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Reading Registry Keys

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Hey Guys,

I have been trying to get AutoIT to read the registry to see if three keys exist. I have it set that if it @Error is set that it will create a file with the computer name and exit the script. I have modified this script in at least three different If..Then structures, but I have yet to use a Case statement. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here is my script:

P.S. If you noticed at the end of each regread there is a commented part, this is so if I needed to I could read a value, which I don't necessarily want, instead of just the key itself. Example:

original: $registry = regread("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Systems\A\", "");, "Client_AdapterURL")

modified: $registry = regread("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Systems\A\", "Client_AdapterURL")

#include <file.au3>
filecopy("*.*", "C:\Windows\Temp\*.*", 1)
sleep (10000)
MsgBox (0, "done", "done")

$registry = regread("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Systems\A\", "");, "Client_AdapterURL") 
If @Error Then

$registry2 = regread("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Systems\Agent\", "");\Capture\CurrentVersion", "AgentLogAppend") 
If @Error Then

$registry3 = regread("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Witness\Install\", "");\A", "Version")
If @Error Then


Func success()
 $computername = "Success\" & @ComputerName
Func failed()
 $computername = "Failed\" & @ComputerName
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