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Search a text file for specific lines

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I am working with a .txt file that has lots of lines (unsure of how many) and would like to be able to pick out random lines that specify certain criteria.

I have tried generating a random number, reading the line, checking to see if the line has/ doen't have certain words and then adding it to a list if it "passes", but i'm just wondering if there's a faster and more efficient way.

For example if I only want to pick out lines without the text "test" in them, but 15 lines do, what's the best way to do this?


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Thanks, i'll give that (the function) a try.

What I havedone is to bring up a GUI with several checkboxes (values stored in themes.txt - simply a list) and then to read the value of those that are unchecked to an array. I then have another separate txt file (called items.txt) in the same directory that I would like to pick out a specified number of lines from that don't have those values, but not just the first 10, say.

Here is (the important part of) my code so far:

GUICtrlSetData($title,"Step 2 of 3")

GUICtrlSetData($instructions," Now select the themes you want to use. As before, select all, one or a combination of several. When finished, click next again.")


$file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "/themes.txt",0)

$x = 215

$y = 100

$xmax = 595

$ymax = 400

$xdist = 130

$ydist = 30

Global $themes[1][2] = [["CtrlId","Name"]]

While 1

$line = FileReadLine($file)

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop

$ctrl = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox($line,$x,$y,$xdist,$ydist)


$x = $x + $xdist + 5

If $x > $xmax Then

$x = 215

$y = $y + $ydist + 5


ReDim $themes[uBound($themes)+1][2]

$themes[uBound($themes)-1][0] = $ctrl

$themes[uBound($themes)-1][1] = $line



Func _step3()

Global $exclude[1] = ["Text"]

For $x = $themes[1][0] To $catgs[uBound($themes)-1][0]

If GUICtrlRead ( $x ) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then

ReDim $exclude[uBound($exclude)+1]

$exclude[uBound($exclude)-1] = $themes[$x-$themes[1][0]+1][1]




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I dunno.. maybe:

$aFile = StringSplit(FileRead("file.txt"), @CRLF, 1)
For $i = 1 To $aFile[0]
    If StringInStr($aFile[$i], "test") Then
        MsgBox(0, "wie", "File contains 'test'")

Might work, and the simplest way I know of, except using the _FileReadToArray, as stated by Valuater. :mellow:


But from what it seems you're doing, perhaps IniWrite, IniRead would work more efficiently?

Edited by FreeFry
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Obviously this is a slightly sophisticated script... not enough info here to work on for me

A few things that look incorrect...

$file = FileOpen(@ScriptDir & "/themes.txt",0) ; should be reversed "\" ?

If GUICtrlRead ( $x ) = $GUI_UNCHECKED Then ; should use BitOr

Func _IsChecked($control)
    Return BitAnd(GUICtrlRead($control),$GUI_CHECKED) = $GUI_CHECKED

You can use random to select a string from the string count and build a string with useable by using StringInString()

... not sure of all those "exclude" statements either

Good Luck


Edited by Valuater


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