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How make a program which works in background?

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I'm beginner of AutoIt.

So I want some help about making a program in AutoIt.

Now I make a program which inputs some keystrokes on web browser or a word processor.

It's easy to making program which just input some keystrokes. but I want this program works in background.

Please help me.

P.S. I'm korean. So I'm poor in English. Although This writing have a some mistakes, Please read the writing and give a piece of advice.

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Lesson #9 from "Welcome to Autoit 1-2-3... in my signature below

; This is a demonstration for AU3Info and Notepad using ControlSend.

; Wait time after each action.
$Wait = 5000 

AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4) ; see "options" in help for title match mode

; From Au3Info we can get
$Win_Title = "Untitled - Notepad" 
$Win_Text = "" 
$Control_ID = "Edit1"

; re-size the info window
WinMove("AutoIt v3 Active Window Info", "", 200, 100, 250, 300)

; Now lets open notepad.

WinWaitActive("Untitled - Notepad") 
$variable = '; Wait until the window is active.'
ControlSend($Win_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)

$variable = '; Change the Title Name to AutoIt 1-2-3'
ControlSend($Win_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)
$New_Title = "Welcome to AutoIt 1-2-3"
WinSetTitle($Win_Title, $Win_Text, $New_Title)

$variable = '; Lets use the Window Handle for controlling Notepad.'
ControlSend($New_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)
$Note_win = WinGetHandle($New_Title, "")

$variable = '; Resize the Notepad window, and move it, see help for details.'
ControlSend($New_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)
WinMove($Note_win, "", 500, 100, 400, 500)

$variable = '; Important, The ControlSend Command works with the control, Not the active window.'
ControlSend($New_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)

$variable = '; Now for a test, lets Hide the Notepad.'
ControlSend($New_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)

WinSetState($Note_win, "", @SW_HIDE)

$variable = '; Lets send some text to the hidden window '
ControlSend($New_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)

$variable = '; Lets bring back Notepad and check it to be sure. '
ControlSend($New_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)
WinSetState($Note_win, "", @SW_SHOW)

$variable = '; Now lets Close the Windows. However the control IDs are Hidden'
ControlSend($New_Title, $Win_Text, $Control_ID, $variable & @CRLF)
WinClose("AutoIt v3 Active Window Info") ; Win Close
ControlSend($New_Title, "", "","!FX")
ControlClick("Notepad", "The text in the Untitled file has changed", "Button2") ; Control Click

; there is no GUI or loop in this Demo.



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