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Sorry..Ultra Newbie Question!

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Hi all,

I only discovered AutoIt last Friday after buying "Windows Scripting Admin - Little Black Book".

I have a question that I'm sure has been asked a zillion times, but I can't find the answer - So please, can you guys help?

I have a files that I download by ftp several times daily. The filenames change each time, but have a standard formula (They are called aninvs????.NHA - Where the ???? changes each time)

I have used an InputBox to assign the filename to a variable ($filename), and I would like to use AutoIt to open up my ftp script file and replace the previous filename with the new one.

eg the script looks like this:




cd /usr4/hcne/mdspool

lcd c:\ftp


mget adinvs0101.NHA


I would like to change the line "mget adinvs0101.NHA" to "mget $adinvs????.NHA" (based on whatever is returned by the $filename variable.)

How can I modify the script to change that one line in the script? I presume I need to use FileOpen & StringReplace to achieve this, but can't figure out how.

Hope you can help!


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I do not have the whole answer to what you are trying to do. But here is some code from one of my scripts which may help get you further down the road.

I haven't had a reason or need to read a file yet, so you are on your own on that one.

Here isAutoit code which will write a variable to a new file:


; Assign filename

$ofilnam="c:\data\test.log" ; Assign new filename to a variable

$myvariable = "Open New File" ; Create a string

FileOpen($ofilnam,2) ; Open a new file

FileWriteLine($ofilnam, $myvariable & @CRLF) ; Write output to file

FileWriteLine($ofilnam, " Today's Month is: " & @MON & @CRLF) ; Write more output

FileClose($ofilnam) ; close file

The output file should look like:

Open New File

Today's Month is: 03

The other thing you will need to do it parse and paste string elements.

$mystring = "aninvsXXXX.NHA"

$prefix = StringMid ($mystring, 1,6) ; should be [aninvs]

$NHA_ext = stringmid ($mystring, 11,4) ; should be [.NHA]

; Read in your new string to, say, $newstring

; then put it back into a new filename by:

$newoutfile = $prefix & $newstring & $NHA_ext

; Then write it out to your new file as described above.

Hope that helps.


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If there's some sort of pattern to the "ADINVSxxxx.NHA" four "x" characters? (I.E. date, or time or something) that could be easy to code...or ... maybe they're the newest files on the FTP server? You could get a file list and then download all files created after the last time the program was ran.

This could eliminate the need for input boxes.

Lofting the cyberwinds on teknoleather wings, I am...The Blue Drache

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Larry - You are a star! Thanks, mate, worked a treat :lmao:

i am too lazy to wait for you to try...

I would create a template file...

cd /usr4/hcne/mdspool
lcd c:\ftp
mget adinvs????.NHA


$file = "c:\full path\to template\file here.txt"
$newfile = "c:\full path\to config\file here.txt"

$input = InputBox("gimme","gimme")

$buffer = FileRead($file,FileGetSize($file))

$buffer = StringReplace($buffer,"????",$input)




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