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Problem with Label CTRLID's


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my problem is described in the first comment of the script, sorry if I didnt use correct english and couldnt exactly tell my problem very well.

;This script should transfer the data of an editbox on a set of labels. To realize that, I created an invisible editbox that have controlfocus

;and an array of labels that should show the editboxtext. During a while-loop changes in the editbox are detected and transfered to the labelset.

;The update of new text works well, but when i created the "backspace-function" i got into troubles that I don't understand: The labelarray gives

;the wrong control-id's when I try to get them with the position.



HotKeySet("q", "_quit") ;sets exitfunction

GUICreate("GUITest", 600, 400, -1, -1, $WS_POPUP)

Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

Opt("MouseCoordMode", 0)

$EditBox = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 0, 0, 600, 400)

GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_HIDE)

ControlFocus("GUITest", "", $EditBox)

$KeyInput = GUICtrlRead($EditBox)

Dim $CursorX = 0, $CursorY = 0, $TextPosX = 0, $TextPosY = 0 ;the cursor-vars of create labelset and change labeldata

Dim $LabelList[32][22] ;the array for the labels sorted by position

_CreateLabels() ;creates the labelset on GUI

While 1


If StringLen(GUICtrlRead($EditBox)) > StringLen($KeyInput) Then ;If the string got longer the function "_AddInput" is called

$KeyInput = GUICtrlRead($EditBox)



If StringLen(GUICtrlRead($EditBox)) < StringLen($KeyInput) Then ;If the string got shorter the function "_eraseInput" is called

$KeyInput = GUICtrlRead($EditBox)




;This function fills GUI with empty labels with unique arrayid's depending on position.

Func _CreateLabels()

For $x = 1 To 20

$LabelList[$CursorX / 20][$CursorY / 20] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $CursorX, $CursorY, 20, 20)

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_test")

For $x2 = 1 To 30

$CursorX = $CursorX + 20

$LabelList[$CursorX / 20][$CursorY / 20] = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", $CursorX, $CursorY, 20, 20)

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 12)

GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "_test")


$CursorY = $CursorY + 20

$CursorX = 0



EndFunc ;==>_CreateLabels

;This function refreshes the labels with new letters, creating new lines at linefeeds and lineends.

Func _AddInput()

If Asc(StringRight($KeyInput, 1)) <> 8 Then ;checks if a linefeed

If Asc(StringRight($KeyInput, 1)) <> 10 Then ;or carriage return were sent

MsgBox(1, "", $TextPosX & "," & $TextPosY & "," & $LabelList[$TextPosX][$TextPosY]) ;shows a testmsg of actual x-position, y-position and control id

$LabelList[$TextPosX][$TextPosY] = GUICtrlSetData($LabelList[$TextPosX][$TextPosY], StringRight($KeyInput, 1))

MsgBox(1, "", $TextPosX & "," & $TextPosY & "," & $LabelList[$TextPosX][$TextPosY]) ;shows a testmsg of actual x-position, y-position and control id

Else ;again but it shows the wrong control id

$TextPosY += 1

$TextPosX = -1



$TextPosX += 1

If $TextPosX = 30 Then ;checks for lineend by position

$TextPosY += 1

$TextPosX = 0


EndFunc ;==>_AddInput

;This function shoud erase the last letter-label.

Func _eraseinput()

$TextPosX -= 1

MsgBox(1, "", $TextPosX & "," & $TextPosY & "," & $LabelList[$TextPosX][$TextPosY]) ;here my problem is shown in a msg: the control id is not the correct one

GUICtrlSetData($LabelList[$TextPosX][$TextPosY], "") ;but every time an 1.

If $TextPosX = 0 Then

$TextPosX = 30

$TextPosY -= 1


EndFunc ;==>_eraseinput

;Testfunction to check position - and controlid's.

Func _test()

GUICtrlSetData($LabelList[Round(MouseGetPos(0) / 20, 1)][Round(MouseGetPos(1) / 20, 1)], InputBox("", "")) ;testing the position id works fine here

EndFunc ;==>_test

;Quitfunction and output of the original editboxtext.

Func _quit()

MsgBox(1, "", GUICtrlRead($EditBox))


EndFunc ;==>_quit

it would make me very happy, if anyone could help me with this problem,

thx jakob.

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