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Progress wheel on silent MSI


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Hello there,

I'm not a very good programmer, but i'm still learning a lot.

For my work, i've created the code below to install a few applications.

Most of them are .EXE or .MSI files. All of them are running silent.

In the code below, I created a progress-bar.

As you can see, this is not the optimal method of creating a progress-bar. That's why I put this question in this forum.

In my current project, the progress-bar updates after or before an instruction.

What I want is a progress-bar that updates in realtime or, if it's possible, 2 progress-bars: one for the 'overall progress' and another for the 'current installation progress'.

Is it possible to let the progress-bar read the information from a MSI-file?

Or are there other / better ways to make the progress-bar update more smoothly?

Here's my code:

#include <guiconstants.au3>

; Install locations & Software settings

$serverlocation = ("\\deployserver\install$\installs\ApplicationStudiosoftware\")

$installdir = IniRead($serverlocation & "Applicationinstall.ini", "Pathnames", "Installdir", "Application_Studiosoftware\installers")

$verenigNONO = IniRead($serverlocation & "Applicationinstall.ini", "InstallerLocations", "verenigNONO", "Diversen\ApplicationverenigNONOClient.msi")

$StudiosoftwareFramework = Iniread($serverlocation & "Applicationinstall.ini", "InstallerLocations", "StudiosoftwareFramework", "framework\Studiosoftwareframeworksetup.exe")

$StudiosoftwareAccess = Iniread($serverlocation & "Applicationinstall.ini", "InstallerLocations", "StudiosoftwareAccess", "Studiosoftwareacsetup.exe")

$StudiosoftwareAssist = Iniread($serverlocation & "Applicationinstall.ini", "InstallerLocations", "StudiosoftwareAssist", "ApplicationStudiosoftwareassist\k1\setup.exe")

$settingspath = IniRead($serverlocation & "Applicationinstall.ini", "Pathnames", "Settings", "Diversen")

$versionjava = IniRead($serverlocation & "Applicationinstall.ini", "OtherRequired", "JavaVersion", "")

$versioninstaller = IniRead($serverlocation & "Applicationinstall.ini", "OtherRequired", "InstallerVersion", "3.1.4000.1823")

$i = 1

; Preparing installation

ProgressOn ("Installatie Application Studiosoftware", "Installation / update Application Studiosoftware", "0 %", -1,1,16)

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % Preparing")

DirCopy("\\deployserver\install$\installs\ApplicationStudiosoftware\Diversen\Uninstall", "c:\Applicationinst", 1)

$i = $i + 1

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % Zoeken naar geïnstalleerde bestanden")

ShellExecuteWait("c:\Applicationinst\Application-uninstall.vbs", @SW_HIDE)

$i = $i + 1

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % Verwijderen geïnstalleerde versie")

;RunWait("C:\Applicationinst\uninstall.bat", "", @SW_HIDE)

shellexecutewait("c:\Applicationinst\logs\"& @ComputerName &"\RUN_UNINSTALL.bat", @SW_HIDE)


$i = $i + 2

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % Checking Windows Installer")

$instver = FileGetVersion("msiexec.exe")

if $instver < $versioninstaller then

msgbox(16, "Installatie voortijdig afgebroken", "Windows Installer versie 1.3 of hoger is niet aangetroffen op dit systeem.")



$i = $i + 5

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % Controleren Java versie")

$javaver = FileGetVersion("Java.exe")

If $javaver < $versionjava then

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % Installeren Java Runtime Environment")

RunWait ($serverlocation & $settingspath & "\java.exe /s")


$i = $i + 10

; INSTALLATIE Application verenig NONO cliënt (Progress: 20 %)

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % (Installeren: Application verenig NONO Client)")

runwait ("msiexec.exe /i " & $serverlocation & $verenigNONO & " /passive /norestart")

$i = $i + 20

; INSTALLATIE Application Studiosoftware Framework (Progress: 40 %)

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % (Installeren: Application Studiosoftware Framework)")

RunWait ($serverlocation & $installdir & $StudiosoftwareFramework & ' /s /v"/qb! ADDLOCAL=Core,JVM,ConfigUtilApp,DiagLogViewer,HealthVwr,MachineMonitor,TimeSync WORKGROUPNAME=ApplicationWorkgroup REBOOT=ReallySuppress"')

$i = $i + 20

; INSTALLATIE Application Studiosoftware Access (60%)

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % (Installeren: Application Studiosoftware Access)")

RunWait ($serverlocation & $installdir & $StudiosoftwareAccess & ' /s /v"/qb! REBOOT=ReallySuppress')

$i = $i + 20

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % (Installeren: Application Studiosoftware Assist)")

; INSTALLATIE Application Studiosoftware Assist (80%)


Func WindowsDriverSigning()

If WinActive("Software-installatie", "De software die u installeert, voldoet niet aan de eisen van de Windows Logo-test, die op compatibiliteit met Windows XP controleert.") Then

send ("!t")



RunWait ($serverlocation & $installdir & $StudiosoftwareAssist & ' /s /v"/qb! REBOOT=ReallySuppress')

$i = $i + 3

AdlibDisable ()

; Updating settings and registry

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % (Bijwerken: Register)")

RunWait ("Regedit /s " & $serverlocation & $settingspath & "\Studiosoftware-settings.reg")

$i = $i + 3

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % (Bijwerken: Instellingen)")

Filecopy ("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programma's\ApplicationverenigNONO\ClientManager*.*", "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Bureaublad")

$i = $i + 3

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % (Bijwerken: Instellingen)")

Filecopy ("C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menu Start\Programma's\Application\Application Studiosoftware Assist*.*", "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Bureaublad")

$i = $i + 3

ProgressSet( $i, $i & " % (Verwijderen: Installatiebestanden)")

if FileExists ("c:\Applicationinst") then

Dirremove ("c:\Applicationinst", 1)


ProgressSet(100 , "Voltooid", "Installatie van Application Studiosoftware is voltooid.")



$answer = MsgBox(4100, "Installatie Application Studiosoftware voltooid", "De installatie van Application Studiosoftware is voltooid." & @cr & "De pc moet opnieuw worden opgestart voordat Application Studiosoftware kan worden gebruikt." & @cr & "Wilt u dit nu doen?")

If $answer = 6 Then

Shutdown (6)

ElseIf $answer = 7 Then



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