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Help with a GOOD OCR

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is possible to have output in a file text ?

just feed the output to a file instead of to arraydisplay

#include <Array.au3>
#include <ScreenCapture.au3>

$Loc = WinGetPos("")
Sleep(500) ;give file time to be created
$output = _OCR(".\Render.bmp")

$file = FileOpen("output.txt",1)
For $i = 0 to UBound($output)
    If $output[$i] = "" Then ExitLoop


There is always a butthead in the crowd, no matter how hard one tries to keep them out.......Volly

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Hi , ofLight .

I'm so stupid , I know nothing about au3 , and I just tried your OCR code , but it turns out

"$miDoc.Ocr(9, True, False)^ERROR

Error: The requested action with this object has failed."

I don't know what' wrong ,all i did is save your code as a au3 file , and put a file named image.bmp

to C:\ , run the au3 file (i have ms office2003 installed)

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Hi , ofLight .

I'm so stupid , I know nothing about au3 , and I just tried your OCR code , but it turns out

"$miDoc.Ocr(9, True, False)^ERROR

Error: The requested action with this object has failed."

I don't know what' wrong ,all i did is save your code as a au3 file , and put a file named image.bmp

to C:\ , run the au3 file (i have ms office2003 installed)

Your image will be very small.

Paste ur image in paint and use some white space which is provided along with it...Save it

and run ur code..

It will work :)

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Your image will be very small.

Paste ur image in paint and use some white space which is provided along with it...Save it

and run ur code..

It will work :)

try this it will work

#include <Array.au3>

#include <ScreenCapture.au3>

WinActivate("EFI Colorproof XF Client")

; Capture region

;$file1= _ScreenCapture_Capture("C:\GDIPlus_Image2.bmp", 141, 572, 850, 950)

;$file2= _ScreenCapture_Capture("C:\menu1.bmp", 1053,123, 1111, 141)

$menu_XF = _ScreenCapture_Capture("C:\menuXF3.bmp",873,123,1282,169)

$output = _OCR("C:\menuXF3.bmp")

;================================= OCR =======================================

; Function Name:

; Description: Searches a bmp file for all recognizable characters and returns them in an array

; Requires: Microsoft Word must be installed on system & <Array.au3>

; Parameters: $file bmp file to search


; Syntax: _OCR($file)

; Returns: $Array[1] = 0 on failure, $Array on success



Func _OCR($file)

Dim $miDoc, $Doc, $str, $oWord, $sArray[500]

$oMyError = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","_CoMErrFunc")

$miDoc = ObjCreate("MODI.Document")

$miDocView = ObjCreate("MiDocViewer.MiDocView")


$miDoc.Ocr(9, True, False)

$MiDocView.Document = $miDoc

$MiDocView.SetScale (0.75, 0.75)

$i = 0

For $oWord in $miDoc.Images(0).Layout.Words

$str = $str & $oWord.text & @CrLf

$fileopen = FileOpen("C:\test.txt", 1)

If $fileopen = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")



ConsoleWrite($oWord.text & @CRLF)

;MsgBox(0,"Console writing",$oWord.text)

FileWrite($fileopen, $oWord.text & @CRLF)

; Check if file opened for reading OK

$sArray [$i] = $oWord.text

;$sArray = $oWord.text

$i += 1

$i += 1


Return $sArray

EndFunc;========================== OCR ========================================

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