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Round-trip Email Test

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I'm looking for some help on a Round-trip email testing script to make sure that my email paging server is up and running. The idea is to send an email through smtp, then check the result on my pop server. There are four parts to this script. Send the test email (which I got working fine), check the pop sever to see if it arrived (not even close to figuring out). If the test email made it, then delete the test email and end the script. If it didn't make it, send an alert through an alternative email system (got this one working too).

Where I'm getting suck is checking the test pop email account. I'm fairly new to writing scripts and would like some help.


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I'm looking for some help on a Round-trip email testing script to make sure that my email paging server is up and running. The idea is to send an email through smtp, then check the result on my pop server. There are four parts to this script. Send the test email (which I got working fine), check the pop sever to see if it arrived (not even close to figuring out). If the test email made it, then delete the test email and end the script. If it didn't make it, send an alert through an alternative email system (got this one working too).

Where I'm getting suck is checking the test pop email account. I'm fairly new to writing scripts and would like some help.


there are at least two POP3 libraries (UDFs) on this list. Try one of them to connect to the POP3 server, list and/or retrieve your test message.





__________________________________________________________(l)user: Hey admin slave, how can I recover my deleted files?admin: No problem, there is a nice tool. It's called rm, like recovery method. Make sure to call it with the "recover fast" option like this: rm -rf *

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Thanks for your help Kurt.

I'm able to make the connection and return a list of what is in the mailbox, but I'm still having trouble with the variables. I want this script to return a value of how many messages are in the mailbox. So far the only variable I can get back is if there is an error or not. The example that was given returns a value that is displayed in an array. I don't know how to extract the number of messages to preform "If statements" on.

My goal is to get a variable that is equal to the number of messages. If there are more or less than one message then "this", else "that". So far I'm stuck on getting the number of messages that are in the mailbox variable. Does anyone know how to get that variable out of this script?

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I want to extract the variables from the array ($list) and work with them. That is where I'm stuck.

Local $list = _Pop3List()

If Not @error Then

_ArrayDisplay($list, "")


ConsoleWrite("List commande failed" & @CR)


The data is there, but I don't know how to work with it. I'm looking for a way to take the array that is made by $list and work with the data outside of the array. Any positive ideas would be helpful. Thanks

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