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Convert text file to SQLite quickly?


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I need to load log files from an Apache webserver into an SQLite database for analysis. What's the fastest way to read an ASCII text file (CRLF delimited) into SQLite records? Currently, I'm:

  • Reading the file into an array
  • Parsing fields from each record/line using StringRegExp
  • Creating individual INSERT statements from these fields using StringFormat
  • Executing INSERTS into a memory SQLite database
  • Dumping the memory database to a file
I feel like I should be able to insert records or parse fields more efficiently. How can I improve performance?

Local $db = @ScriptDir & "\test.db3"
Local $testlog_src = "logfile.log"
Local $template_logentry = '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) (.+) (.+) \[(.+)\] "(.+)" (.+) (.+) "(.+)" "(.+)"' ; separates record into fields
Local $template_sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO aTest(ip,unk,user,datetime,request,status,bytes,referrer) " & _
Enum $_ip, $_unk, $_user, $_datetime, $_request, $_status, $_bytes, $_referrer

_SQLite_Open() ; open :memory: Database
_SQLite_Exec(-1, "CREATE TABLE aTest(ip,unk,user,datetime,request,status,bytes,referrer);") ; CREATE a Table

; read and parse log entries
$log = ""

SplashTextOn("", "reading file...")
_FileReadToArray($testlog_src, $log)

SplashTextOn("", "parsing file to db...")
For $i = 1 To $log[0]
    $bar = StringRegExp($log[$i], $template_logentry, 1)
    _SQLite_Exec(-1, StringFormat($template_sqlinsert, $bar[$_ip], $bar[$_unk], $bar[$_user], $bar[$_datetime], $bar[$_request], $bar[$_status], $bar[$_bytes], $bar[$_referrer])) ; INSERT Data


Edited by mlowery
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Please test if

Local $db = @ScriptDir & "\test.db3"
Local $testlog_src = "logfile.log"
Local $template_logentry = '(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) (.+) (.+) \[(.+)\] "(.+)" (.+) (.+) "(.+)" "(.+)"' ; separates record into fields
Local $template_sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO aTest(ip,unk,user,datetime,request,status,bytes,referrer) " & _
Enum $_ip, $_unk, $_user, $_datetime, $_request, $_status, $_bytes, $_referrer

_SQLite_Open() ; open :memory: Database
_SQLite_Exec(-1, "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;")
_SQLite_Exec(-1, "CREATE TABLE aTest(ip,unk,user,datetime,request,status,bytes,referrer);") ; CREATE a Table

; read and parse log entries
$log = ""

SplashTextOn("", "reading file...")
_FileReadToArray($testlog_src, $log)

SplashTextOn("", "parsing file to db...")
For $i = 1 To $log[0]
    $bar = StringRegExp($log[$i], $template_logentry, 1)
    _SQLite_Exec(-1, StringFormat($template_sqlinsert, $bar[$_ip], $bar[$_unk], $bar[$_user], $bar[$_datetime], $bar[$_request], $bar[$_status], $bar[$_bytes], $bar[$_referrer])) ; INSERT Data

gives you any speed improvements... I'm curious myself :)

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There is a slight gain. Measured from the start of "parsing," timer ticks went from 24563 to 22591 with the TRANSACTION additions. (I knew there had to be a more efficient way to send INSERTS in bulk form -- thanks for the tip!)

The log file seems to load quickly into the array. I think it's the parsing of fields that's the slow part of the process. I'm sure there's a better way to do that.

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The log file seems to load quickly into the array. I think it's the parsing of fields that's the slow part of the process. I'm sure there's a better way to do that.

Maybe StringRegExp() is not the fastest way to split the strings... can imagine that it needs a lot of computing power compared to stringright(), stringleft(), stringmid(), stringinstr() and stringlen() combos... post an (anonymized :) ) log-entry and we'll try it that way...

Best Regards

Edited by KaFu
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Maybe StringRegExp() is not the fastest way to split the strings... can imagine that it needs a lot of computing power compared to stringright(), stringleft(), stringmid(), stringinstr() and stringlen() combos... post an (anonymized :) ) log-entry and we'll try it that way...

Best Regards

My guess too is that RegExp is probably the slowpoke. The stinker is that the log file fields aren't fixed width, and don't have absolute delimiters. The first field is an IP address, which can be as short as or as long as Some of the fields are enclosed in quotes, but most aren't.

I considered a slightlier messy combination of StringSplits. I'll give that a shot and see if it's better. (I don't have any problem uploading anonymized data; it's just that the sample log from one day is about 4 MB.) If helpful, a typical line in the logfile looks like this (all on one line):

xx.xx.xx.xxx - - [07/Dec/2008:03:50:32 -0700] "GET www.domain.com/ HTTP/1.1" 200 7452 "http://www.domain.de/" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Orange 8.0; InfoPath.1)"
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  • 1 month later...

Sorry , for my poor English. lol

I think the problem was that keyword "INSERT".

You can test the following code.

#include <sqlite.au3>
#include <sqlite.dll.au3>

_SQLite_Exec(-1,"Create table abc(id)")

For $i=1 To 100 Step 1
    _SQLite_Exec(-1,"Insert into abc values ('1')")
    ConsoleWrite($i & @CRLF)

_SQLite_Close ("abc.db3")
_SQLite_Shutdown ()oÝ÷ Ù8^­ë.ÛºÚ"µÍÉÝÌMNL

It spended 14 seconds to insert only 100 data.

Edited by Xwolf
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