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How Do I Work With MemoryAddresses?


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So I've been playing this game for some time now,

& Now I want to get my feet wet in memory addresses.

It's my first time ever playing around with memory like this.

So i have This



And i've looked up " NomadMemory " ,

But i want to be able to move my player around

" In Game " With the memory addresses...

Could Some one Point me in the right direction?

I would love for a small scrip, but Im not scared of

" AutoIt Help File "

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The memory addresses should only be used to read the current position. If you change them radically there is a good chance you could crash your client or be banned. How do you move normally in the game? Do you click or can you use the arrow keys? Just get your current x,y position, compare it to where you want to be,then move in the proper direction. It's not that difficult in theory and in practice it's little harder.

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The best way would be to read the current position from memory (your x and y coordinates) and then somehow get the coordinates you wish to go to (an ini file works well) then just compare. Say you are at 220,340 and need to go to 300,340. Assuming that moving to the right increases your x value you could do something like this:

$x = _MemoryRead(*location of x position in memory*,*PID of process to read*)
If $x < 300 Then
$x_new = _MemoryRead(*loc*,*PID*)
Until $x_new = 300

This is just an example but it should convey the basic idea.

Edit: Made it a bit neater.

Edited by dbzfanatic
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The best way would be to read the current position from memory (your x and y coordinates)

and then somehow get the coordinates you wish to go to (an ini file works well) then just compare.

Say you are at 220,340 and need to go to 300,340. Assuming that moving to the right increases

your x value you could do something like this:

How would i read the current position?

This is all i have,

Do the Memory Addresses Some how give me the Current Position?

Keep In Mind, It's My first time do stuff like this...



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It's in the code. You would have to use the proper hex values for your game but if the ones you posted are proper then you could just do:

$PID = ProcessExists("gamename.exe")
If $PID = 0 Then
$msg = MsgBox(1,"Error","Please open the game first.")
Until $PID <> 0

$PointX = "0xA07360"

$x = _MemoryRead($PointX,$PID)
If $x < 300 Then
$x_new = _MemoryRead($PointX,$PID)
Until $x_new = 300

Starting to get it?

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It's just a matter of common sense and some math. There are a few waypoint bots on the forums already so if you don't understand just look at those for inspiration. I'm working on a bot right now for a friend so now is the time to ask me about things like this :)

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well im going to hit the forums up all night, i need to learn this cause i really want 2.

I'll have a few small things to ask, Ill post here or If you have WLM/WindowsLiveMessenger

we could talk on there...

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