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Disable/Enable a ContextMenu


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Why dosent the following work ?

#include <GUIConstants.au3>
Opt("GuiOnEventMode", 1) 

GUICreate("My GUI Context Menu",300,200)

$contextmenu = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu ()

$button = GUICtrlCreateButton("OK",100,100,70,20)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent($button, "Contextmenu_disable")

$buttoncontext = GUICtrlCreateContextMenu($button)
$buttonitem = GUICtrlCreateMenuitem("About button",$buttoncontext)

GUISetState ()

Func Contextmenu_disable()
    GUICtrlSetState ( $contextmenu, $Gui_Disable)

While 1
   sleep (10)

Im trying to make it so that when the button is pressed the context menu no longer appears.

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Contextmenu cannot have state change just delete and recreate if needed.

From help file GUICtrlDelete

This function does not currently work on context menu controls.

I really need to be able to hide/show a context menu, is there any change autoit could be edited to allow this ?

I use this method alot with other ctrls, I create them at the start of my script and hide them, then later on unhide them from within functions.

If you cant understand my need im sure I can write you a script to explain it better.

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From help file GUICtrlDelete

I really need to be able to hide/show a context menu, is there any change autoit could be edited to allow this ?

I use this method alot with other ctrls, I create them at the start of my script and hide them, then later on unhide them from within functions.

If you cant understand my need im sure I can write you a script to explain it better.


I can really understand your need.

But ContextMenu are design in a such a way (Holger can confirm) that only GuiCtrlDetelete can be use to have a correct handling.

The best can be you design a fonction with create the contextmenu you can recall when you want to have it back.

Sorry for not having a more simpler solution to your problem :lmao:

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Just another question: What's this "GUICreate" that you always says in forum? I haven't found anything about it on AutoIT3 documentation.


You have to download the beta version to access to GUI functions :lmao:
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