabelChoiceMinutes = "minuti"

$LabelChoiceHours = "ore"

; Testo per la GUI:

$TitleGUI = "Spegnimento pc"

$LabelSettingsMenu = "&Impostazioni"

$LabelLanguagesMenu = "Lingua"

$LabelLanguageItalian = "italiano"

$LabelLanguageEnglish = "english"

$LabelLanguageDefault = "Default"

$LabelGroupAction = "Scegli l'azione"

$LabelRadioActionLogoff = "&disconnetti"

$LabelRadioActionShutdown = "spe&gni"

$LabelRadioActionReboot = "&riavvia"

$LabelRadioActionForce = "&forza lo spegnimento"

$LabelRadioActionPowerdown = "&powerdown"

$LabelRadioActionStandby = "stand&by"

$LabelRadioActionHibernate = "sospe&ndi"

$LabelGroupTime = "Esegui tra"

$LabelRadioTimeSeconds = "&secondi"

$LabelRadioTimeMinutes = "&minuti"

$LabelRadioTimeHours = "&ore"

$LabelButtonOk = "Ok"

$LabelButtonCancel = "Annulla"

; Messaggi di errore:

$TitleChangeLanguageNOK = "Errore nelle impostazioni lingua"

$MsgChangeLanguageNOK = "Si è verificato un errore nelle impostazioni della lingua. Provare a verificare se il file di configurazione è di sola lettura."

$ErrorMsgChoiceTimeLength = "Il formato del tempo di esecuzione digitato non è corretto."

$TitleConfirmMsg = "Conferma"

$ConfirmMsg = "Hai scelto '$chosenActionLabel' tra $choiceTimeLength $choiceTime. Confermi?"




; Variables

$LabelChoiceSeconds = "seconds"

$LabelChoiceMinutes = "minutes"

$LabelChoiceHours = "hours"

; Testo per la GUI:

$TitleGUI = "Shutdown pc"

$LabelSettingsMenu = "&Settings"

$LabelLanguagesMenu = "Language"

$LabelLanguageItalian = "italiano"

$LabelLanguageEnglish = "english"

$LabelLanguageDefault = "Default"

$LabelGroupAction = "Choose an action"

$LabelRadioActionLogoff = "&logoff"

$LabelRadioActionShutdown = "&shudown"

$LabelRadioActionReboot = "&reboot"

$LabelRadioActionForce = "&force shutdown"

$LabelRadioActionPowerdown = "&powerdown"

$LabelRadioActionStandby = "stand&by"

$LabelRadioActionHibernate = "&hibernate"

$LabelGroupTime = "Execution delay"

$LabelRadioTimeSeconds = "&seconds"

$LabelRadioTimeMinutes = "&minutes"

$LabelRadioTimeHours = "&hours"

$LabelButtonOk = "Ok"

$LabelButtonCancel = "Cancel"

; Messaggi di errore:

$TitleChangeLanguageNOK = "Error in language settings"

$MsgChangeLanguageNOK = "An error has occurred in language settings. Try and check if configuration file is read-only."

$ErrorMsgChoiceTimeLength = "Delay time format is not correct."

$TitleConfirmMsg = "Confirm"

$ConfirmMsg = "You have chose '$chosenActionLabel' at $choiceTimeLength $choiceTime from now. Do you confirm?"




; Can be used to include other languages not foreseen at time of developing, so you can quickly add one

; by:

; 1) commenting the below instruction, and

; 2) copying below the declarations in a language file containing the labels, i.e. LABELS_EN.AU3,

; and translate the values in your preferred language

; 3) when the user opens the GUI, he should choose the default language as the GUI language (normally it is english).

#include "LABELS_EN.AU3"




; Variables

Global $LabelChoiceSeconds

Global $LabelChoiceMinutes

Global $LabelChoiceHours

; GUI:

Global $TitleGUI

Global $LabelSettingsMenu

Global $LabelLanguagesMenu

Global $LabelLanguageItalian

Global $LabelLanguageEnglish

Global $LabelLanguageDefault

Global $LabelGroupAction

Global $LabelRadioActionLogoff

Global $LabelRadioActionShutdown

Global $LabelRadioActionReboot

Global $LabelRadioActionForce

Global $LabelRadioActionPowerdown

Global $LabelRadioActionStandby

Global $LabelRadioActionHibernate

Global $LabelGroupTime

Global $LabelRadioTimeSeconds

Global $LabelRadioTimeMinutes

Global $LabelRadioTimeHours

Global $LabelButtonOk

Global $LabelButtonCancel

; Error messages:

Global $TitleChangeLanguageNOK

Global $MsgChangeLanguageNOK

Global $ErrorMsgChoiceTimeLength

Global $TitleConfirmMsg

Global $ConfirmMsg







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If you use a variable for the first time in a function then that variable will be local to that function unless it was already declared as Global. That means it is only known about in that function and once you leave the function it is unknown.

If you want to have a variable that is available anywhere in your script it has to be a Global variable and must be declared as such.

Either declare it at the beginning of your script

Global $RadioReboot, $Anothervar,....

the when you have

$RadioReboot = GuiCtrlCreate..

it will be the global variable that is used.


Declare it as Global in the function-

Global $RadioReboot = GuiCtrlCreate.....

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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