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There are many things wrong with that. First, SharpDevelop has nothing to do with the target file. It's just an editor.

Second, you cannot create .Net dlls that can be used with DllCall.

Is it possible to use Visual C# 2008 or do I need to use Visual C++ 2008 or can I use SharpDevelop C#

Edited by jeantje
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If you're bent on using DllCall, you can write a c++ dll that in calls the functions in a c# dll. From within AutoIt, you can then call the function in the c++ dll.

However interesting that might seem, I've been discovering that simplicity is the best goal in any software design. When you start seeing fragile chains of interwoven dll's and complicated interprocess communication, its time to step back and redesign your system.

Find the lowest common denominator, rewrite extraneous systems entirely in AutoIt, or reprogram the system in c++ in a way that's usable by AutoIt.

The c++ rewrite is the most valuable, in my experience, because you'll learn things that are useful and help you write more robust software. AutoIt is undoubtedly the best scripting language I know of, but it needs compiled languages to do heavy lifting. I recommend freebasic as the most compatible language, as you can use libraries and import functionality via the AutoIt plugin interface, and the syntax is more similar.

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Here's c++ calling c#, enough to get you started on learning what's going on. Pay particular attention to this article. Use it as a basis for expanding your search and drilling down til you find what you want.



Here's AutoIt's plugin interface. With this, you can make a function in c/c++ which is callable by AutoIt as if it were built in to the language.


Plugins can also be written in FreeBasic, which can also call c# dlls, I think (you'd have to ask on their forums, though.)

I would recommend learning FreeBasic and skipping C#, for no better reason than the fact that I like FreeBasic, and it's easily used in AutoIt. For some reason, BASIC syntax appeals to me, and FB is a real, compiled language, so you have almost the power of C, and the flexibility of AutoIt. C# is grand, but it's also just another language. If you don't have a specific reason to use it, check

If you want, I can guide you through learning to use the FB plugins, as I'm in the middle of it myself. :)

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