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Admin Workstation Toolkit

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In the code you will want to change the domain to yours before compiling the code

Func AuthAdmin()

GUICreate("Admin Login",200,100)

$user = GuiCtrlCreateInput("", 25, 25, 130, 20)

$pass = GUICtrlCreateInput("",25, 45 + $top0, 130, 20, 0x0020)

$enterbtn =GUICtrlCreateButton("Enter", 25, 65, 70, 20)


$msg = 0

While $msg <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

$msg = GuiGetMsg()


Case $msg = $Exitbutton


Case $msg = $enterbtn

$UserName = GUICtrlRead($user)

$PassWord = GUICtrlRead($pass)

$runout = RunAs($UserName, "YourDomainHere", $PassWord, 0, $AppName, @SystemDir)

If @error Then

MsgBox(1,"Login Error","Incorrect Credentials provided.")










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With his last post, he only has a total of 4. He couldn't quite get it there yet. One more post, and then he could have.

It's a nice script, looks very helpful. Only thing I'd do different, would be to remove where it statically puts the file to C:\temp (I don't have that directory), and the Images path used in the script also might not exist on a computer without AutoIt, so embedding that/sending it with the program might be a good option.

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With his last post, he only has a total of 4. He couldn't quite get it there yet. One more post, and then he could have.

It's a nice script, looks very helpful. Only thing I'd do different, would be to remove where it statically puts the file to C:\temp (I don't have that directory), and the Images path used in the script also might not exist on a computer without AutoIt, so embedding that/sending it with the program might be a good option.

I understand your point, I will in the future remove the dependancy in the script

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