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picture help ?

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i got a problem i made a little game where you need to avoid some boxes but!

the problem is i cant get it to work :S?

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
hotkeyset ("{right}","right")
hotkeyset ("{left}","left")

#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=
$Form1 = GUICreate("Form1", 633, 447, 193, 125)
$Pic1 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\char.bmp", $left, $top, $menormal, $menormal, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$label=GUICtrlCreateLabel("Score : "&$score,500,0,200,20)
$Pic2 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\black.bmp", $1,  $9,$normal,$normal, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$Pic3 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\black.bmp", $2,  $10,$small, $small, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$Pic4 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\black.bmp", $3,  $11,$normal,$normal, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$Pic5 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\black.bmp", $4,  $12,$normal,$normal, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$Pic6 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\black.bmp", $5,  $13,$normal,$normal, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$Pic7 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\black.bmp", $6,  $14,$normal,$normal, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$Pic8 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\black.bmp", $7,  $15,$big, $big, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
$Pic9 = GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir&"\black.bmp", $8,  $16,$normal,$normal, BitOR($SS_NOTIFY,$WS_GROUP,$WS_CLIPSIBLINGS))
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###

While 1
    $nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $nMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE



guictrlsetdata($label,"Score : "&$score)

guictrlsetpos ($pic2,$1, $9,44,44)
guictrlsetpos ($pic3,$2,$10,33,33)
guictrlsetpos ($pic4,$3,$11,44,44)
guictrlsetpos ($pic5,$4,$12,44,44)
guictrlsetpos ($pic6,$5,$13,44,44)
guictrlsetpos ($pic7,$6,$14,44,44)
guictrlsetpos ($pic8,$7,$15,55,55)
guictrlsetpos ($pic9,$8,$16,33,33)

if $9=600 then
$firstrandom=random (0,7,1)
if $firstrandom=0 then $pos1=random (0,84,1)
if $firstrandom=1 then  $pos1=random (84,136,1)
if $firstrandom=2 then  $pos1=random (136,200,1)
if $firstrandom=3 then  $pos1=random(200,384,1)
if $firstrandom=4 then  $pos1=random (384,424,1)
if $firstrandom=5 then  $pos1=random (424,512,1)
if $firstrandom=6 then  $pos1=random (512,520,1)
if $firstrandom=7 then  $pos1=random (520,600,1)
if $10=600 then
$2random=random (0,7,1)
if $2random=0 then  $pos2=random (0,84,1)
if $2random=1 then  $pos2=random (84,136,1)
if $2random=2 then  $pos2=random (136,200,1)
if $2random=3 then  $pos2=random(200,384,1)
if $2random=4 then  $pos2=random (384,424,1)
if $2random=5 then  $pos2=random (424,512,1)
if $2random=6 then  $pos2=random (512,520,1)
if $2random=7 then  $pos2=random (520,600,1)

if $11=600 Then
$3random=random (0,7,1)
if $3random=0 then  $pos3=random (0,84,1)
if $3random=1 then  $pos3=random (84,136,1)
if $3random=2 then  $pos3=random (136,200,1)
if $3random=3 then  $pos3=random(200,384,1)
if $3random=4 then  $pos3=random (384,424,1)
if $3random=5 then  $pos3=random (424,512,1)
if $3random=6 then  $pos3=random (512,520,1)
if $3random=7 then  $pos3=random (520,600,1)

if $12=600 Then
$4random=random (0,7,1)
if $4random=0 then  $pos4=random (0,84,1)
if $4random=1 then  $pos4=random (84,136,1)
if $4random=2 then  $pos4=random (136,200,1)
if $4random=3 then  $pos4=random(200,384,1)
if $4random=4 then  $pos4=random (384,424,1)
if $4random=5 then  $pos4=random (424,512,1)
if $4random=6 then  $pos4=random (512,520,1)
if $4random=7 then  $pos4=random (520,600,1)

if $13=600 Then
$5random=random (0,7,1)
if $5random=0 then  $pos5=random (0,84,1)
if $5random=1 then  $pos5=random (84,136,1)
if $5random=2 then  $pos5=random (136,200,1)
if $5random=3 then  $pos5=random(200,384,1)
if $5random=4 then  $pos5=random (384,424,1)
if $5random=5 then  $pos5=random (424,512,1)
if $5random=6 then  $pos5=random (512,520,1)
if $5random=7 then  $pos5=random (520,600,1)

if $14=600 Then
$6random=random (0,7,1)
if $6random=0 then  $pos6=random (0,84,1)
if $6random=1 then  $pos6=random (84,136,1)
if $6random=2 then  $pos6=random (136,200,1)
if $6random=3 then  $pos6=random(200,384,1)
if $6random=4 then  $pos6=random (384,424,1)
if $6random=5 then  $pos6=random (424,512,1)
if $6random=6 then  $pos6=random (512,520,1)
if $6random=7 then  $pos6=random (520,600,1)

if $15=600 Then
$7random=random (0,7,1)
if $7random=0 then  $pos7=random (0,84,1)
if $7random=1 then  $pos7=random (84,136,1)
if $7random=2 then  $pos7=random (136,200,1)
if $7random=3 then  $pos7=random(200,384,1)
if $7random=4 then  $pos7=random (384,424,1)
if $7random=5 then  $pos7=random (424,512,1)
if $7random=6 then  $pos7=random (512,520,1)
if $7random=7 then  $pos7=random (520,600,1)

if $16=600 then
$8random=random (0,7,1)
if $8random=0 then  $pos8=random (0,84,1)
if $8random=1 then  $pos8=random (84,136,1)
if $8random=2 then  $pos8=random (136,200,1)
if $8random=3 then  $pos8=random(200,384,1)
if $8random=4 then  $pos8=random (384,424,1)
if $8random=5 then  $pos8=random (424,512,1)
if $8random=6 then  $pos8=random (512,520,1)
if $8random=7 then  $pos8=random (520,600,1)

sleep (15)

func right ()
guictrlsetpos ($pic1,$left, $top, $menormal, $menormal)
func left ()
guictrlsetpos ($pic1,$left, $top, $menormal, $menormal)

the problem is i cant get it to work when the boxes hit the char then somethink need to happends

i tryed

if $pic1=$pic2 or $pic3 or $pic4 or $pic5 or $pic6 or $pic7 or $pic8 or $pic9 then
;do somethink 

that dosent work... ?

some one have a solution i will be really happy if they could show me?

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Wow O_O thats quite a messy code, hard to understand it.

Anyhow, this is what I suggest:

If you have a box 50 pixels wide and 50 pixels high, and you know its starting position. Then you can use

If $MousePosX > $BoxPosX[1] And $MousePosX < $BoxPosX[1] + 50 And $MousePosY > $BoxPosY[1] And $MousePosY < $BoxPosY[1] + 50 Then
{your code}

BosPosX is where you put your box (starting coordinates, left coordinates) BoxPosX+50 are the mostright coordinates of the box. Same with the Y axis.

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okay some of it works

i tryed like you said

my $left is the left of the char

$top is the top of the char

and then there is a lot of cords to the other boxes (in this ex. i used the first box where left =$1 and top=$9(and my box is 44*44 and 55*55 and 33*33) )

so i tryed like this

if $left > $1 and $left < $1+44 and $top >$9 and $top < $9+44 then
sleep (5000)

if $left > $2 and $left < $2+33 and $top >$10 and $top < $10+33 then
sleep (5000)

if $left > $3 and $left < $3+44 and $top >$11 and $top < $11+44 then
sleep (5000)

if $left > $4 and $left < $4+44 and $top >$12 and $top < $12+44 then
sleep (5000)

if $left > $5 and $left < $5+55 and $top >$13 and $top < $13+55 then
sleep (5000)
if $left > $6 and $left < $6+44 and $top >$14 and $top < $14+44 then
sleep (5000)
if $left > $7 and $left < $7+55 and $top >$15 and $top < $15+55 then
sleep (5000)
if $left > $8 and $left < $8+33 and $top >$16 and $top < $16+33 then
sleep (5000)

but the problem is when i hit the boxes (when i go into one of them from the left og right) then nothing happends why ?

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okay some of it works

i tryed like you said

my $left is the left of the char

$top is the top of the char

and then there is a lot of cords to the other boxes (in this ex. i used the first box where left =$1 and top=$9(and my box is 44*44 and 55*55 and 33*33) )

so i tryed like this

if $left > $1 and $left < $1+44 and $top >$9 and $top < $9+44 then
sleep (5000)

if $left > $2 and $left < $2+33 and $top >$10 and $top < $10+33 then
sleep (5000)

if $left > $3 and $left < $3+44 and $top >$11 and $top < $11+44 then
sleep (5000)

if $left > $4 and $left < $4+44 and $top >$12 and $top < $12+44 then
sleep (5000)

if $left > $5 and $left < $5+55 and $top >$13 and $top < $13+55 then
sleep (5000)
if $left > $6 and $left < $6+44 and $top >$14 and $top < $14+44 then
sleep (5000)
if $left > $7 and $left < $7+55 and $top >$15 and $top < $15+55 then
sleep (5000)
if $left > $8 and $left < $8+33 and $top >$16 and $top < $16+33 then
sleep (5000)

but the problem is when i hit the boxes (when i go into one of them from the left og right) then nothing happends why ?

Try tweaking the values a little bit, I used something like that in my mini game too and I had to adjust the values. For example, for a box 40 pixels wide I had to use 40+5.

Edited by Qousio
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