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Get math from string . . .

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I have a list of text entries.


$sString = "Do you know what 2+2 is?

I would like to break that down and return 4

How do you convert text to numbers and then get math?

Edited by Hatcheda
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I'm sure not the best way, but works with that string:

Dim $sString = "Do you know what 2+2 is?"
$x = Execute(StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[^0-9+*/\^()-]", ""))

Edit: Oops, the "-" has to be at the end of the string... and "^" needs the "\" esc character. fixed

Edited by Spiff59
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Execute doesn't seem to like a leading "-"

This seems to work better:

Dim $sString = "Do you know what -2 + (2 * 4) + 7  is?"
$x = StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[^0-9+*/^()-]", "")
If Stringleft($x, 1) = "-" Then $x = "0" & $x


Edited by Spiff59
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THanks :-) Looking the first post up now

for second: Works great but misses on more complex parts

Dim $sString = "Do you know what 2+2*2 is?"

$x = Execute(StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[^0-9+*/\^()-]", ""))


Edit: just noticed you replied while I was -Checking new version now!

Edit: Works great!!! Thanks alot!!!

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It works for everything I've tried so far: 2+2*4=10, (2+2)*4=16, 5+2^4=21, etc

I'm sure it would choke with operators other than + - * / ^ and parens.

Edit: Including "=" , "<" and ">" in the SRER works with execute evaluating the statement and returning a "True" or "False"

Dim $sString = "Do you know what -5+7* (6-4)^2 is?"
$x = Execute("0+" & StringRegExpReplace($sString, "[^0-9+*/^()=<>-]", ""))
MsgBox(1, "", $x)

Another edit: I guess it wouldn't hurt to always tack a "0" on front and remove the test for "-". Using "0+" works with a leading "-" or a leading paren. So, changed code again. Final version lol

Edited by Spiff59
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