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Automated system shutdown

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I'm writing a utility that will run as a Windows scheduled task. It will shutdown the system at a specified time with a user prompt allowing the shutdown to be aborted. This way, when we roll it out across the network, it won't force a shutdown at 6:00pm on a user who's working late.

It works well so long as someone is logged on. What I'm having issues with is if no one is logged on. I don't need to display a message if the machine isn't logged on. Can I check if the system is logged on, and not display a MsgBox, just shutdown?



$x = MsgBox(0,"Shutdown","In accordance with company power saving policies, your computer will be shutdown in 5 minutes." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If you wish to abort this process, click the OK button below.",500)

If $x = -1 Then
    ; Code 13 = 1 (shutdown) + 4 (force) + 8 (power down)
    MsgBox(0,"Shutdown Aborted","Please remember to power off your computer when you are done.")
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If Processexists("Explorer.exe")==0 Then

$x = MsgBox(0,"Shutdown","In accordance with company power saving policies, your computer will be shutdown in 5 minutes." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If you wish to abort this process, click the OK button below.",500)

If $x = -1 Then
    ; Code 13 = 1 (shutdown) + 4 (force) + 8 (power down)
    MsgBox(0,"Shutdown Aborted","Please remember to power off your computer when you are done.")

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Thank you Turion. While this does indeed work (and was exactly what I was looking for), I now have another problem.

The program works fine while logged in. The check for explorer.exe while not logged in works as expected. I added a write to a debug file to verify in the if statement. The Shutdown(13) just doesn't work while not logged in. I also tried doing

Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & "shutdown.exe -s -f", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE)

instead of the Shutdown(13). That doesn't work either. Any ideas?


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shutdown -s -f -t 0 ?

How is the script being launched? Is it in Task scheduler? Does the account it's running under have permissions to shut down? I've launched scripts from task scheduler that send a logged out PC to stadby, and it worked. Haven't down shutdown.

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Its run from cmd, or by batch batch file that is run from cmd too...

ShellExecute("cmd.exe","shutdown -s -f -t 0")

-s = shutdown

-f = force end of process

-t = time before shutdown

for more help tape "shutdown" in cmd

Cheers, FireFox.

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I know how shutdown works, I was suggesting alternative parameters, and I was asking under what context the script was being executed (Task scheduler, remotely from another PC using something like PSexec, as a service, etc), as that could affect the permissions available to do a shutdown.

And shutdown is not an internal command of cmd.exe, but rather a separate executable, so you can actually call it directly if you wish.

Give this a shot:

run("shutdown.exe /i")

I think you'll find that it will run directly(without launching cmd) and give you a shutdown dialog box

Edited by TurionAltec
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Thanks everyone for your help. Turion's suggestion was dead-on, my implementation was not however. LOL

I wedged his (her?) suggestion into the code I already had re-worked a couple of times, and I wound up with a situation where I had an undefined variable if it was not logged in, thus the failure. All is well in code land again.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I see you got a solution, but I don't get it.

Would you be so kind to post the 'working' script please ?



Of course! I apologize for the delay. Here's the complete script. It's not much, but works perfectly.

I also added an option to the shutdown command that writes an entry to the Windows Event Log stating the reason for the shutdown.

; Run as a scheduled windows job to shutdown machine with prompt if user is still online.

$x = 0

; Is someone logged on?
If ProcessExists("explorer.exe") Then
    $x = MsgBox(0,"Shutdown","In accordance with SDCC power saving policies, your computer will be shutdown in 5 minutes." & @CRLF & @CRLF & "If you wish to abort this process, click the OK button below.",10)

If $x = 1 Then
    MsgBox(0,"Shutdown Aborted","Please remember to power off your computer when you are done.")
    Run(@ComSpec & " /c " & "shutdown.exe -s -f -t 0 -d p:0:0 -c " & Chr(34) & "System shutdown for power saving measures" & Chr(34), @TempDir, @SW_HIDE)   
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