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User Specific Folders


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Does anyone have any idea how you tell the code that the folder title (for example in a shellexecute) is variable - for instance "C:\Users\Adam\My Documents" could also be "C:\Users\Brian's Love Machine\My Documents" and so on.

In MS DOS .bat files the code would be " "%userprofile%"\Documents\*.* "

or similar. any ideas?

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Also, another question that is related to this topic - i am trying to run the app from a memory stick, how can i tell it what letter drive the memory stick is if i had to "SEND("m:/folder/file")"


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Does anyone have any idea how you tell the code that the folder title (for example in a shellexecute) is variable - for instance "C:\Users\Adam\My Documents" could also be "C:\Users\Brian's Love Machine\My Documents" and so on.

In MS DOS .bat files the code would be " "%userprofile%"\Documents\*.* "

or similar. any ideas?

@UserProfileDir & "\Documents"


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Also, another question that is related to this topic - i am trying to run the app from a memory stick, how can i tell it what letter drive the memory stick is if i had to "SEND("m:/folder/file")"


If the script is on the removable drive with the app this would work to give you the drive letter...

$myPath = StringLeft(@ScriptDir,3)
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thanks, thats great but how can i use it in the code? where would i put it? if it had

FileCopy("@UserProfileDir & "\Documents"", "$myPath = StringLeft(@ScriptDir,3)")

would that work? im not familiar with any coding language at all (apart from HTML) so i apologise for being a n00b! what do i need to change. I would be interested to know what each part of the code means (what on earth is string left?)

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if im not mistaken (often am) but FileCopy() you cant use variables in the source...

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I suggest you not spread misinformation like this.

:S sorry i guess i was thinking of Fileinstall ()

Filecopy () this is straight from help file

source - The source path of the file(s) to copy. Wildcards are supported.

dest - The destination path of the copied file(s).

flag - [optional] this flag determines whether to overwrite files if they already exist.

Can be a combination of the following:

0 = (default) do not overwrite existing files

1 = overwrite existing files

8 = Create destination directory structure if it doesn't exist (See Remarks).

my bad... :S

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StringLeft = Returns a number of characters from the left-hand side of a string.

FileCopy = Copies one or more files.

@ScriptDir = Directory containing the running script.

@UserProfileDir = Path to current user's Profile folder.

$myPath = StringLeft(@ScriptDir,3)
FileCopy(@UserProfileDir & "\Documents\*.*", $myPath, 9)
AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
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hmm, thanks thats a bit clearer, - am i right in thinking that the first line in this code defines where the code is run from (lets call it "A" ) and then the second line says "copy this file: "ADAM\documents\*.*" into directory "A""

what does the 9 mean?

ahhhhh also "stringleft = return "3" characters from the left hand side of the directory which would be "D" ":" and "\""

If thats what i think it is GENIUS! is there anything you cant do with this program???

the $mypath is just a label isnt it?


Is this Basic or VB or C or what?

thanks alot dude

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also, on this note, and this might be impossible, but is there a way to just copy subfolders and not the stuff in the root directory? also, is there a way of just copying certain types of files, like eg HTML docs or something and leave everything else?

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also, on this note, and this might be impossible, but is there a way to just copy subfolders and not the stuff in the root directory? also, is there a way of just copying certain types of files, like eg HTML docs or something and leave everything else?

Look at the links that I provide you it give you more information about FileCopy(). When you use FileCopy() 9 mean overwrite existing files and create destination directory structure if it doesn't exist. If you want to copy different types of file use the wildcards Ex:(*.htlm, *.doc)
AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
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sweet ive just discovered wild cards actually!

but what about sub folders?

You can do sub folders only, but you script will be a little bigger. You need to open the help file and search _FileReadToArray() and For...To functions.

1) You need to create a list of sub folders, for that use _FileReadToArray()

2) Then use For...To and combination of FileCopy() to copy the files from the sub folders.

AutoIt Scripts:NetPrinter - Network Printer UtilityRobocopyGUI - GUI interface for M$ robocopy command line
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can u check if this works?

u might need to add

CopySubFolders(@UserProfileDir & "\Documents\*.*", $myPath, 9)

Func CopySubFolders($SourceFolder,$DestPath )
; If C:\Temp contains a, b, c and destpath is a: Then A: will contain a,b,c

Local $Search,  $File ,  $Attributes ,  $FullPath

;Remove the end \ If specified
If StringRight($SourceFolder,1) = "\" Then $SourceFolder = StringTrimRight($SourceFolder,1)
$Search = FileFindFirstFile($SourceFolder & "\*.*")

While 1
    If $Search = -1 Then ExitLoop
    $File = FileFindNextFile($Search)
    If @error Then ExitLoop

    $FullPath = $SourceFolder & "\" & $File
    $Attributes = FileGetAttrib($FullPath)
    IF @ERROR  Then ExitLoop
    If StringInStr($Attributes,"D") Then
        CopySubFolders($FullPath, $DestPath)



Edited by rajeshontheweb
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@MyDocumentsDir ??

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the path to your documents...

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