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Combo Box updating a label

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Let me just start by saying I am complete noob here and really have only done what I have done so far by just reading and searching ..... but I can't seem to figure this out. Technically what I want is working but it just doesn't seem right.

Whenever I move the mouse the the label on the bottom right corner seems like it is continually updating. I am sure my code is long and awful but here it is

#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****



#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=This is a nice program.

#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Tax Analyst Development Graphical User Interface



#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=By Kurt Owens

#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****

#cs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoIt Version:

Author: Kurt Owens

Script Function:

Template AutoIt script.

#ce ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Script Start - Add your code below here

#include <GUIConstants.au3>

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <AVIConstants.au3>

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>

#include <ProgressConstants.au3>

#include <StaticConstants.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

#include <Array.au3>

#include <File.au3>

Global $aFiles[1]

Global $bFiles[1]

Global $dFiles[1]

;I read the Devtool.ini file to input the default information. Devtool.ini file is created on exit

Global $CBState = IniRead("Dev.ini", "State", "key", "")

Global $CBSys = IniRead("Dev.ini", "System", "key", "")

Global $CBYear = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Year", "key", "")

$CustVar = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Custom1", "key", "Custom1")

$CustVar2 = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Custom2", "key", "Custom2")

$CustVar3 = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Custom3", "key", "Custom3")

$CustVar4 = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Custom4", "key", "Custom4")

$Path1 = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Path1", "key", "")

$Path2 = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Path2", "key", "")

$Path3 = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Path3", "key", "")

$Path4 = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Path4", "key", "")

$Override = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Override", "key", "")

$WrkFileOvr = IniRead("Dev.ini", "Primary File", "key", "")

;$Version1 = ""

$Version1 = FileGetVersion("Devtool.exe")

$Version2 = FileGetVersion("H:\Kowens\Devtool.exe")

If $Version1 < $Version2 Then

MsgBox(1, "Update", "There is an update to DevTool available on H:\Kowens")


;This is where I create the Graphical User Interface - The gray bar on left wraps around GUI section

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=c:\documents and settings\kowens\desktop\dev\koda_1.7.0.1\templates\tabbed pages.kxf

$dlgTabbed = GUICreate("Development Tasks GUI", 441, 360, 208, 128)


$PageControl1 = GUICtrlCreateTab(24, 58, 396, 256)


$TabSheet1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("1 Form Building")

GUICtrlSetState(-1, $GUI_SHOW)

;Tab 1 Row 1 (displayed name, Vertical Position, Horizontal Position, width, height)

$Draw = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Draw", 45, 90, 75, 30, 0)

$Garbo = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Garbo", 140, 90, 75, 30, 0)

$Greta = GUICtrlCreateButton("Gr&eta", 235, 90, 75, 30, 0)

$Roc = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Roc", 330, 90, 75, 30, 0)

;Tab 1 Row 2

$Vamp = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Vamp / DDUT", 45, 130, 75, 30, 0)

$WSViewer = GUICtrlCreateButton("W&SViewer", 140, 130, 75, 30, 0)

$ExtList = GUICtrlCreateButton("E&xt List", 235, 130, 75, 30, 0)

$Help = GUICtrlCreateButton("Draw He&lp", 330, 130, 75, 30, 0)

;Tab 1 Row 3

$DocRoc = GUICtrlCreateButton("DocRoc", 45, 170, 75, 30, 0)

$DocGen = GUICtrlCreateButton("DocGen", 140, 170, 75, 30, 0)

;$DocGen = GUICtrlCreateButton("DocGen", 235, 170, 75, 30, 0)

;$Custom4 = GUICtrlCreateButton($CustVar4, 330, 170, 75, 30, 0)

;Tab 1 Row 4

$Custom1 = GUICtrlCreateButton($CustVar, 45, 260, 75, 30, 0)

$Custom2 = GUICtrlCreateButton($CustVar2, 140, 260, 75, 30, 0)

$Custom3 = GUICtrlCreateButton($CustVar3, 235, 260, 75, 30, 0)

$Custom4 = GUICtrlCreateButton($CustVar4, 330, 260, 75, 30, 0)

;Create second tab

$TabSheet2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("2 File Mgmt")

;Tab 2 Row 1

$RetrieveST = GUICtrlCreateButton("&RetrieveST", 45, 90, 75, 30, 0)

$RetrieveFD = GUICtrlCreateButton("Retrieve&FD", 140, 90, 75, 30, 0)

$TempMove = GUICtrlCreateButton("Temp Move", 235, 90, 75, 30, 0)

;Tab 2 Row 2

$HelpGet = GUICtrlCreateButton("Help Get", 45, 140, 75, 30, 0)

$HelpPut = GUICtrlCreateButton("Help Put", 140, 140, 75, 30, 0)

$HelpGen = GUICtrlCreateButton("Help Gen", 235, 140, 75, 30, 0)

;Tab 2 Row 3

$Xref = GUICtrlCreateButton("Get Xref", 45, 190, 75, 30, 0)

$XrefEdit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Open Xref", 140, 190, 75, 30, 0)

;Create Third Tab

$TabSheet3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("3 Custom")

;Tab 3 Row 1

$CustBox = GUICtrlCreateInput($CustVar, 40, 136, 75, 20)

$CustPath = GUICtrlCreateInput($Path1, 150, 136, 255, 20)

;Tab 3 Row 2

$CustBox2 = GUICtrlCreateInput($CustVar2, 40, 160, 75, 20)

$CustPath2 = GUICtrlCreateInput($Path2, 150, 160, 255, 20)

;Tab 3 Row 3

$CustBox3 = GUICtrlCreateInput($CustVar3, 40, 184, 75, 20)

$CustPath3 = GUICtrlCreateInput($Path3, 150, 184, 255, 20)

;Tab 3 Row 4

$CustBox4 = GUICtrlCreateInput($CustVar4, 40, 208, 75, 20)

$CustPath4 = GUICtrlCreateInput($Path4, 150, 208, 255, 20)

;Tab 3 Row 5

$Apply = GUICtrlCreateButton("Apply", 330, 265, 75, 30, 0)

$Message = GUICtrlCreateLabel("You must exit before changes take effect", 45, 90, 200, 20)

;Create 4th Tab

$TabSheet4 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("4 ELF")

$HXED = GUICtrlCreateButton("HXED", 45, 90, 75, 30, 0)

$BEST = GUICtrlCreateButton("BEST", 140, 90, 75, 30, 0)

$Retr = GUICtrlCreateButton("Retriever", 235, 90, 75, 30, 0)

;$FileMsg = GUICtrlCreateLabel($File, 150, 232, 255, 20)


;End of tabbed data

;Shows on the bottom for all tabs

$Tax = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Tax", 50, 320, 75, 30, 0)

$Prodproc = GUICtrlCreateButton("&ProdProc", 138, 320, 75, 30, 0)

$Officmgr = GUICtrlCreateButton("&OfficMgr", 228, 320, 75, 30, 0)

$Message2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Fed File Date", 365, 315, 200, 20)

;Getting the date of the Federal

;Shows on top for all tabs

$Yearlbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Year", 28, 6, 49, 25)

$YearCtrl = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 28, 26, 49, 25)

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 400, 0, "Arial")

GUICtrlSetData(-1, "0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9", $CBYear)

$Systemlbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel("System", 104, 6, 41, 25)

$SystemCtrl = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 104, 26, 41, 25)

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 400, 0, "Arial")

GUICtrlSetData(-1, "C|F|I|K|P|S|X|Y", $CBSys)

$Statelbl = GUICtrlCreateLabel("State", 168, 6, 89, 25)

$StateCtrl = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 168, 26, 89, 25)

GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 400, 0, "Arial")



$OVCHKBox = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Secondary File $F", 280, 1, 140, 25)

$WorkCtrl = GUICtrlCreateInput($WrkFileOvr, 280, 28, 130, 25)

;GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 8, 400, 0, "Arial")

$Year = GUICtrlRead($YearCtrl, 0)

$System = GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl, 0)

$State = GUICtrlRead($StateCtrl, 0)

$WorkingFile = GUICtrlRead($WorkCtrl, 0)

$timei = FileGetTime("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & "i$f.dat", 0)

If Not @error Then

$yyyymdi = $timei[1] & "/" & $timei[2] & "/" & $timei[0]


$yyyymdi = "No File Local"


$timec = FileGetTime("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & "c$f.dat", 0)

If Not @error Then

$yyyymdc = $timec[1] & "/" & $timec[2] & "/" & $timec[0]


$yyyymdc = "No File Local"


$timef = FileGetTime("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & "f$f.dat", 0)

If Not @error Then

$yyyymdf = $timef[1] & "/" & $timef[2] & "/" & $timef[0]


$yyyymdf = "No File Local"


$timep = FileGetTime("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & "p$f.dat", 0)

If Not @error Then

$yyyymdp = $timep[1] & "/" & $timep[2] & "/" & $timep[0]


$yyyymdp = "No File Local"


$times = FileGetTime("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & "s$f.dat", 0)

If Not @error Then

$yyyymds = $times[1] & "/" & $times[2] & "/" & $times[0]


$yyyymds = "No File Local"


$timex = FileGetTime("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & "x$f.dat", 0)

If Not @error Then

$yyyymdx = $timex[1] & "/" & $timex[2] & "/" & $timex[0]


$yyyymdx = "No File Local"


$timey = FileGetTime("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & "y$f.dat", 0)

If Not @error Then

$yyyymdy = $timey[1] & "/" & $timey[2] & "/" & $timey[0]


$yyyymdy = "No File Local"


$Message = GUICtrlCreateLabel("", 365, 330, 200, 20)

$DrawTip = "Draw" & $Year & " dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & " dd" & $Year & $System & "$fd"

$WrkTip = "Override the primary file. Year and System must be entered."

$OVCHKBoxTip = "Check this box to use $F file as secondary file in Draw."

GUICtrlSetTip($Draw, $DrawTip)

GUICtrlSetTip($WorkCtrl, $WrkTip)

GUICtrlSetTip($OVCHKBox, $OVCHKBoxTip)



#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

While 1

$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()

;Reading the keyed in data and assigning the data to a temp variable

$Year = GUICtrlRead($YearCtrl, 0)

$System = GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl, 0)

$State = GUICtrlRead($StateCtrl, 0)

$WrkFileOvr = GUICtrlRead($WorkCtrl, 0)

$Wrk = GUICtrlRead($WorkCtrl, 1)

$CustVar = GUICtrlRead($CustBox, 0)

$CustVar2 = GUICtrlRead($CustBox2, 0)

$Path1 = GUICtrlRead($CustPath, 0)

$Path2 = GUICtrlRead($CustPath2, 0)

$CustVar3 = GUICtrlRead($CustBox3, 0)

$CustVar4 = GUICtrlRead($CustBox4, 0)

$Path3 = GUICtrlRead($CustPath3, 0)

$Path4 = GUICtrlRead($CustPath4, 0)

$Override = GUICtrlRead($OVCHKBox, 0)

; Path Keywords - This will reduce usage of full pathing in execution of code

; these are the set paths for when You are calling a common file I added them late so most items don't use it.

$ddpath = "C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\"

; example = C\fx\08\dd

If $Wrk = "" Then

;If $override = 1 then

$statedd = "DD" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State


$statedd = $WrkFileOvr

; example = dd8p$nj


$ddfile = "DD" & $Year & $System & "$FD"

; example = dd8p$fd

$Ffile = "0" & $Year & $System & "$F"

; example = 08p$f

$wsmfile = "0" & $Year & $System & "$WSM"

$diagfile = "0" & $Year & $System & "$D"

$printfile = "0" & $Year & $System & "$P"

; end of paths

; combining path keywords will lead you to most files. For example $ddpath & $statedd will lead you to state DD file

Switch $nMsg

Case $Draw

; Search for the Federal / Secondary file

$Search = FileFindFirstFile($ddpath & $ddfile & ".dat")

If $Search = -1 Then ; -1 means file doesn't exist

$Nofile = MsgBox(4, "File Not Found", "The File " & $Ffile & " was not found. Would you like to retrieve it?")

If ($Nofile = 6) Then

FileCopy("G:\WFX32\0" & $Year & $System & "\" & $ddfile & ".*", $ddpath)

FileSetAttrib($ddpath & $ddfile & ".*", "-R")



; Search for the Primary / State file

$Search = FileFindFirstFile($ddpath & $statedd & ".dat")

If $Search = -1 Then ; -1 means file doesn't exist

$Search = FileFindFirstFile("P:\temp\" & $statedd & ".dat")

If $Search = -1 Then ; -1 means file doesn't exist

MsgBox(0, "File Not Found", "The File " & $statedd & " was not found on C or on P:\temp. Please verify the filename")


$Nofile = MsgBox(4, "File Not Found", "The File " & $statedd & " was not found. Would you like to retrieve it?")

If ($Nofile = 6) Then

FileCopy("P:\temp\" & $statedd & ".*", $ddpath & "*.*", 9)

Run("draw" & $Year & ".exe " & $ddpath & $statedd & " " & $ddpath & $ddfile)




FileCopy("P:\temp\" & $statedd & ".*", $ddpath & "*.*", 9)

Run("draw" & $Year & ".exe " & $ddpath & $statedd & " " & $ddpath & $ddfile)


Case $Roc

Run("roc" & $Year & ".exe " & $ddpath & $statedd & " " & $ddpath & $Ffile, "c:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\")

Case $Vamp

If $Override = 1 Then

RunWait("Vamp" & $Year & ".exe " & $ddpath & $Ffile, "c:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\")

; Full Vamp when overriden


RunWait("Vamp" & $Year & ".exe " & $ddpath & $Ffile & " " & $State, "c:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\")

; Vamp just the state portion when override not present


Run("DDut" & $Year & " " & $ddpath & $Ffile & ".dat", "c:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\")

Case $Garbo

Run("Garbo" & $Year & ".exe " & $ddpath & $statedd & " " & $ddpath & $Ffile, "c:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\")

Case $Greta

Run("Greta" & $Year & ".exe " & $ddpath & $statedd & " " & $ddpath & $Ffile, "c:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\")

Case $WSViewer

$Search4 = FileFindFirstFile("C:\Program Files\wsviewer" & $Year & "\WSViewer0" & $Year & ".exe")

If $Search4 = 1 Then

Run("C:\Program Files\wsviewer" & $Year & "\WSViewer0" & $Year & ".exe", "C:\Program Files\wsviewer" & $Year)


$Prior = $Year - 1

Run("C:\Program Files\wsviewer" & $Prior & "\WSViewer0" & $Prior & ".exe", "C:\Program Files\wsviewer" & $Prior)


Case $ExtList

Run("cmd /c start c:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".lst", "", @SW_HIDE)

Case $DocRoc

MsgBox(0, "Error", "This is not implemented at this time")

Case $DocGen

MsgBox(1, "Error", "This is not implemented at this time")

Case $Custom1

Run($Path1, "")

Case $Custom2

Run($Path2, "")

Case $Custom3

Run($Path3, "")

Case $Custom4

Run($Path4, "")

Case $Tax

Run("K:\wfx32\Tax0" & $Year & ".exe", "K:\wfx32\")

Case $Prodproc

Run("K:\wfx32\Prodproc.exe", "K:\wfx32\")

Case $Officmgr

Run("K:\wfx32\Officmgr.exe", "K:\wfx32\")

Case $Help

$Search = FileFindFirstFile("C:\Devtool\wintool.chm")

If $Search = -1 Then

FileCopy("X:\fx\execute\wintool.chm", "c:\DevTool\Wintool.*", 9)


Run("C:\Windows\hh.exe C:\Wintool\Wintool.chm", "C:\windows\")

Case $HelpGet

FileCopy("O:\Help\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", "C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", 9)

FileSetAttrib("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", "-R")

MsgBox(0, "File Copied", "The File 0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf has been retrieved from O:\Help\")

Case $HelpPut

$Search = FileFindFirstFile("C:\Devtool\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf")

If $Search = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "The file 0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf does not exist locally")


FileSetAttrib("O:\Help\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", "-R")

FileCopy("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", "O:\Help\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", 9)

FileSetAttrib("O:\Help\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", "R")

MsgBox(0, "File Copied", "The File 0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf has been copied to O:\Help\")


Case $HelpGen

$Search = FileFindFirstFile("C:\Devtool\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf")

If $Search = -1 Then

$Search = FileFindFirstFile("O:\help\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf")

If $Search = -1 Then

MsgBox(0, "Error", "The File 0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf does not exist")


FileCopy("O:\Help\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", "C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", 9)

FileSetAttrib("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", "-R")



If $Search <> -1 Then

Run("Helpgen" & $Year & " C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & $System & "$H" & $State & ".rtf", "C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\")


Case $Xref

FileCopy("O:\Help\Xref\0" & $Year & $System & "$X" & $State & ".rtf", "C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & $System & "$X" & $State & ".rtf", 9)

FileSetAttrib("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\0" & $Year & $System & "$X" & $State & ".rtf", "-R")

Case $XrefEdit

Run("cmd /c start " & $ddpath & "\0" & $Year & $System & "$X" & $State & ".rtf", "", @SW_HIDE)

Case $RetrieveST

$Search = FileFindFirstFile("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".*")

If $Search = -1 Then ; -1 means file doesn't exist

FileCopy("P:\temp\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".*", "C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\*.*", 9)


$prompt = MsgBox(1, "Retrieve State", "Are you sure you want to retrieve the state file")

If $prompt = 1 Then

FileMove($ddpath & $statedd & ".*", $ddpath & "\ddbackup\" & $State & "\" & $statedd & ".*", 9)

$btime = FileGetTime($ddpath & "ddbackup\" & $State & "\" & $statedd & ".dat", 0, 0)

RunWait("pkzip " & $ddpath & "\ddbackup\" & $State & "\zipped.zip " & $ddpath & "\ddbackup\" & $State & "\" & $statedd & ".*")

If $btime[3] > 12 Then

$btimehour = ($btime[3] - 12)


$btimehour = ($btime[3])


FileCopy($ddpath & "\ddbackup\" & $State & "\zipped.zip", $ddpath & "\ddbackup\" & $State & "\" & $btime[1] & "-" & $btime[2] & "-" & $btimehour & $btime[4] & ".zip", 9)

FileDelete($ddpath & "ddbackup\" & $State & "\zipped.zip")

FileCopy("P:\temp\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".*", "C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\*.*", 9)



Case $TempMove

FileCopy("P:\temp\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".*", "C:\devtool\ddbackup\0" & $Year & "\" & $State & "\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".*", 9)

FileCopy("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".dat", "P:\temp\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".dat", 9)

FileCopy("C:\fx\0" & $Year & "\dd\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".idx", "P:\temp\dd" & $Year & $System & "$" & $State & ".idx", 9)

MsgBox(0, "Temp Move", "Original file on P:\temp was backed up to C:\Devtool\ddbackup\0" & $Year & "\" & $State)

Case $RetrieveFD

FileDelete($ddpath & $ddfile & ".*")

FileDelete($ddpath & $Ffile & ".*")

FileDelete($ddpath & $wsmfile & ".*")

FileDelete($ddpath & $printfile & ".*")

FileDelete($ddpath & $diagfile & ".*")

_FileCopy("G:\WFX32\0" & $Year & $System & "\" & $ddfile & ".*", $ddpath)

_FileCopy("G:\WFX32\0" & $Year & $System & "\" & $Ffile & ".*", $ddpath)

_FileCopy("G:\WFX32\0" & $Year & $System & "\" & $wsmfile & ".*", $ddpath)

_FileCopy("G:\WFX32\0" & $Year & $System & "\" & $printfile & ".*", $ddpath)

_FileCopy("G:\WFX32\0" & $Year & $System & "\" & $diagfile & ".*", $ddpath)

FileSetAttrib($ddpath & $ddfile & ".*", "-R")

FileSetAttrib($ddpath & $Ffile & ".*", "-R")

FileSetAttrib($ddpath & $wsmfile & ".*", "-R")

FileSetAttrib($ddpath & $printfile & ".*", "-R")

FileSetAttrib($ddpath & $diagfile & ".*", "-R")

$time2 = FileGetTime("C:\fx\08\dd\08p$f.dat", 0)

If Not @error Then

$yyyymd2 = $time2[1] & "/" & $time2[2] & "/" & $time2[0]

MsgBox(1, "title", "retrieved")

GUICtrlSetData($Message, $yyyymd2)


Case $HXED

$Search = FileFindFirstFile("C:\DevTool\hxed.exe")

If $Search = -1 Then ; -1 means file doesn't exist

FileCopy("h:\Fulghum\hxed.exe", "c:\Devtool\hxed.exe", 9)


Run("C:\DevTool\Hxed.exe", "C:\DevTool\")

Case $BEST

$Search = FileFindFirstFile("C:\Program Files\CCH ELF\BEST\CCH.EFile.BEST.exe")

If $Search = -1 Then ; -1 means file doesn't exist

MsgBox(0, "File Search", "Best tool not installed - Please install")


Run("C:\Program Files\CCH ELF\BEST\CCH.EFile.BEST.exe", "C:\Program Files\CCH ELF\BEST\")


Case $Retr

Run("H:\ginger\FileRetriever - 04-07-08\FileRetriever.exe", "H:\ginger\FileRetriever - 04-07-08")

Case $Apply

GUICtrlSetData($Custom1, GUICtrlRead($CustBox))

GUICtrlSetData($Custom2, GUICtrlRead($CustBox2))

GUICtrlSetData($Custom3, GUICtrlRead($CustBox3))

GUICtrlSetData($Custom4, GUICtrlRead($CustBox4))



Case $System


Case GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl) = "I"

GUICtrlSetData($Message, $yyyymdi)

Case GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl) = "C"

GUICtrlSetData($Message, $yyyymdc)

Case GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl) = "F"

GUICtrlSetData($Message, $yyyymdf)

Case GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl) = "P"

GUICtrlSetData($Message, $yyyymdp)

Case GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl) = "S"

GUICtrlSetData($Message, $yyyymds)

Case GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl) = "X"

GUICtrlSetData($Message, $yyyymdx)

Case GUICtrlRead($SystemCtrl) = "Y"

GUICtrlSetData($Message, $yyyymdy)




Func _FileCopy($fromFile, $tofile)



$winShell = ObjCreate("shell.application")

$winShell.namespace($tofile).CopyHere($fromFile, $FOF_RESPOND_YES)

EndFunc ;==>_FileCopy

Func OnAutoItExit()

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "State", "key", $State)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "System", "key", $System)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Year", "key", $Year)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Custom1", "key", $CustVar)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Custom2", "key", $CustVar2)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Custom3", "key", $CustVar3)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Custom4", "key", $CustVar4)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Path1", "key", $Path1)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Path2", "key", $Path2)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Path3", "key", $Path3)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Path4", "key", $Path4)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Override", "key", $Override)

IniWrite("Dev.ini", "Primary File", "key", $WrkFileOvr)

EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit

I was able to take some sample code I found on here and it tweak it so that it works exactly like I want. Just can't figure out what is different here and in my setup.

#include <GuiConstants.au3>

$hWnd = GuiCreate("",150,50)

$hCombo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("",5,5,80)


$hInput = GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Kurt",85,10,100,20)


While 1

$nmsg = GuiGetMsg()

Switch $nmsg



Case $hCombo


Case GuiCtrlRead($hCombo) = "I"


Case GuiCtrlRead($hCombo) = "C"


Case GuiCtrlRead($hCombo) = "S"

GUICtrlSetData($hInput,"S Corp")

Case GuiCtrlRead($hCombo) = "P"





Edited by Kurto2021
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The second script works for me (as far as it goes - there is no selection case for "L").

What was your exact question?


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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I think:

Case $SystemoÝ÷ Ù(hºW[y«­¢+Ù


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$system is always true, that's why "case $System" updates the label in each loop.

Additionally I saw that you used $Message for 2 different labels :D...

I told you it was pretty sloppy....I have been learning as I go.

SystemCtrl worked great.....You guys rule. Now I must use my rudimentary skills to help others.

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