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Run function without interrupting execution(or equivalent)?

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I created a script that listens for connections on port 7001, and when it finds one, it connects and runs the next part of the script(which allows the client to enter various commands that the script understands). What I want to do is have it listen for connections, and when it finds one, runs a function or separate EXE to take care of the connection. However, I can't seem to pass the socket ID to the separate EXE, and functions interrupt the execution of the main program, which prevents it from listening for a new connection.

How do I solve this?

If it helps, here's the code(I have a tendency to give my variables bizarre and wacky names, please do not ask any questions, it's a bad habit):


#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:

Author: Benzrf

Script Function:

Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

#include <iNet.au3>

$gg = 0

$a = 0


$bleop = TCPListen("", 7001, 100)



If $bleop = -1 Then

$a = 0


$bleopt = TCPAccept($bleop)

If $bleopt <> -1 Then $a = 1


Until $a = 1

If $bleopt >= 0 Then

TCPSend($bleopt, "Hello! Welcome to Benzrf's experimental server-type program." & @CRLF)

$rtddd = 0


$asr = ""


$rfd = TCPRecv($bleopt, 100000)

$rfr = String($rfd)

If $rfr = "" Then

$a = 1


If $rfr = @CRLF Then

$a = 0


$asr = $asr & $rfr


;MsgBox(0, "", $rf)


Until $a = 0

$rf = $asr

$asdr = StringSplit($rf, " ")

$rfr = $asdr[1]

Switch $rfr

Case "TIME"

TCPSend($bleopt, @CRLF & "The hour is " & @HOUR & "." & @CRLF & @CRLF)

Case "DNS"

$vasd = TCPNameToIP(StringMid($rf, 5))

If $vasd = "" Then

$vasd = @CRLF & "The hostname could not be found." & @CRLF & @CRLF


$vasd = @CRLF & "The IP of " & StringMid($rf, 5) & " is " & $vasd & "." & @CRLF & @CRLF


TCPSend($bleopt, $vasd)

Case "QUIT"

$rtddd = 1

TCPSend($bleopt, @CRLF & "Exit in four seconds. Goodbye." & @CRLF & @CRLF)


Case "ABOUT"

TCPSend($bleopt, @CRLF & "Experimental Server-Type Program ©opyright Benzrf 2009." & @CRLF & @CRLF)

Case Else

TCPSend($bleopt, @CRLF & "Invalid command " & $rfr & "." & @CRLF & @CRLF)


Until $rtddd = 1


$gg = 1


$gg = 0


Until $gg = 1



If you notice unnecessary code I can get rid of, or redundancies, please do not point them out, I just want to know how to run my lower bit of code separately from my upper half.

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Well you can't just pass sockets you receive in your process and expect them to work in a totally different process. In most languages you solve this with multi-threading, but since that's not an option in autoit you'll have to do something different. Maybe store the sockets in an array and have an adlib function loop through all the sockets and act on them?

Broken link? PM me and I'll send you the file!

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