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Someone can help me please? I am a novice in Autoit programming. I have to do for my teacher a little program that checks all the files inside a folder (about 10000 pdf files), for each one checks sequentially if it's an image file (a simple scanned image without text) or if it's a real pdf file with text inside it (OCR), and moves every image file (without text) in another folder for further processing (with an OCR program). Doing the same routine manually would be an endless task, so the teacher asks me to program this little software to do so. It's possible with Autoit? Maybe creating an array? And how could I check the presence of text inside each file? Any suggestions of anybody will be greatly appreciated.

Max from Rome (Italy)

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There are a number of ways you could do this. You could open the PDF then run some OCR on it and see if you get any response, or you could try "selecting all" text in the PDF document and copying it. If you get some text you'll know it has some.

You could also spend a month or so studying the PDF structure. This would allow you to read it in a binary mode and detect whether there is text or not.

Also, wrong forum. :)

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