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Difference between Send(n) and n*Send(1)


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For Example

Send("{TAB " & $n & "}")


For $i = 1 To $n



They may be same one. As if set SendKeyDelay before them, there is little difference.

In later codes, of course, a SendKeyDelay between twice Send()s. Then how is the former? In Send(n) on my computer, it seem delay "Default" delay.

Opt("SendKeyDelay", 40) befit me, 30ms go wrong.

Default SendKeyDelay is 5ms in help.

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For Example

Send("{TAB " & $n & "}")


For $i = 1 To $n



They may be same one. As if set SendKeyDelay before them, there is little difference.

In later codes, of course, a SendKeyDelay between twice Send()s. Then how is the former? In Send(n) on my computer, it seem delay "Default" delay.

Opt("SendKeyDelay", 40) befit me, 30ms go wrong.

Default SendKeyDelay is 5ms in help.

I don't see what the question is. The delay is very consistent. The total time for one key send is SendKeyDelay plus SendKeyDownDelay, which by default is 5ms + 5ms = 10ms. Changing the SendKeyDelay gives very consistent results when tested:
$n = 20

Opt("SendKeyDelay", 40)

$iTimer = TimerInit()
Send("{TAB " & $n & "}")
ConsoleWrite("Send() with delay = 40:  " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimer)) & "ms" & @LF)

$iTimer = TimerInit()
For $i = 1 To $n
ConsoleWrite("Loop with delay = 40:  " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimer)) & "ms" & @LF)

Opt("SendKeyDelay", 5)

$iTimer = TimerInit()
Send("{TAB " & $n & "}")
ConsoleWrite("Send() with delay = 5:  " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimer)) & "ms" & @LF)

$iTimer = TimerInit()
For $i = 1 To $n
ConsoleWrite("Loop with delay = 5:  " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimer)) & "ms" & @LF)

Opt("SendKeyDelay", 0)

$iTimer = TimerInit()
Send("{TAB " & $n & "}")
ConsoleWrite("Send() with delay = 0:  " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimer)) & "ms" & @LF)

$iTimer = TimerInit()
For $i = 1 To $n
ConsoleWrite("Loop with delay = 0:  " & Round(TimerDiff($iTimer)) & "ms" & @LF)


>Running:(\Program Files\AutoIt3\autoit3.exe "C:\temp\Test.au3" 
Send() with delay = 40:  935ms
Loop with delay = 40:  936ms
Send() with delay = 5:  208ms
Loop with delay = 5:  207ms
Send() with delay = 0:  102ms
Loop with delay = 0:  106ms
+>10:27:05 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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