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Case statements with arrays? [RESOLVED]

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I was wondering if it's possible to go through the full contents of an array with just a single case statement instead of having to hardcode something like $array[1] $array[2] etc. If so could anyone tell me how? Here's an example ripped from my project with a few things changed to keep it a bit of a secret ;).

$idMenuArray = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Array")
$files = _FileListToArray($dirpath)
For $n = 1 To UBound($files) - 1
    $idArray[$n] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(StringReplace($files[$n],".extension",""),$idMenuArray)


Case For $n = $idArray[1] To $idArray[UBound($files) - 1]
MsgBox(0,"","Array index " & $n " was clicked")

This works but it just continually presents the messagebox instead of showing it once. What I need is to run through all of the possibilities, find which one was clicked, and (as an example) do something like


and only do that once. Inside the file (and in the properties) I would have a url on the second or third line and I would like to navigate an open ie page to that location. I can do most of the latter I simply can't get it to run once as I need it to.

Edit: Also throwing out the same problem as soon as it loads fully, even before the menu item is clicked.

Edited by dbzfanatic
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I was wondering if it's possible to go through the full contents of an array with just a single case statement instead of having to hardcode something like $array[1] $array[2] etc. If so could anyone tell me how? Here's an example ripped from my project with a few things changed to keep it a bit of a secret ;).

$idMenuArray = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Array")
$files = _FileListToArray($dirpath)
For $n = 1 To UBound($files) - 1
    $idArray[$n] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(StringReplace($files[$n],".extension",""),$idMenuArray)


Case For $n = $idArray[1] To $idArray[UBound($files) - 1]
MsgBox(0,"","Array index " & $n " was clicked")

This works but it just continually presents the messagebox instead of showing it once. What I need is to run through all of the possibilities, find which one was clicked, and (as an example) do something like


and only do that once. Inside the file (and in the properties) I would have a url on the second or third line and I would like to navigate an open ie page to that location. I can do most of the latter I simply can't get it to run once as I need it to.

Edit: Also throwing out the same problem as soon as it loads fully, even before the menu item is clicked.

$idMenuArray = GUICtrlCreateMenu("Array")
$files = _FileListToArray($dirpath)
For $n = 1 To UBound($files) - 1
    $idArray[$n] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(StringReplace($files[$n], ".extension", ""), $idMenuArray)

$Msg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $Msg
    Case $idArray[1] To $idArray[UBound($idArray) - 1]
        Local $selected
        For $n = 1 To UBound($idArray) - 1
            If $idArray[$n] = $Msg Then
                $selected = $n
        MsgBox(0, "", "Array index " & $selected " was clicked")
Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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My code was 99% identical to yours and yet it didn't work, in fact it freezes the program in a sense. It causes it to continually check (I think) and the exit button does not work. Here's a direct unmodified cut from my script.

$idFavorites = GUICtrlCreateMenu("F&avorites")
$faves = _FileListToArray(@FavoritesDir,"*.url")
For $n = 1 To UBound($faves) - 1
    $idFaves[$n] = GUICtrlCreateMenuItem(StringReplace($faves[$n],".url",""),$idFavorites)


        Case $idFaves[1] To $idFaves[UBound($faves) - 1]
            For $n = 1 To UBound($faves) - 1
                If $faves[$n] = $nMsg Then
                    MsgBox(0,"","");added to ensure the code is being executed (it is not)
                    $url = FileOpen($faves[$n],0)
                    $url = FileReadLine($url,2)
                    $url = StringReplace($url,"url=","")

Yes I had built upon it since my first post.

Edit: Fixed it

Case $idFaves[1] To $idFaves[UBound($faves) - 1]
            For $n = 1 To UBound($faves) - 1
                If $idFaves[$n] = $nMsg Then
                    $url = FileOpen(@FavoritesDir & "\" & $faves[$n],0)
                    $url = FileReadLine($url,2)
                    $url = StringReplace($url,"url=","")
Edited by dbzfanatic
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