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Tetris (Last update: Jan 12, 2009)


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The music for Tetris is not attached here to due size.

Click here to download it. (Try this if the previous doesn't work)

Once you have it downloaded just place the three theme songs inside the same directory as Tetris - Pic.au3

Options menu is not supposed to be functional yet.


  • Move piece left - Left Arrow
  • Move piece right - Right Arrow
  • Move piece down - Down Arrow
  • Rotate Left - A
  • Rotate Right - S
  • Drop - Space
  • New Game - F2
  • Pause - F3

January 12, 2009]

  • Now uses pictures instead of labels
  • The bug with pieces getting stuck should be gone (hopefully)
  • High scores
  • Sound is now functional (Music is attached in a seperate file)
  • All pieces are redrawn in more efficient way that saves time and processing
  • Hotkeys get disabled when window loses focus
  • Preview is now shown for where a piece will drop
  • Preview for the next piece is now shown
January 2, 2009
  • Added drop (Space bar), drop gives points depending on how far it drops
  • Added menu (basic game operations and a currently non functional sound part)
  • New Game function (F2)
  • Pause function (F3)
  • High Scores with decent GUI
  • Ability to restart game
  • Levels are slightly easier (higher levels were going too fast)
To Do
  • Customizable hotkeys - almost there
  • Customizable colors
Tetris.zipPrevious Downloads: 113 Edited by Ichigo
My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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Cool but there are a few bugs, I once made it crash by holding the "down arrow" for a few secs, and I don't think that green block was supposed to stop in mid-air......

Posted Image

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After few hours of game Ive only one beug : the same as AdmiralAlkex :)

It would be great that you add :

-pause button

-IsPressed instead of HotkeySet because with hotkeyset I can't tape 2keys in one time for example down and turn.

So with IsPressed you can do if IsPressed down and turn then etc...

-Store high score in a file :o

Cheers, FireFox.

Edited by FireFox
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Added pause button and IsPressed functions : (Include Is_Pressed_UDF)

Edit : Added help button

Edit2 : Added restart button when lose

Edit3 : Added highscores and sounds

[autoit]#Region sound

$snd = "http://d3monautoit.free.fr/sound/"

If Not FileExists(@TempDir & "\move.mp3") Then

InetGet($snd & "move.mp3", @TempDir & "\move.mp3", 1, 0)

InetGet($snd & "down.mp3", @TempDir & "\down.mp3", 1, 0)

InetGet($snd & "start.mp3", @TempDir & "\start.mp3", 1, 0)

InetGet($snd & "gameover.mp3", @TempDir & "\gameover.mp3", 1, 0)


#EndRegion sound

#Region Include

#include <Grid.au3>

#include <File.au3>

#include <Array.au3>

#include <IsPressed_UDF.au3>

#include <StaticConstants.au3>

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

#EndRegion Include

#Region Global

Global Const $SINGLE = 40, $DOUBLE = 100, $TRIPLE = 300, $TETRIS = 1200

Global Const $PIECE_FLAT = 0, $PIECE_SQUARE = 1, $PIECE_L = 2, $PIECE_BKL = 3, $PIECE_STEP = 4, $PIECE_BKSTEP = 5, $PIECE_MID = 6

Global Const $COLORS[7] = [0xFF0000, 0xFFFF00, 0xFF8000, 0x0000FF, 0xFF00FF, 0x00FF00, 0x00FFFF]

Global Const $WIDTH = 10, $HEIGHT = 20

Global Const $SIZE = 20

Global Const $BK_COLOR = 0x000000

Global Const $GUI_L_W = 70

Global $level = 0

Global $score = 0

Global $time = 800

Global $lines = 0

Global $idle = True ; set to false when redrawing or moving

Global $currentPieceType ; 0-6

Global $currentPieceOrien ; 0 = 12 o'clock, 1 = 3 0'clock...

Global $currentPiece[4] ; An array of four coords

#EndRegion Global

#Region GUI

$gui = GUICreate('Tetris', $SIZE * ($WIDTH + 1.5) + $GUI_L_W, $SIZE + 20 * ($HEIGHT + 1), -1, -1, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP)

GUIRegisterMsg($WM_SYSCOMMAND, "_help")

;~ GUICtrlCreateLabel('-- Preview --', 220, 200, 70, 20, $SS_CENTER)

;~ _Grid_Create(4, 5, 18, $BK_COLOR, 220, 220, $gui)

_Grid_Create($WIDTH, $HEIGHT, $SIZE, $BK_COLOR, $SIZE / 2, $SIZE / 2, $gui)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('-- Score --', $SIZE * ($WIDTH + 1), $SIZE / 2, $GUI_L_W, 20, $SS_CENTER)

$lblScore = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', $SIZE * ($WIDTH + 1), $SIZE / 2 + 25, $GUI_L_W, 21, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_SUNKEN))

GUICtrlSetData(-1, $score)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('-- Level --', $SIZE * ($WIDTH + 1), $SIZE / 2 + 60, $GUI_L_W, 20, $SS_CENTER)

$lblLevel = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', $SIZE * ($WIDTH + 1), $SIZE / 2 + 85, $GUI_L_W, 21, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_SUNKEN))

GUICtrlSetData(-1, $level)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('-- Lines --', $SIZE * ($WIDTH + 1), $SIZE / 2 + 120, $GUI_L_W, 20, $SS_CENTER)

$lblLines = GUICtrlCreateLabel('', $SIZE * ($WIDTH + 1), $SIZE / 2 + 145, $GUI_L_W, 21, BitOR($SS_RIGHT, $SS_SUNKEN))

GUICtrlSetData(-1, $level)


GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $gui)

#EndRegion GUI

#Region Start

SoundPlay(@TempDir & "\start.mp3")

MsgBox(0, "Tetris", "Welcome to Tetris !")


AdlibEnable('_Down', $time)


#EndRegion Start

While 1


If _IsAndKeyPressed("25|27") Then



ElseIf _IsAndKeyPressed("25|28") Then



ElseIf _IsAndKeyPressed("25|41") Then



ElseIf _IsAndKeyPressed("25|53") Then




If _IsAndKeyPressed("27|28") Then



ElseIf _IsAndKeyPressed("27|41") Then



ElseIf _IsAndKeyPressed("27|53") Then



ElseIf _IsAndKeyPressed("41|53") Then




If _IsPressed("25") Then


ElseIf _IsPressed("27") Then


ElseIf _IsPressed("28") Then


ElseIf _IsPressed("41") Then


ElseIf _IsPressed("53") Then


ElseIf _IsPressed("26") Then




#Region *** GAME ***

Func _GeneratePiece()

$currentPieceType = Random(0, 6, 1)

$currentPieceOrien = 0

$posCurrentPiece = $currentPiece

Switch $currentPieceType


For $i = 0 To 3

Dim $temp[2] = [5, $i]

$posCurrentPiece[$i] = $temp



For $i = 0 To 3

If $i < 2 Then

Dim $temp[2] = [4 + $i, 0]


Dim $temp[2] = [4 + ($i - 2), 1]


$posCurrentPiece[$i] = $temp



For $i = 0 To 2

Dim $temp[2] = [4, $i] ; 1 is the rotation point

$posCurrentPiece[$i] = $temp


Dim $temp[2] = [5, 2]

$posCurrentPiece[3] = $temp

Case $PIECE_BKL ; 1 is the rotation point

For $i = 0 To 2

Dim $temp[2] = [5, $i]

$posCurrentPiece[$i] = $temp


Dim $temp[2] = [4, 2]

$posCurrentPiece[3] = $temp


Dim $temp[2] = [5, 0]

$posCurrentPiece[0] = $temp

Dim $temp[2] = [4, 1]

$posCurrentPiece[1] = $temp

Dim $temp[2] = [5, 1]

$posCurrentPiece[2] = $temp ; 2 is the rotation point

Dim $temp[2] = [4, 2]

$posCurrentPiece[3] = $temp


Dim $temp[2] = [4, 0]

$posCurrentPiece[0] = $temp

Dim $temp[2] = [4, 1]

$posCurrentPiece[1] = $temp ; 2 is the rotation point

Dim $temp[2] = [5, 1]

$posCurrentPiece[2] = $temp

Dim $temp[2] = [5, 2]

$posCurrentPiece[3] = $temp


For $i = 0 To 2

Dim $temp[2] = [4 + $i, 0] ; 1 is the rotation point

$posCurrentPiece[$i] = $temp


Dim $temp[2] = [5, 1]

$posCurrentPiece[3] = $temp


If Not _AreaIsClear($posCurrentPiece) Then



$currentPiece = $posCurrentPiece



EndFunc ;==>_GeneratePiece

Func _Land()



EndFunc ;==>_Land

Func _CheckGrid()

Local $tempErase[4] = [-1, -1, -1, -1]

$rowDrop = 0

For $i = $HEIGHT - 1 To 0 Step -1

$possible = True

For $j = 0 To $WIDTH - 1

;~ Msgbox(0, '', _Grid_GetColor($j, $i))

If _Grid_GetColor($j, $i) = 0 Then

$possible = False




If $possible Then

$tempErase[$rowDrop] = $i

$rowDrop += 1



If $tempErase[0] = -1 Then Return



For $i = 0 To $rowDrop - 1

_Grid_SetRowColor($tempErase[$i], 0xFFFFFF)



$tempGrid = $colorGrid ; $colorGrid is taken from Grid.au3

$passed = 0 ; How many rows to bring down the everything (varies as the loop progresses)

$row = $tempErase[0]

$consec = 0 ; Number of consecutive


While _ArraySearch($tempErase, $row - $passed) <> -1

$passed += 1

$consec += 1


If $consec > 0 Then

Switch $consec

Case 1

$score += ($level * $SINGLE) + $SINGLE

$lines += 1

Case 2

$score += ($level * $DOUBLE) + $DOUBLE

$lines += 2

Case 3

$score += ($level * $TRIPLE) + $TRIPLE

$lines += 3

Case 4

$score += ($level * $TETRIS) + $TETRIS

$lines += 4


GUICtrlSetData($lblScore, $score)

GUICtrlSetData($lblLines, $lines)

If $lines >= (($level + 1) * 10) Then

$level += 1

GUICtrlSetData($lblLevel, $level)

$time *= .8


$consec = 0


;~ ConsoleWrite('> $row = ' & $row & @TAB & '$passed = ' & $passed & @CRLF)

For $j = 0 To $WIDTH - 1

If $row - $passed < 0 Then

$tempGrid[$row][$j] = $BK_COLOR


$tempGrid[$row][$j] = $tempGrid[$row - $passed][$j]



$row -= 1

Until $row - $passed < -1

; Redraw the grid

For $i = 0 To $HEIGHT - 1

For $j = 0 To $WIDTH - 1

_Grid_SetColor($tempGrid[$i][$j], $j, $i)



AdlibEnable('_Down', $time)


;~ Msgbox(0, '', 'Any good?')

EndFunc ;==>_CheckGrid

#Region Modified

Func _DisableHotkeys()


HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "_Pause")

HotKeySet("a", "_None")

HotKeySet("s", "_None")

EndFunc ;==>_DisableHotkeys

Func _EnableHotkeys()


HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "_Pause")

HotKeySet("a", "_none")

HotKeySet("s", "_none")

EndFunc ;==>_EnableHotkeys

Func _None()

;Function for disable sound

; when enter a or s

EndFunc ;==>_None

Func _Pause()

TrayTip("Tetris", "Game paused !", 0, 1)

HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "_Unpause")

Global $idle = False

While 1


If $idle = True Then ExitLoop


EndFunc ;==>_Pause

Func _Unpause()

TrayTip('Tetris', 'Game restarted !', 0, 1)

HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "_Pause")

Global $idle = True

EndFunc ;==>_Unpause

Func _Restart()


_Grid_Create($WIDTH, $HEIGHT, $SIZE, $BK_COLOR, $SIZE / 2, $SIZE / 2, $gui)

GUICtrlSetData($lblLevel, 0)

GUICtrlSetData($lblScore, 0)

GUICtrlSetData($lblLines, 0)

AdlibEnable('_Down', $time)

EndFunc ;==>_Restart

Func _help($hWnd, $Msg, $wParam, $lParam)

If $wParam = 0x0000F180 Then ;HELP BUTTON

MsgBox(64, "Tetris help/About...", "Author(s) :

Edited by FireFox
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I get the following error as soon as the first piece hits the bottom:

" Line 220==> Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded.:

$tempErase[$rowDrop] = $i


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Cool but there are a few bugs, I once made it crash by holding the "down arrow" for a few secs, and I don't think that green block was supposed to stop in mid-air......
I've had that happen a few times. I'll try adding a bit more checks for making sure it's idle when you press down. It use to be way worse, but I added an $idle variable that stops it from redrawing in the middle of it's drawing, but I guess it isn't covering everything yet.

Wow nicely done :o

I like it :)



Thanks for all your input. Most of those suggestions were what I was thinking of doing. I'll probably use some of what you added if you don't mind. I personally don't like the sound effects much, but I'll try to find something that works to my liking more. I'll probably add a GUI instead of using a message box at the end though...

I'm not sure if the _IsPressed udf is an improvement. It seems to make the pieces move/rotate too fast. I know you said that you could do both at once, but when you try it seems kind of buggy, like it only works sometime.

@fmen: Does that happen with my version?

The error you described happens when an item is trying to be drawn outside the grid (causes an array error, as I have experienced many times in testing). I thought I got all possibilities of that happening blocked...

@everyone: I'll be adding some of firefox's updates and some of my own soon...

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Thanks... Those other ones you listed don't have too much to more than mine. As soon as I get back to my desktop I'll be making some decent graphics and adding a few other things. I'm getting sick of programming on my laptop without a real mouse...
My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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Menu for sound but no sound... Edit : I saw that you say its normal...

First time I play when I click on highscore there is array variable error (you should write in highscore file like me with 0 score)

Do you preffer to get more score only when you erase line ? (in my version +20 when you put a piece)

Cheers, FireFox.

Edited by FireFox
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Pause allows you to still move pieces. And I believe _IsPressed is better... :o

But I like the concept. Thank you for sharing it.



Ok, I'll try changing it to _IsPressed with a slightly longer sleep time. Lol, I forgot to fix pause all the way.. I'll change that too.


Menu for sound but no sound... Edit : I saw that you say its normal...

First time I play when I click on highscore there is array variable error (you should write in highscore file like me with 0 score)

Do you preffer to get more score only when you erase line ? (in my version +20 when you put a piece)

Cheers, FireFox.

Yeah, I was just getting sound ready to add. I'll check the high score error.


Cool! :) 4 stars! :D

My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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Can you add my function "bottom" when you press up arrow then piece go to bottom :)

Cheers, FireFox.

I didn't realize you had added it... However, I did add it... Push space bar. It seems to unlogical to have a piece drop when you press up so I think I'm going to leave it with space bar..

I'll be adding customizable hotkeys soon so you'll be able to pick whatever keys you want.

My Programs[list][*]Knight Media Player[*]Multiple Desktops[*]Daily Comics[*]Journal[/list]
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