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I'm new to AutoIT and I want to automate some task in 3rd party software, but when I use AU3Info tool to get the control details.. all the details where shown Dynamic details. the same control when i use with UIspy tool I'll get static (AutomationID) like "m_editName".

My question is How to use AutomationID in the controlsend or controlclick command? I have tried the same AutomationID instead of ControlID...but didn't work.

Here is the AU3Info

>>>> Window <<<<

Title: Create Project

Class: WindowsForms10.window.8.app.0.bf7771

Position: 336, 129

Size: 403, 520

Style: 0x16CC0000

ExStyle: 0x00010100

Handle: 0x000C02F6

>>>> Control <<<<

Class: WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.bf7771

Instance: 4

ClassnameNN: WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.bf77714

Advanced (Class): [CLASS:WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.bf7771; INSTANCE:4]

ID: 66808


Position: 49, 236

Size: 275, 20

ControlClick Coords: 120, 11

Style: 0x560100C0

ExStyle: 0x00000200

Handle: 0x000104F8

>>>> Mouse <<<<

Position: 509, 399

Cursor ID: 0

Color: 0xFFFFFF

>>>> StatusBar <<<<

>>>> Visible Text <<<<




&Edit project properties after creating project

Project details




Project &DWG directory:


&Project directory:





&Browse to another project to use as a template

&Select the standard to use as a template project

>>>> Hidden Text <<<<

Here is UISpy info


General Accessibility

AccessKey: "Alt+D"

AcceleratorKey: ""

IsKeyboardFocusable: "True"

LabeledBy: ""text" "Description:""

HelpText: ""


IsEnabled: "True"

HasKeyboardFocus: "False"


ClassName: "WindowsForms10.EDIT.app.0.bf7771"

ControlType: "ControlType.Edit"

Culture: "(null)"

AutomationId: "m_editName"

LocalizedControlType: "edit"

Name: "Name:"

ProcessId: "3344 (acad)"

RuntimeId: "42 66808"

IsPassword: "False"

IsControlElement: "True"

IsContentElement: "True"


BoundingRectangle: "(389, 388, 275, 20)"

ClickablePoint: "526,397"

IsOffscreen: "False"




Text: ""

Length: "0"

Bounding Rectangles: ""

AnimationStyleAttribute: "(not supported)"

BackgroundColorAttribute: "16777215"

BulletStyleAttribute: "(not supported)"

CapStyleAttribute: "None"

CultureAttribute: "(not supported)"

FontNameAttribute: "Microsoft Sans Serif"

FontSizeAttribute: "8"

FontWeightAttribute: "400"

ForegroundColorAttribute: "0"

HorizontalTextAlignmentAttribute: "Left"

IndentationFirstLineAttribute: "(not supported)"

IndentationLeadingAttribute: "(not supported)"

IndentationTrailingAttribute: "(not supported)"

IsHiddenAttribute: "(not supported)"

IsItalicAttribute: "False"

IsReadOnlyAttribute: "False"

IsSubscriptAttribute: "(not supported)"

IsSuperscriptAttribute: "(not supported)"

MarginBottomAttribute: "(not supported)"

MarginLeadingAttribute: "(not supported)"

MarginTopAttribute: "(not supported)"

MarginTrailingAttribute: "(not supported)"

OutlineStylesAttribute: "(not supported)"

OverlineColorAttribute: "(not supported)"

OverlineStyleAttribute: "(not supported)"

StrikethroughColorAttribute: "(not supported)"

StrikethroughStyleAttribute: "None"

TabsAttribute: "(not supported)"

TextFlowDirectionsAttribute: "(not supported)"

UnderlineColorAttribute: "(not supported)"

UnderlineStyleAttribute: "None"


Value: ""

IsReadOnly: "False"

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So, any other method to capture those Automation ID?

Hello, rajsekarpillai:

It appears you discovered the information using UISpy, correct? I had the exact same problem. I use this to identify .NET controls.


Edited by zfisherdrums
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