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_IE Form problem

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My code untill now:

#include <IE.au3>
func Hospital()
$oIE = _IEAttach ("Camorra World")
;If @error Then
;   msgbox(0,'Error','')
;   EndIf
;This was to check if $oIE returns an error
_IELoadWait ($oIE)
WinwaitActive ('Camorra World - Windows Internet Explorer')
 $oeIE =_IENavigate ($oIE, 'http://www.camorraworld.nl/cw/hospital.php' )
 ;Untill here script is success
 $oForm = _IEFormElementGetCollection ($oeIE, 0)
 Hospital()oÝ÷ ØtÌ,*yúèØ^²+^!ìm­§-yÛaÌ"¶Þnèj²-ßÛ(©j»bjVî´!¢é]mçÞv¡×£mäLiËb¢

What am I doing wrong?

Ps. I am still on newbie level and I did search on the forum first but I couldn't find anything that matches my problem. xD

Edited by BlackPhoenix
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I made a Camorra bot a while ago. Too bad I don't have it anymore, it was very good. :P

For your problem: Get the forum button element and put _IEAction( .. , "click") on it.

Yep, but they changed their script and I dunno how to get the form button element :unsure:. This is the code:

<FORM action=/cw/hospital.php method=post><DIV class=cb>

<H1>Ziekenhuis van Irak</H1>

<P><IMG class=img_right height=149 src="http://static.camorraworld.nl/images/ingame_misc/bedje.jpg" width=222> <SPAN class="green bold">Welkom in het ziekenhuis van Irak!</SPAN><BR>In het ziekenhuis kan je jezelf laten opereren als je bijvoor-beeld in je poot schiet of bent aangevallen. Directeur <A href="/cw/criminal.php?name=haywire"><STRONG>haywire</STRONG></A> moet coke aanleveren zodat patienten verdoofd worden. Doet hij dit niet, dan is het mogelijk dat patienten erop achteruit gaan tijdens een operatie... Aan het volk dan actie te ondernemen tegen de directeur. </P>

<P>De prijs per operatie gaat per rang omhoog. Voor jou kost een operatie: 500 <BR>Per operatie krijg je 1% gezondheid erbij, mits er genoeg coke (verdoving) aanwezig is! </P>

<P><STRONG>Operaties ondergaan </STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Je gezondheid is momenteel 98%! </P>

<P>Aantal operaties: <INPUT id=aantal value=2 name=aantal>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <INPUT id=submit type=submit value="Opereer mij!" name=submit> </P></DIV></FORM>

Changed the autoitcode to this:

#include <IE.au3>
func Hospital()
$oIE = _IEAttach ("Camorra World")
;If @error Then
;   msgbox(0,'Error','')
;   EndIf
;This was to check if $oIE returns an error
_IELoadWait ($oIE)
WinwaitActive ('Camorra World - Windows Internet Explorer')
 $oeIE =_IENavigate ($oIE, 'http://www2.camorraworld.nl/cw/hospital.php' )
 ;Untill here script is success
 $oForm = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($oeIE, 'submit')

And as you mentioned I'm indeed working on a bot for camorraworld. I got the rest allready working allthough with clickcoordinates, but now i try it with this one because the coordinates are different for every user. I got past their anit-cheat window with color detection. If i get this to work I should be able to make it complete ^^. However its my first bot so its still very basic stuff.

Returns this error:

--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IEFormElementGetObjByName, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType
--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IEAction, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType
Edited by BlackPhoenix
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$oForm = _IEFormElementGetCollection ($oIE, 0) ; it was $oeIE in your code and if this not fixing it.
_IEFormSubmit($oForm, 0) ; this might
_IELoadWait($oIE) ; as well as this one.oÝ÷ Ûú®¢×®'Ü"¶aÇ(u殶­sb6æ6ÇVFRfÇC´RæS2fwC°¢5&WV&TFÖà¦gVæ2÷7F¢b33c¶ôRÒôTGF6gV÷C´6Ö÷'&v÷&ÆBgV÷C²£´bW'&÷"FVࣰ×6v&÷Âb33´W'&÷"b33²Âb33²b33²£°VæD`£µF2v2Fò6V6²bb33c¶ôR&WGW&ç2âW'&÷ ¥ôTÆöEvBb33c¶ôR¥vçvD7FfRb33´6Ö÷'&v÷&ÆBÒvæF÷w2çFW&æWBWÆ÷&W"b33²¢b33c¶ôRÕôTæfvFRb33c¶ôRÂb33¶GG¢ò÷wws"æ6Ö÷'&v÷&ÆBææÂö7rö÷7FÂçb33²¢³ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓТµVçFÆÂW&R67&B27V66W70¢³ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓТôTÆöEvBb33c¶ôR¢b33c¶ôf÷&ÒÒôTf÷&ÔVÆVÖVçDvWD6öÆÆV7Föâb33c¶ôR¢²b33c¶ôf÷&ÒÒôTf÷&ÔVÆVÖVçDvWDö&¤'æÖRb33c¶ôRÂb33·7V&ÖBb33²¢µôV7Föâb33c¶ôf÷&ÒÂb33¶6Æ6²b33²¥ôTf÷&Õ7V&ÖBb33c¶ôf÷&Ò¤VæDgVæ0¢÷7FÂ

,now I get this:

--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IELoadWait, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType

--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IEFormElementGetCollection, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType

--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IEFormSubmit, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType

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Are you trying to submit the form with the title "Inloggen op Camorra World" or the upper right one?

The first form (not the upper one) is named "login2" and the upper is "login" so you don't need to use _IEFormElementGetCollection, use _IEFormGetObjByName.

Nope, I don't have those forms, I'm allready logged in so the browser doesn't see that form, Im trying to submit this one:

<FORM action=/cw/hospital.php method=post><DIV class=cb>

<H1>Ziekenhuis van Irak</H1>

<P><IMG class=img_right height=149 src="http://static.camorraworld.nl/images/ingame_misc/bedje.jpg" width=222> <SPAN class="green bold">Welkom in het ziekenhuis van Irak!</SPAN><BR>In het ziekenhuis kan je jezelf laten opereren als je bijvoor-beeld in je poot schiet of bent aangevallen. Directeur <A href="/cw/criminal.php?name=haywire"><STRONG>haywire</STRONG></A> moet coke aanleveren zodat patienten verdoofd worden. Doet hij dit niet, dan is het mogelijk dat patienten erop achteruit gaan tijdens een operatie... Aan het volk dan actie te ondernemen tegen de directeur. </P>

<P>De prijs per operatie gaat per rang omhoog. Voor jou kost een operatie: 500 <BR>Per operatie krijg je 1% gezondheid erbij, mits er genoeg coke (verdoving) aanwezig is! </P>

<P><STRONG>Operaties ondergaan </STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Je gezondheid is momenteel 98%! </P>

<P>Aantal operaties: <INPUT id=aantal value=2 name=aantal>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <INPUT id=submit type=submit value="Opereer mij!" name=submit> </P></DIV></FORM>

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<INPUT id=submit type=submit value="Opereer mij!" name=submit>

Check if _IEGetObjById is sufficient in this case.

#include <IE.au3>
func Hospital()

;If @error Then
;   msgbox(0,'Error','')
;   EndIf
;This was to check if $oIE returns an error
WinwaitActive ('Camorra World - Windows Internet Explorer')
 $oIE = _IEAttach ("Camorra World")
 _IELoadWait ($oIE)
 $oIE =_IENavigate ($oIE, 'http://www2.camorraworld.nl/cw/hospital.php' )
 ;Untill here script is success
 ;$oForm = _IEFormElementGetCollection ($oIE, 0)
 ;$oForm= _IEFormGetObjByName($oIE,'submit')
 ;$oForm = _IEFormElementGetObjByName ($oIE, 'submit')
_IEFormSubmit($oForm, 0)

I still get those errors, this made me think

Is it possible that they disabled users from 'seeing' those forms? cause with debugbar I found javascript that is containing this code:

function HFSB(button) {

if (!HideFormSubmitBut) {


button.style.display = 'none';

button.value = '';

return true;


return false;


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#include <IE.au3>

func Hospital()

;If @error Then
;   msgbox(0,'Error','')
;   EndIf
;This was to check if $oIE returns an error
WinwaitActive ('Camorra World - Windows Internet Explorer')
 $oIE = _IEAttach ("Camorra World")
 _IELoadWait ($oIE)
 $oIE =_IENavigate ($oIE, 'http://www2.camorraworld.nl/cw/hospital.php' )
 ;Untill here script is success
 $oForm = _IEFormGetCollection ($oIE, 0)
For $i in $oForm
;IEFormSubmit($oForm, 0)
Hospital()oÝ÷ ظ¤zØb±h^h¶¬"­¶¢YhÂ)àzºè®Æ®¶­sbÒÒb3c#²RæS2c"ãBÓW'&÷"g&öÒgVæ7FöâôTÆöEvBÂb33cµôU7FGW5ôçfÆDFFGP¢ÒÒb3c#²RæS2c"ãBÓW'&÷"g&öÒgVæ7FöâôTf÷&ÔvWD6öÆÆV7FöâÂb33cµôU7FGW5ôçfÆDFFGP¤3¢b3#µW6W'2b3#²¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ÓÒfwC²f&&ÆR×W7B&RöbGRgV÷C´ö&¦V7BgV÷C²ã ¤f÷"b33c¶âb33c¶ôf÷&Фf÷"b33c¶âb33c¶ôf÷&ÕâU%$õ ¢fwC´WB6öFS¢FÖS¢"ã

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0 or positive integer returns an indexed instance...

_IEFormGetCollection (AutoIt help file)

Post the page, there must be something that is possible.

This is the page Camorra worldBut to view that page you need to register lol.


<HTML xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><HEAD><TITLE>Camorra World</TITLE>
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<script src="http://static.camorraworld.nl/style/1/js/cw.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

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<LINK media=all href="http://static.camorraworld.nl/style/1/css/cw.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet><LINK media=all href="http://static.camorraworld.nl/style/1/css/menu.css" type=text/css rel=stylesheet>
<script type=text/javascript>addonloadListener(StartCWE); ONLINEUPDATE_INTERVAL="300"; HOSTNAME="www2.camorraworld.nl";LAYOUT_PATH="http://static.camorraworld.nl/style/1/";LOCKDOWN_INTERVAL="30";MINI_MODUS="1";LOGGED_IN=1;VVDP_ITEMS_STRING='<li><a href="/sys/news.php?newsid=569">17:04 Camorra flore...</a><br /></li><li><a href="/sys/news.php?newsid=550">18:24 SMS Center...</a><br /></li><li>&nbsp;<br /></li><li><a href="/sys/news.php?newsid=568">07:32 Bomaanslag op...</a><br /></li><li><a href="/sys/news.php?newsid=567">07:20 Netwerk beroo...</a><br /></li><li><a href="/sys/news.php?newsid=566">22:14 Cokefabriek b...</a><br /></li>';var VIPMDATA=new Array("0");</SCRIPT>

<script src="http://static.camorraworld.nl/style/1/js/cwe_ajax_components.js" type=text/javascript></SCRIPT>

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<DIV align=center><IMG class=border_black src="http://static.camorraworld.nl/style/1/images/pageheaders/cw_hospital.jpg"></DIV>
<FORM action=/cw/hospital.php method=post>
<DIV class=cb>
<H1>Ziekenhuis van Irak</H1>
<P><IMG class=img_right height=149 src="http://static.camorraworld.nl/images/ingame_misc/bedje.jpg" width=222> <SPAN class="green bold">Welkom in het ziekenhuis van Irak!</SPAN><BR>In het ziekenhuis kan je jezelf laten opereren als je bijvoor-beeld in je poot schiet of bent aangevallen. Directeur <A href="/cw/criminal.php?name=haywire"><STRONG>haywire</STRONG></A> moet coke aanleveren zodat patienten verdoofd worden. Doet hij dit niet, dan is het mogelijk dat patienten erop achteruit gaan tijdens een operatie... Aan het volk dan actie te ondernemen tegen de directeur. </P>
<P>De prijs per operatie gaat per rang omhoog. Voor jou kost een operatie: 500 <BR>Per operatie krijg je 1% gezondheid erbij, mits er genoeg coke (verdoving) aanwezig is! </P>
<P><STRONG>Operaties ondergaan </STRONG>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Je gezondheid is momenteel 99%! </P>
<P>Aantal operaties: <INPUT id=aantal value=1 name=aantal>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <INPUT id=submit type=submit value="Opereer mij!" name=submit> </P></DIV></FORM></DIV></DIV>
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<LI><A href="http://www2.camorraworld.nl/sys/news.php?newsid=569">17:04 Camorra flore...</A><BR></LI>
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$oForm = _IEFormGetCollection ($oIE)
For $i in $oForm
 NextoÝ÷ Ûú®¢×©àyØ­jwm®'Ü(mÂäI禲ØZ¶Ø^±Êâ¦Ø¶È§½©buÖ­jÜ©y»­Ú'ßÛd0$áȬ­­jëh×6--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IEFormGetCollection, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType
C:\Users\Luuk\Documents\lol.au3 (18) : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".:
For $i in $oForm
For $i in $oForm^ ERROR
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--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IEFormGetCollection, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType

Means that you did not pass an object variable in the first parameter (InvalidDataType -- those messages are very carefully crafted, please pay attention). You need to work backwards and figure out why $oIE is not a valid object.


Free Internet Tools: DebugBar, AutoIt IE Builder, HTTP UDF, MODIV2, IE Developer Toolbar, IEDocMon, Fiddler, HTML Validator, WGet, curl

MSDN docs: InternetExplorer Object, Document Object, Overviews and Tutorials, DHTML Objects, DHTML Events, WinHttpRequest, XmlHttpRequest, Cross-Frame Scripting, Office object model

Automate input type=file (Related)

Alternative to _IECreateEmbedded? better: _IECreatePseudoEmbedded  Better Better?

IE.au3 issues with Vista - Workarounds

SciTe Debug mode - it's magic: #AutoIt3Wrapper_run_debug_mode=Y

Doesn't work needs to be ripped out of the troubleshooting lexicon. It means that what you tried did not produce the results you expected. It begs the questions 1) what did you try?, 2) what did you expect? and 3) what happened instead?

Reproducer: a small (the smallest?) piece of stand-alone code that demonstrates your trouble

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--> IE.au3 V2.4-0 Error from function _IEFormGetCollection, $_IEStatus_InvalidDataType

Means that you did not pass an object variable in the first parameter (InvalidDataType -- those messages are very carefully crafted, please pay attention). You need to work backwards and figure out why $oIE is not a valid object.


Yeah I know, this works for every other site, and apparantly when i try to do _IENavigate with this site it only works 5 times, after that the site passes me to another site (zoeknu.nl) My script doesn't do that, I'm really sure, It must be a script on that site preventing botters. Well I've breached their anti-cheat security once so.... xD
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$oIE =_IENavigate ($oIE, 'http://www2.camorraworld.nl/cw/hospital.php' )

Don't know if you're still trying to solve this issue, but _IENavigate does not result in an 'Object'. Need to attach to the page first.

Try this:

_IENavigate ($oIE, 'http://www2.camorraworld.nl/cw/hospital.php' )
$oIE = _IEAttach('http://www2.camorraworld.nl/cw/hospital.php', 'URL')
$oForm = _IEFormGetCollection ($oIE)
For $i in $oForm
  _IEaction($i, 'click')

Hope that helps.

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