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New to AutoIt...but WOW, this is great stuff

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I'm new to AutoIt and I'm amazed at what this software can do. I've only been using AutoIt for a little over a week so I'm sure my code isn't as professional or a streamlined as some of the more "seasoned" users (but hey, I'm giving it a try). I'm using a program called My Voice Controller to run my system by voice command and AutoIt fits in perfectly, allowing me to write scripts to automate everything by voice. Example...This code goes to the internet, retrieves the current stock price on Microsoft, puts it on the clipboard where it returns to My Voice Controller and speaks the results when I give the voice command "What's Microsoft Stock doing". Same for weather, the Dow Jones Industrial Average, etc. (pretty cool stuff)...Thanks AutoIt!!!

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:

Author: Gadget Ollie

Script Function:

Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

If FileExists("C:\Temp\") Then






Func Real()

InetGet ( "http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=MSFT&f=l1c1p2", "c:\temp\quote.txt", 1)

$fil = FileRead("C:\Temp\quote.txt", 1000)

$array = Stringsplit ( $fil,",")


$Change = $array[2]


If $change=0 Then

$change= " . The stock is unchanged from the opening price."

ElseIf $change < 0 Then

$change=" . The stock is down by "&StringMid($change,2)&" points"


$change=" . The stock is up by "&StringMid($change,2)&" points"


$StockPrice="the current price is $"&$Price &$Change


FileDelete ( "C:\Temp\quote.txt" )



Anyway, in programming some scripts to use with My Voice Controller, I noticed an issue with 2 functions (WinGetClientSize and _WinAPI_GetClientHeight). Both return the incorrect window height where WinGetPos returns a different value for the window height (the correct value). Even using the AutoIt Window Info tool, the window height comes back correctly (different than what is returned from the WinGetClientSize and _WinAPI_GetClientHeight functions but the same as the WinGetPos function). Anyone else notice this or am I doing something incorrect? I searched the forum and couldn't find anything on this issue.

The code is to center the active window on the display taking the width of the taskbar into consideration (using a voice command to "Center Window")...Btw, some of the code comes from the wonderful examples provided by users on this forum and I try to give credit where credit is due.

; get Active Window (Title)(Text)

; Author - SmOke_N & Valuater

; modified by Gadget Ollie -- Original code from AutoIt examples forum

Dim $winname, $wintxt

$MyText = WinGetText(FindActiveWindow())

$MyTitle = WinGetTitle(FindActiveWindow())

$winsize = WinGetPos($winname, $wintxt) ;added G.O.

$Taskbar = ControlGetPos("[CLASS:Shell_TrayWnd]", "Running Applications", "[CLASS:ToolbarWindow32; INSTANCE:2]");added to take taskbar width into consideration G.O.

Local $y = (((@DesktopHeight - $Taskbar[3]) / 2) - ($winsize[3]) / 2);added G.O.

Local $x = (@DesktopWidth / 2) - ($winsize[2] / 2);added G.O.

WinMove($winname, $wintxt, $x, $y);added G.O.

Func FindActiveWindow()

Local $HidOpt = Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", 1);0=don't detect, 1=do detect

Local $w_WinList = WinList()

For $i = 1 To $w_WinList[0][0]

If $w_WinList[$i][0] <> "" And BitAND(WinGetState($w_WinList[$i][1]), 2) _

And BitAND(WinGetState($w_WinList[$i][1]), 8) Then Return $w_WinList[$i][0]


Opt("WinDetectHiddenText", $HidOpt);0=don't detect, 1=do detect

EndFunc ;==>FindActiveWindow

This code now works with the WinGetPos function, properly centering the window in the Available Screen space where the other two functions were always off by 50 pixels or so.

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ClientSize is differenet than the Window size.

ClientSize is the size of the window minus the top border/title bar, as well as the bottom and left and right borders.

Can't recall if menu bars are included in client size or not.

Edited by ResNullius
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