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FileReadLine, StrRegExp, Comparing to Past Lines

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Hey everybody.... I'm having a tough go at solving this problem.

So I'm trying to read through a file line by line (theres one of 2 characters B or P on each line).

I have certain patterns that I need to be identified. Let's just start with a simple example:






So one of the patterns I'm looking for is 2 or more of the same character.

How can I compare previous lines in a file such that it will recognize 3 B's, but also recognize that the pattern is over when it comes to the P?

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Hey everybody.... I'm having a tough go at solving this problem.

So I'm trying to read through a file line by line (theres one of 2 characters B or P on each line).

I have certain patterns that I need to be identified. Let's just start with a simple example:






So one of the patterns I'm looking for is 2 or more of the same character.

How can I compare previous lines in a file such that it will recognize 3 B's, but also recognize that the pattern is over when it comes to the P?

Not sure if this will work exactly for your purposes, but something along these lines:

_FileReadToArray(), concatenate, StringInStr(), or alternatively you can just do a FileRead(), StringStripCR() and then StringInStr()

[u]You can download my projects at:[/u] Pulsar Software
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I should also mention that I need to compare a prediction to the next line that will be read.

Here is my NON-WORKING code, but maybe it will give you an idea of what I'm after. The problem with this code is that I don't think I've used a correct method for giving a handle to next line to be read.


$file = FileOpen("results.txt", 0)

; Error If File Can't Open

If $file = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")



;Read Every Line

$count = 0

$i = 1

While $i > 0

$i = $i

$i1 = $i - 1

$next = $i + 1

$currentLine = FileReadLine($file, $i)

$lastLine = FileReadLine($file, $i1)

$nextLine = FileReadLine($file, $next)

$prediction = ""

;2 or More

If $lastLine = $currentLine Then

$prediction = $currentLine


If $prediction = $nextLine Then

$count = $count + 1


$count = $count - 1


MsgBox(0, "Count", $count)

$i = $i + 1


Edited by Aeterna
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Basically its a betting script. It's reading through the lines finding patterns, and making a bet, or prediction about what the next line will be based on those patterns. If the bet is right, the total goes up, if the bet is wrong, the total goes down.

I have the logic and the patterns, just trying to translate it into programming.

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is this more or less what you want?

#include <File.au3>
$file = FileOpen("results.txt", 0)
If $file = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")
$prediction = ""
$count = 0
$linecount = _FileCountLines("results.txt")
For $i = 1 to $linecount
    $currentLine = FileReadLine($file, $i)
    $lastLine = FileReadLine($file, $i - 1)
    $nextLine = FileReadLine($file, $i + 1)
    If $lastLine = $currentLine Then
        $prediction = $currentLine
    If $prediction = $nextLine Then
        $count = $count + 1
        $count = $count - 1


Edit: it doesn't take into account when there is no next line however

Edited by maqleod
[u]You can download my projects at:[/u] Pulsar Software
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I'm writing a program to test some betting logic I have for the game Baccarat.

So here's the gist of the program. It reads through the file "results.txt" which is about 60,000 lines, with 1 character each ("B", or "P"). On each line it reads, it tests for some patterns in the previous lines, and then makes a prediction about the next line. If the prediction = the value of the next line, the total goes up by 1 and the program repeats line by line.


$include <File.au3>

$file = FileOpen("results.txt", 0)

If $file = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.")



$prediction = ""

$count = 0

$linecount = _FileCountLines("results.txt")

For $i = 1 to $linecount

$currentLine = FileReadLine($file, $i)

$lastLine = FileReadLine($file, $i - 1)

$nextLine = FileReadLine($file, $i + 1)

; If the last 2 or more results were the same, bet that it will be the same again

If $lastLine = $currentLine Then

$prediction = $currentLine


If $prediction = $nextLine Then

$count = $count + 1


$count = $count - 1


;Other Logic To Go Below


I wanted to to kind of show you guys the direction I want to go with this program, and see if I'm doing it the right way, or if somebody has a better way?

Alternatively, I can give the logic to a more capable programmer and we can all just get rich playing baccarat if it works haha!

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