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Input/edit box help please.

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I am having problems with my input box not using the data thats put in it, instead it keeps using the data it started off with. Can anyone pleas help me?

For example, I type in a random username and password but when i have it send the data in the input box it keeps using Your Username for the username

and Your Password for the password.

$Input_4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Username", 363,65, 140, 20)
$Input_5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Password", 363,90, 140, 20, $ES_PASSWORD)

$read3 = GUICtrlRead($Input_4)
$read4 = GUICtrlRead($Input_5)

send ($read3)
Send ("{TAB}")
send ($read4)
send ("{ENTER}")
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make a gui...

$GUI = GUICreate("my gui", 400, 300)
$Input_4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Username", 1,1, 140, 20)
$Input_5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Password", 1,70, 140, 20, $ES_PASSWORD)
$Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run Notepad", 1, 150, 100)

while 1
 $msg = GUIGetMsg()
            Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            Case $msg = $Button_1
                exitloop   ; Will Run/Open Notepad


$read3 = GUICtrlRead($Input_4)
$read4 = GUICtrlRead($Input_5)

send ($read3)
Send ("{TAB}")
send ($read4)
send ("{ENTER}")
Edited by ReaImDown
[u][font="Century Gothic"]~я α и d γ ĵ . ċ . ѕ қ ϊ и и ε я~- My Programs -auto shutdownSleep funcdisallow programs[/font][/u]
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I have a gui

$GUI = GUICreate("Shimgreen's QuickStart v2.0", 530, 276)

$Button_7 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 1", 10, 35, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)

Case $msg = $Button_7
ShellExecute("creation.exe", " -i208.109.208.136 -g1", "C:\chain")
WinWaitActive("Sign-in to 2AM Games", "", 5)
send ($read3)
Send ("{TAB}")
send ($read4)
send ("{ENTER}")
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I have a gui

$GUI = GUICreate("Shimgreen's QuickStart v2.0", 530, 276)

$Button_7 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 1", 10, 35, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)

Case $msg = $Button_7
ShellExecute("creation.exe", " -i208.109.208.136 -g1", "C:\chain")
WinWaitActive("Sign-in to 2AM Games", "", 5)
send ($read3)
Send ("{TAB}")
send ($read4)
send ("{ENTER}")
read up
[u][font="Century Gothic"]~я α и d γ ĵ . ċ . ѕ қ ϊ и и ε я~- My Programs -auto shutdownSleep funcdisallow programs[/font][/u]
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Why don't you post the whole thing? It'd be less confusing.

From this:

$GUI = GUICreate("Shimgreen's QuickStart v2.0", 530, 276)

$Button_7 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 1", 10, 35, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)

Case $msg = $Button_7
ShellExecute("creation.exe", " -i208.109.208.136 -g1", "C:\chain")
WinWaitActive("Sign-in to 2AM Games", "", 5)
send ($read3)
Send ("{TAB}")
send ($read4)
send ("{ENTER}")

it looks like you are sending the infromation without reading the input controls first. So post the whole script if you want proper help.

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#include <GUIConstants.au3>
#include <file.au3>
Global $i, $rcount, $time, $main, $acc, $data, $send, $123, $recv, $file, $string
$oIE = ObjCreate("Shell.Explorer.2") 

Opt("TrayMenuMode",1)     ; gets rid of script paused

$GUI = GUICreate("Shimgreen's QuickStart v2.0", 530, 276)

$tab0 = GUICtrlCreateTab (0,0, 532,276)

$tab00 = GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Reset CoC")
$34 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Disconnect", 192, 107,107, 153, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_16 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 7", 20, 60, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_17 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 9", 184, 60, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_18 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 11", 348, 60, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_19 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 8", 102, 60, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_20 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 10", 266, 60, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_21 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 12", 430, 60, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 1", 20, 30, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_2 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 3", 184, 30, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_3 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 5", 348, 30, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_4 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 2", 102, 30, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_5 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 4", 266, 30, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_6 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 6", 430, 30, 75, 25, $BS_CENTER)
$Input_1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("This is how you reset chain", 388,1, 140, 20, BitOR($ES_AUTOHSCROLL,$ES_READONLY))
$progressbar1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress (20,110,170,20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Progress Of the Reset", 56, 96, 105, 25)
$Input_2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 300,110, 140, 20)      ; server ip 4 chain
$Input_3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 445,110, 60, 20)        ; port # 4 chain
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Custom IP to Reset CoC", 310, 92, 155, 25)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("The Port#", 450, 92, 100, 25)
$30 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Important Information", 300, 170, 207, 28, $BS_CENTER)
$31 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Exit", 20, 140, 170, 120, $BS_CENTER)
$32 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Reset Custom Server", 300, 140, 207, 28, $BS_CENTER)
$33 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Credits And Thanks to", 300, 200, 207, 28, $BS_CENTER)
$39 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Send to Tray", 300, 230, 207, 28, $BS_CENTER)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Shimgreen's QuickStart v2.0", 200, 4, 150, 17)

GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Join CoC")
$35 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Exit", 200, 235, 307, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$36 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Send To Tray", 200, 115, 307, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$37 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Important Information", 200, 155, 307, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$38 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Credits And Thanks to", 200, 195, 307, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_22 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 7", 10, 155, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_23 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 9", 10, 195, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_24 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 11", 10, 235, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_25 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 8", 100, 155, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_26 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 10", 100, 195, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_27 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 12", 100, 235, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_7 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 1", 10, 35, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_8 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 3", 10, 75, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_9 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 5", 10, 115, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_10 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 2", 100, 35, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_11 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 4", 100, 75, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_12 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Room 6", 100, 115, 80, 30, $BS_CENTER)
$Input_4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Username", 363,65, 140, 20)
$Input_5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Password", 363,90, 140, 20, $ES_PASSWORD)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Shimgreen's QuickStart v2.0", 200, 4, 200, 20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("CoC Username:", 286, 68, 200, 20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("CoC Password:", 286, 93, 200, 20)
GUICtrlCreateLabel ("This area is used to go directly to the CoC game rooms!", 240, 30, 260, 17)

GUICtrlCreateTabitem ("Chain-HQ")
$GUIActivex = GUICtrlCreateObj ( $oIE, 0, 21, 531, 258)
$Button_13 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Go Back", 180, 0, 59, 21, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_14 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Go Foward", 239, 0, 62, 21, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_28 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Chain-HQ", 300, 0, 59, 21, $BS_CENTER)
$Button_29 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Chain Forum", 360, 0, 66, 21, $BS_CENTER)
$Input_6 = GUICtrlCreateInput("http://www.", 425,1, 69, 21)
$Button_go = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Go!", 493, 0, 35, 21, $BS_CENTER)

$read = GUICtrlRead($Input_1)
$read1 = GUICtrlRead($Input_2)
$read2 = GUICtrlRead($Input_3)
$read3 = GUICtrlRead($Input_4)
$read4 = GUICtrlRead($Input_5)
$read5 = GUICtrlRead($Input_6)

$name = ""

$ip = ""
$port = "1848"
$port1 = "1849"
$port2 = "1850"
$port3 = "1851"
$port4 = "1852"
$port5 = "1853"
$port6 = "1854"
$port7 = "1855"
$port8 = "1856"
$port9 = "1857"
$port10 = "1858"
$port11 = "1859"

$Reset ="This is how chain is reset"

$ab = False
$aaa = False
$aa = False
$a = False
$b = False
$c = False
$d = False
$e = False
$f = False
$g = False
$gg = False
$ggg = False
$h = False
$i = False
$j = False
$k = False
$l = False
$m = False
$n = False
$o = False
$p = False
$q = False
$r = False
$s = False
$t = False
$u = False
$v = False
$w = False
$x = False
$y = False
$z = False

GUISetState ()

$msg = 0
  While $msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE 
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()

Case $msg = $Button_1
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_1,"Resetting 1")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 1 Sent", "Room 1 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_1,"Room 1")

Case $msg = $Button_4
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_4,"Resetting 2")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port1)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 2 Sent", "Room 2 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_4,"Room 2")

Case $msg = $Button_2
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_2,"Resetting 3")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port2)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 3 Sent", "Room 3 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_2,"Room 3")

Case $msg = $Button_5
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_5,"Resetting 4")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port3)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 4 Sent", "Room 4 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_5,"Room 4")

Case $msg = $Button_3
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_3,"Resetting 5")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port4)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 5 Sent", "Room 5 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_3,"Room 5")

Case $msg = $Button_6
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_6,"Resetting 6")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port5)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 6 Sent", "Room 6 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_6,"Room 6")

Case $msg = $Button_16
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_16,"Resetting 7")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port6)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 7 Sent", "Room 7 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_16,"Room 7")

Case $msg = $Button_19
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_19,"Resetting 8")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port7)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 8 Sent", "Room 8 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_19,"Room 8")

Case $msg = $Button_17
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_17,"Resetting 9")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port8)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 9 Sent", "Room 9 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_17,"Room 9")

Case $msg = $Button_20
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_20,"Resetting 10")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port9)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 10 Sent", "Room 10 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_20,"Room 10")

Case $msg = $Button_18
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_18,"Resetting 11")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port10)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 11 Sent", "Room 11 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_18,"Room 11")

Case $msg = $Button_21
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($button_21,"Resetting 12")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($ip, $port11)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset 12 Sent", "Room 12 Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($button_21,"Room 12")

Case $msg = $32
if NOT $aaa = true Then TCPStartup()

GUICtrlSetData ($32,"Resetting Custom Server")

if NOT $aa = true Then $socket = TCPConnect($read1, $read2)
If @error Then MsgBox(0,"Error", "Unable to connect...")
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,10)
if NOT $a = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $b = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $q = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $r = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,20)
if NOT $c = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $d = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $s = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $t = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,30)
if NOT $e = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $f = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $u = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $v = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,40)
if NOT $g = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $h = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $w = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $x = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,50)
if NOT $gg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $ggg = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $y = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $z = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,60)
if NOT $i = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $j = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,70)
if NOT $k = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $l = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,80)
if NOT $m = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $n = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,90)
if NOT $o = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)
if NOT $p = true Then TCPSend($socket, $read)

GUICtrlSetData ($progressbar1,100)
msgbox(64,"Reset Custom Sent", "Custom Reset was Sent, Now disconnect with disconnect button")

 GUICtrlSetData ($32,"Reset Custom Server")

Case $msg = $34
if NOT $ab = true Then TCPShutdown ( )
msgbox(64,"Disconnect", "Disconnected")

Case $msg = $30
msgbox(64,"Important Information", "This Area of the program was designed to reset the CoC rooms. Please do not mess around with the custom reset section unless you know how it works. To properly reset a room you must click the button of the room you want reset, then when its done you must click the disconnect button.") 

Case $msg = $33
Case $msg = $39
Case $msg = $31

Case $msg = $Button_28
   $oIE.navigate ("http://www.chain-hq.com/")
Case $msg = $Button_29
   $oIE.navigate ("http://www.chain-hq-forum.com/")
Case $msg = $Button_go
$oIE.navigate ($read5)

Case $msg = $Button_7
ShellExecute("creation.exe", " -i208.109.208.136 -g1", "C:\chain")
WinWaitActive("Sign-in to 2AM Games", "", 5)
send ($read3)
Send ("{TAB}")
send ($read4)
send ("{ENTER}")


Func _Tray()

Func _Show()

Func _Exit()

Func _Credits()
    GUISetState(@SW_HIDE, $GUI)
    $AboutWindow = GUICreate("Credits and Thanks to", 250, 200)
    $ProgramName = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Shimgreend QuickStart v2.0", 45, 12)
    $ProgramDescription = GUICtrlCreateEdit("Credits and Thanks to:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Created By: Shimgreen" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Tested By: Cockatrice" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Special Thanks to: Luckywolf", 20, 36, 210, 126, BitOR($ES_READONLY, $ES_WANTRETURN))
    $Button_exit1 = GUICtrlCreateButton ("OK", 86, 164, 75, 28, $BS_CENTER)
    While 2
        $nMsg2 = GUIGetMsg()
            Case $nMsg2 = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            Case $nMsg2 = $Button_exit1
    GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI)
    GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $GUI)
    GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $GUI)
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Haha, holy cow.

Anyway, the problem is that these lines:

$read = GUICtrlRead($Input_1)
$read1 = GUICtrlRead($Input_2)
$read2 = GUICtrlRead($Input_3)
$read3 = GUICtrlRead($Input_4)
$read4 = GUICtrlRead($Input_5)
$read5 = GUICtrlRead($Input_6)

Are placed before the main loop. This means that the values are read before you even press the button or do anything.


Wrong way:

$GUI = GUICreate("my gui", 400, 300)
$Input_4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Username", 1,1, 140, 20)
$Input_5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Password", 1,70, 140, 20, $ES_PASSWORD)
$Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run Notepad", 1, 150, 100)

$read3 = GUICtrlRead($Input_4)
$read4 = GUICtrlRead($Input_5)

while 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
            Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            Case $msg = $Button_1
              send ($read3)
              Send ("{TAB}")
              send ($read4)
              send ("{ENTER}")


^This will send "Your username" and "your password" no matter what you write in the inputboxes.

Right way:

$GUI = GUICreate("my gui", 400, 300)
$Input_4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Username", 1,1, 140, 20)
$Input_5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Your Password", 1,70, 140, 20, $ES_PASSWORD)
$Button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run Notepad", 1, 150, 100)

while 1
$msg = GUIGetMsg()
            Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
            Case $msg = $Button_1
                $read3 = GUICtrlRead($Input_4)
                $read4 = GUICtrlRead($Input_5)
              send ($read3)
              Send ("{TAB}")
              send ($read4)
              send ("{ENTER}")

Edited by Nahuel
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sweetness, thank you guys for taking time to help me out ;)

Case $msg = $Button_7
$read3 = GUICtrlRead($Input_4)
$read4 = GUICtrlRead($Input_5)
ShellExecute("creation.exe", " -i208.109.208.136 -g1", "C:\chain")
WinWaitActive("Sign-in to 2AM Games", "", 5)
send ($read3)
Send ("{TAB}")
send ($read4)
send ("{ENTER}")
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