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Need Help W/ Form Submitter


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I'm working a mininova uploader. I've currently been using IniRead as my method of getting the torrent location, name, description, from an ini file.

As of now, I've been using "Send("{TAB}")" to get down to the Torrent Location box. It's not working out because there page changes every few times and so far it hasn't worked after like 20 tries. This is at:


I tried using "MouseClick("left", "x,y", "1")" but it wasn't working out for some reason. IT would just go to the job of the page on Mozilla.

Also, I need help inputting multiple values from an ini. Here is what is my script:

$num = 0
$num = $num + 1

$TorrentLocation = IniRead("Mininova.ini", "Torrent $num", "TorrentLocation")

I'm trying to figure out how to replace $num with 1,2,3, ect going up by one everytime so I can use any number of torrents without it being hardcoded into script.

If you need anything to be cleared up, just let me know. I really want to get this done asap so let me know anything I can do.



Edited by Fr3shY
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If you're using Firefox try searching for FF.au3. For your read use

$TorrentLocation = IniRead("Mininova.ini", "Torrent" & $num, "TorrentLocation")
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If you're using Firefox try searching for FF.au3. For your read use

$TorrentLocation = IniRead("Mininova.ini", "Torrent" & $num, "TorrentLocation")
Hmm.. looks like I forgot to use & to attach Torrent and $num. But, I don't really understand what options I can use with FF.au3. Do you mean I should use the MouseClick method to get down the page instead of Send("{TAB}")? And that too using FF.au3 as an include?

I need some clarification on this FF.au3 include.



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From what I know of it, FF.au3 creates a com object within firefox that's able to be manipulated in more or less the same way the object of IE is. You should be able to fill in the field with the data from a single function without having to use mouseclicks or ControlSend() as long as you know the name of the field you wish to manipulate.

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From what I know of it, FF.au3 creates a com object within firefox that's able to be manipulated in more or less the same way the object of IE is. You should be able to fill in the field with the data from a single function without having to use mouseclicks or ControlSend() as long as you know the name of the field you wish to manipulate.

Hmm.. well I believe the name of the field for example:


The first field would be "Torrent file:" I'm guessing? Also, I tried reading thru the AutoIt help file on FF.au3 and I can't seem to find how to use like how to select the field, ect. Any ideas?



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FF.au3 is a UDF and thus won't be in the helpfile. Just go through the code and it should be commented on its use. Also the name isn't the text you see so it's not "Torrent file:" like you thought, you have to check the html of the page. It's actually "torrent", this is the html that shows you.

<label for="form-torrent">Torrent file:</label>
  <input id="form-torrent" name="torrent" size="65" type="file">
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FF.au3 is a UDF and thus won't be in the helpfile. Just go through the code and it should be commented on its use. Also the name isn't the text you see so it's not "Torrent file:" like you thought, you have to check the html of the page. It's actually "torrent", this is the html that shows you.

<label for="form-torrent">Torrent file:</label>
  <input id="form-torrent" name="torrent" size="65" type="file">
Hmm, okay I get that. I see what you're saying about checking through the source and finding out the name = blank. Btw.. I'm looking through FF.au3 right now. Edited by Fr3shY
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Hope you can find what you need. If you do post some examples for people who have the same problem so they can find an answer (and possibly attach FF.au3 for those who're too lazy to search ;) )

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