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RunOnceEx with Progressbar


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tnx for the info Valuater

i got this idea at other forum for Unattended Windows application install..

[autoit]Opt("RunErrorsFatal" , 0)

Opt("ExpandEnvStrings", 1) ;test

Dim $Ver = @OSVersion ;OS Version

Dim $OS ;OS Version in more readable format

Dim $InstallFile = @ScriptDir & "\config\" & $VER & ".ini" ;default install file

Dim $LogFile = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "LogFilePath", @TempDir ) & _

"\kTool-" & @ComputerName & ".txt"

Dim $Log = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "LogFile", "1" )

Dim $AvailableArray [1][1] ;array with all commands

Dim $SelectedArray [1][1] ;array with commands to run

Dim $Available ;list with all sections

Dim $Selected ;list with selected sections

Dim $DefaultProfile = "(none)" ;profile selected by default

Dim $ProfilesList = "" ;list of all profiles

Dim $SelectedProfile = "" ;currently selected profile

Dim $Profile = "" ;profile to use in silent run

Dim $Silent = 0 ;is it silent run?

Dim $ForceGUI = 0 ;show GUI for non-standart file?

Dim $Reboot = 1 ;reboot mode

Dim $AutoLogon = 0 ;autologon selected?

Dim $RebootCount = 0 ;number of reboots required

Dim $Flag ;default flag for installation

$Flag = @SW_SHOW

If IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "WindowMode" , "") = "Minimize" Then $Flag = @SW_MINIMIZE

If IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "WindowMode" , "") = "Maximize" Then $Flag = @SW_MAXIMIZE

If IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "WindowMode" , "") = "Hide" Then $Flag = @SW_HIDE

If IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "WindowMode" , "") = "Show" Then $Flag = @SW_SHOW

Dim $Nonselectable = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "Nonselectable" , "")

Dim $RebootTimer = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "RebootTimer" , "60")

Dim $AdminWarning = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "AdminWarning" , "1")

Dim $ProgressType = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "ProgressType" , "2")

Dim $FontType = IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "config", "FontType" , "")

Dim $Append = "" ;path to append to commands

;CHANGE 'Replace' 1/3***************A

Dim $Replace = "" ;replace ini string

Dim $ReplaceArray ;replace ini string splitted into marker & path into an array

Dim $ReplaceMarker = "" ;marker to be replaced INSIDE commands

Dim $ReplacePath = "" ;path to replace the marker INSIDE commands

;CHANGE 'Replace' 1/3 END************

;CHANGE 'Title' 1/5*****************A

Dim $GUITitle = "" ;GUI windows title (can be set to a value specified in the .ini file)

Dim $ProgressTitle = "" ;Progress windows title (can be set to the same value but default is <>)

;CHANGE 'Title' 1/5 END**************

;CHANGE 'Title' 3/5*****************A

Dim $RunningTitle = ""

Dim $OverallProgress = ""

Dim $SoftwareInstallation = ""

;CHANGE 'Title' 3/5 END**************

Dim $Description ;description for Progress2 items

Dim $Context ;context for Progress2

Dim $SoftwareToInstall = 0

Dim $Subcommands = 0

Dim $CurrentSubCommand = 0



commandline ()

;CHANGE 'config' 1/1*****************A

Dim $LogFilePath = IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "LogFilePath", "" )

If $LogFilePath <> "" Then $LogFile = $LogFilePath & "\kTool-" & @ComputerName & ".txt"

$Log = IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "LogFile", $Log )

If IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "WindowMode" , "") = "Minimize" Then $Flag = @SW_MINIMIZE

If IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "WindowMode" , "") = "Maximize" Then $Flag = @SW_MAXIMIZE

If IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "WindowMode" , "") = "Hide" Then $Flag = @SW_HIDE

If IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "WindowMode" , "") = "Show" Then $Flag = @SW_SHOW

$Nonselectable = IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "Nonselectable" , $Nonselectable)

$RebootTimer = IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "RebootTimer" , $RebootTimer)

$AdminWarning = IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "AdminWarning" , $AdminWarning)

$ProgressType = IniRead ($InstallFile, "Config", "ProgressType" , $ProgressType)

;CHANGE 'config' 1/1 END**************

If $AdminWarning = 1 Then CheckAdmin() ;Line moved from before "commandline ()" above, for using the last value of the setting

ReturnOSVersion() ;Line moved from before "GUI()" below, because we need $OS for the title in FileToArray()

FileToArray ($AvailableArray, $InstallFile)

If $Silent = 1 And $ForceGUI = 0 Then

If $Profile <> "" Then

$Selected = IniRead ($InstallFile, "Profiles", $Profile, "")


$Selected = $Available






ReadSelection ()



If $Reboot > 1 Then Reboot ($RebootTimer)



Func ReturnOSVersion ();Get OS version to readable format


Case $VER = "WIN_XP"

$OS = "Windows XP"

Case $VER = "WIN_2000"

$OS = "Windows 2000"

Case $VER = "WIN_98"

$OS = "Windows 98"

Case $VER = "WIN_ME"

$OS = "Windows ME"

Case $VER = "WIN_95"

$OS = "Windows 95"

Case $VER = "WIN_NT4"

$OS = "Windows NT4"




Func CommandLine (); Read command line options

For $i = 1 to UBound ($CmdLine) - 1


Case $CmdLine[$i] = "?" Or $CmdLine[$i] = "/?" Or $CmdLine[$i] = "help" Or $CmdLine[$i] = "/help"

MsgBox(0, "Help", "/? - Displays this message" & @LF & _

"filename - Specify file to read instructions from (Silent mode)" & @LF & _

" You can create such files in GUI mode" & @LF & _

"/GUI Forces GUI mode" & @LF & _

"Profile Profile to use" & @LF & _

"reboot 0 - Disable restarting the computer" & @LF & _

" 1 - Enable restarting the computer (default)" & @LF & _

" 2 - Disable but restart when finished" & @LF & _

" 3 - Enable and restart when finished" & @LF & @LF & _

"Example:" & @LF & _

" kTool.exe c:\kTool.ini 2")


Case StringIsDigit ( $CmdLine[$i] )


Case $CmdLine[$i] = 0

$Reboot = 0

Case $CmdLine[$i] = 1

$Reboot = 1

Case $CmdLine[$i] = 2

$Reboot = 2

Case $CmdLine[$i] = 3

$Reboot = 3


Case $CmdLine[$i] = "/GUI"

$ForceGUI = 1

Case StringRight ( $CmdLine[$i], 4 ) = ".ini"

$InstallFile = $CmdLine[$i]

$Silent = 1

Case Else

$Profile = $CmdLine[$i]



EndFunc ;CommandLine


Func Reboot ($tSeconds);Reboot computer

ProgressOn("Restarting", IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "Language", "Restarting", "Restarting"), "", -1, -1, 16)

For $i = $tSeconds To 0 Step - 1


ProgressSet( ( ($tSeconds - $i) * 100) / $tSeconds, $i & " seconds")



EndFunc ;Reboot


Func CheckAdmin();Check if user has administrator rights

If IsAdmin()=0 Then

If MsgBox (4,"","Administrator rights required. Continue?") = 7 then Exit


EndFunc ;CheckAdmin


Func FileToArray (ByRef $tArray, $tFile);Write all commands to array

$i = 0

$ProfilesList = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "Profiles" , "")

$ProfilesList = $ProfilesList & "|All|(none)"

$DefaultProfile = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "DefaultProfile", "(none)")

$Append = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "Append" , "")

If $Append = "CD" Then $Append = @ScriptDir & "\"

;CHANGE 'Replace' 2/3***************A

$Replace = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "Replace" , "")

If $Replace<>"" Then

$ReplaceArray = StringSplit ($Replace, "-->", 1)

If $ReplaceArray[0]=2 Then

$ReplaceMarker = $ReplaceArray[1]

$ReplacePath = $ReplaceArray[2]



If $ReplacePath = "CD" Then $ReplacePath = @ScriptDir & "\"

;CHANGE 'Replace' 2/3 END************

;CHANGE 'Title' 2/5*****************A

$GUITitle = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "GUITitle", $OS & " " & @OSServicePack)

$ProgressTitle = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "ListTitle", "Installing Applications")

;CHANGE 'Title' 2/5 END**************

;CHANGE 'Title' 3/5*****************A

$RunningTitle = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "RunningTitle", "Installing ...")

$OverallProgress = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "OverallProgress", "Overall Progress")

$SoftwareInstallation = IniRead ($tFile, "Config", "SoftwareInstallation", "Software Installation")

;CHANGE 'Title' 3/5 END**************

$tOpenFile = FileOpen ($tFile, 0 )

While 1

$tLine = FileReadLine ($tOpenFile)

If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop

$tLine = StringStripWS ($tLine, 3 )


Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 1) = "["

If StringLeft ( $tLine, 8) <> "[Config]" And StringLeft ( $tLine, 10) <> "[Profiles]" Then

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "Section" , $i)

$tArray[$i-1][0] = StringReplace ($tArray[$i-1][0], "[", "")

$tArray[$i-1][0] = StringReplace ($tArray[$i-1][0], "]", "")

$Available = $Available & "|" & $tArray[$i-1][0]


Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 7) = "RunWait"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "RunWait" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 3) = "Run"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "Run" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 3) = "MSI"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "MSI" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 3) = "PRE"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "PRE" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 3) = "DOS"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "DOS" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 3) = "REG"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "REG" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 11) = "WaitProcess"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "WaitProcess" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 12) = "WinWaitClose"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "WinWaitClose" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 6) = "Reboot"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "Reboot" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 13) = "FolderCommand"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FolderCommand" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 13) = "FolderPreCommand"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FolderPreCommand" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 11) = "FolderFiles"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FolderFiles" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 12) = "FolderSwitch"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FolderSwitch" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 6) = "Folder"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "Folder" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 16) = "FileExistVersion"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FileExistVersion" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 15) = "FileExistAction"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FileExistAction" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 9) = "FileExist"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FileExist" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 18) = "FileNotExistAction"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FileNotExistAction" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 12) = "FileNotExist"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "FileNotExist" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 11) = "Description"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "Description" , $i)

Case StringLeft ( $tLine, 7) = "Context"

FillArray ($tArray, $tLine, "Context" , $i)

Case Else



FileClose ($tOpenFile)

EndFunc ;FileToArray


Func FillArray (ByRef $tArray, $tLine, $tCommand, ByRef $tCounter)

ReDim $tArray [$tCounter+1][2]

$tPos = StringInStr ($tLine, "=")

$tLine = StringTrimLeft ($tLine, $tPos)

$tLine = StringStripWS ($tLine, 3)

$tArray [$tCounter][0] = $tLine

$tArray [$tCounter][1] = $tCommand

$tCounter = $tCounter + 1

EndFunc ;FillArray


Func DelFromList (ByRef $tList, $tItem)

$tList = StringReplace ( $tList & "|", "|" & $tItem & "|" , "|")

$tList = StringTrimRight ( $tList, 1 )

EndFunc ;DelFromList


func CheckList ($tString, $tSubstring); Check if substring is in the list

$tString = $tString & "|"

If StringInStr ($tString, "|" & $tSubstring & "|") > 0 then

return 1


return 0


EndFunc ;CheckList


Func ReadSelection ()

$tSelected = ""

$Subcommands = 0

$SoftwareToInstall = 0

$tNumber = UBound ( $AvailableArray )

$j = 1

$tTriger = 0

For $i = 0 To $tNumber - 1

If $AvailableArray [$i][1] = "Section" Then

If CheckList($Selected, $AvailableArray [$i][0]) = 1 Then

$SoftwareToInstall = $SoftwareToInstall + 1

$tTriger = 1

$tSelected = $tSelected & "|" & $AvailableArray [$i][0]


$tTriger = 0



If $tTriger = 1 Then

Redim $SelectedArray [$j][2]

$SelectedArray [$j-1][0] = $AvailableArray [$i][0]

$SelectedArray [$j-1][1] = $AvailableArray [$i][1]

If $AvailableArray [$i][1] = "Reboot" Then $RebootCount = $RebootCount + 1

$j = $j + 1



$Selected = $tSelected

EndFunc ;ReadSelection


Func FindNextSection ($tArray, $tCounter)

For $i = $tCounter To UBound ($tArray) - 1

If $tArray[$i][1] = "Section" Then Return $i


Return -1

EndFunc ;FindNextSection


Func CountFiles ($tFolder, $tFileType)

$i = 0

$tFile = FileFindFirstFile($tFolder & "\*." & $tFileType)

If $tFile = -1 Then

Return 0


While 1


If @error Then Return $i

$i = $i + 1



EndFunc ;CountFiles


Func GUI ()


;REPLACED: all (5) GUIRead function calls by GUICtrlRead calls


;CHANGE 'Title' 3/5*****************M

; GUICreate ( "kTool v1.1a - " & $OS & " " & @OSServicePack , 510, 420)

GUICreate ( "kTool v1.1c - " & $GUITitle , 510, 420)

;CHANGE 'Title' 3/5 END**************

GUICtrlCreateLabel (IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "Language", "Available", "Available Programs"), 20, 10, 160, 20)

GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 12 ,646)

GUICtrlCreateLabel (IniRead (@ScriptDir & "\config\config.ini", "Language", "Selected", "Selected Programs"), 210, 10, 160, 20)

GUICtrlSetFont (-1, 10 ,400)

GUICtrlCreateLabel ("

Edited by SmOke_N
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