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Mouse Wont Click!

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Hello everybody i am writing a script to make a my mouse lick at certian places, but i have a problem. The problem is mouse moves to the spots but the does not click. If anybody could plz help me i would really appreciate it.

This is my script

Dim $primary

Dim $secondary

;Determine if user has swapped right and left mouse buttons

$k = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse", "SwapMouseButtons")

; It's okay to NOT check the success of the RegRead operation

If $k = 1 Then

$primary = "right"

$secondary = "left"

Else ;normal (also case if could not read registry key)

$primary = "left"

$secondary = "right"


WinActivate( "(Restur on main) Eternal Lands" )


MouseClick("$primary", 569, 372, 2)

Sleep( 40000 )

;drop all

MouseClick("$primary", 399, 307, 2)

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Don't use "s when you use a variable. Also use code tags.

Dim $primary, $secondary
;Determine if user has swapped right and left mouse buttons
$k = RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse", "SwapMouseButtons")

; It's okay to NOT check the success of the RegRead operation
If $k = 1 Then
$primary = "right"
$secondary = "left"
Else;normal (also case if could not read registry key)
$primary = "left"
$secondary = "right"

WinActivate( "(Restur on main) Eternal Lands" )
MouseClick($primary, 569, 372, 2)
Sleep( 40000 )
;drop all
MouseClick($primary, 399, 307, 2)
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It appears you have found your answer to your question.

Please take the time to edit your thread title with [RESOLVED] so others know that is it resolved.

You can do this by scrolling to the top of your thread, clicking EDIT and then Full Edit and adding: "[RESOLVED]"

to the front of your thread title.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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