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[LITTLE PROB] OCR , tesseract, Need Help Oo!

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It seems the library is not registered on your machine. Check what is the error code after the ObjCreate call and if there is an error then the library is not registered. Download the included installer from the Tesseract topic and install it. Basically all you need is to register "shimgvw.dll" using RegSvr32 but there may be other necessary files.

Edit: Moi mistake... It's not one of the Tesseract libraries, it's "Windows Picture and Fax Viewer Library"... See if you can get it or remove the code relating it from the source.

Edited by Authenticity
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It's not necessary, I'd remove the code relating it but anyway, here is the download for the dll if you don't already got it. After you download or find it move it to @SystemDir so your libraries won't be scattered around and type in the command shell or the start dialog: regsvr32 "path to library\shimgvw.dll"

Edited by Authenticity
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I had the file shimgvw.dll in my System32 folder but I removed it with ur file. Anyways after regsvr32 "c:\windows\system32\shimgvw.dll" in cmd (opened as Admin) there was an error: shimgvw.dll is loaded but the DLLRegisterServer entrance could not be founded. Be sure that shimgvw.dll is a valid .DLL file

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