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Working solution for LDAP

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I figured since I really do not know C+ but I do know TCL I could bridge the gap without knowing C+

I wrapped an existing TCL extension with a TCL wrapper to created a Command Line LDAP tool which can write output to stdout and a log file.

To access the command line for this please visit this Manual Page Site.

Click here!

Here is the TCL code:

load [file join [pwd] "ldap.dll"]
proc {main} {argc argv} {

set LdapResults $argv

set chan [open c:\\ldap.log a]
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds]]
puts $chan "$timestamp - $LdapResults"
close $chan

proc init {argc argv} {


init $argc $argv
main $argc $argv

With the LDAP extension added to the TCL compiler the user can use basic TCL code to be passed and allow LDAP queries to be completed.

Example Log out put.

Thu May 07 13:46:32 CDT 2009 - LDAP Erorr:

Thu May 07 13:46:33 CDT 2009 - LDAP Query:{cn=TEXAS,ou=Fleming\, Roger:CN,ou=IT Security:OU,ou=Administrative Users:OU,ou=ad-texas,ou=LoginInfos,o=PS}

Thu May 07 13:46:33 CDT 2009 - LDAP Query Results:ou=Fleming\, Roger:CN,ou=IT Security:OU,ou=Administrative Users:OU,ou=ad-texas,ou=LoginInfos,o=PS

Here an example of Input code to use:

set ps_ldap [ldap -timeout 10 ftwsso03 25000]
set user_dn  "cn=$_LOGINNAME,ou=ezbio"

# Loop until user cancels dialog box or enters a null string
catch {$ps_ldap bind cn=ldap-ezbio,ou=ezbio etrust2} catch_error
if {$catch_error != ""} {
set chan [open c:\\ldap.log a]
set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds]]
puts $chan "$timestamp - $LdapResults"
close $chan

set user_found [$ps_ldap search -scope one -names 1 ou=ezbio cn=$_LOGINNAME]
set user_results [$ps_ldap search $user_found]
set param_name_len [string length $user_results]
set param_name_start_index [string last " " $user_results]
set param_name_end_index [string first "}" $user_results] 
set param_value [string range $user_results $param_name_start_index $param_name_end_index]
set badgeid [string trimright $param_value "}"]
set user_badge_num $badgeid
Edited by RogFleming
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Well it would seem I am limited to a 1 meg upload the zip file is 1.85 meg I will e-mail it to anyone who would like to see it or you can wrap it your self from the sourceforge.net look for freewrapTCLSH642.zip

Here what you need the code I wrote

load [file join [pwd] "ldap.dll"]

proc {main} {argc argv} {

set LdapResults $argv

set chan [open c:\\ldap.log a]

set timestamp [clock format [clock seconds]]

puts $chan "$timestamp - $LdapResults"

close $chan



proc init {argc argv} {


init $argc $argv

main $argc $argv





Edited by RogFleming
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  • 1 year later...

I thought I'd post this in case anyone googles.

I made a very simple script in VB to get any property of our FDS and translated it to AutoIt. It can use authorization if needed. I think it can be interesting to many because of the use of GetInfoEx and ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING needed for unusual properties.

VBScript ----------------

'CONSTANTS ------------

Set out = Wscript.StdOut


Const attrToRetrieve = "passwordExpirationTime"

Const uidToCheck = "uidToWorkOn"

Const userToBindTo = "" '"uid=myUID,ou=randomOU,o=randomO"

Const passwordToBindTo = "" '"mypassword"

LDAPURL = "LDAP://" & uidToCheck & ",ou=randomOU,o=randomO"

'MAIN PROGRAM -----------------

'conect to the LDAP and perform the search

Set dso = GetObject("LDAP:")

Set obj = dso.OpenDSObject(LDAPURL, userToBindTo, passwordToBindTo, 0)

'fetch it to the cache, if a propierty is non standard you have to splicitly retrieve it (Ex)


obj.GetInfoEx Array(attrToRetrieve), 0

'retrieve it from the cache

Set prop = obj.GetPropertyItem(attrToRetrieve, ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING)

'convert the octecstring value to a string we can manipulate

valuearray = prop.Values

For Each value In valuearray

data = data & OctetToHexStr(value.OctetString)


data = HexStrToAscii(data, true)

'now data has the needed string and we can extract the needed information

expirationYear=GetYearFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST (data)

expirationMonth=GetMonthFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST (data)

expirationDay=GetDayFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST (data)

'WScript.Echo expirationYear

'WScript.Echo expirationMonth

'WScript.Echo expirationDay

' compare the two dates, IMPORTANT: it seems VB func DateDiff doesn't take into account the different number of days of a month

expirationDateForComparing= CStr(expirationDay) & "/" & CStr(expirationMonth) & "/" & CStr(expirationYear)

daysToExpire= DateDiff("d", Date(), expirationDateForComparing) ' >0 we have time left until expiration. < 0 means already expired

WScript.Echo "Days to expire: " daysToExpire



GetYearFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST = CInt( Mid(S, 1, 4) )

End Function


GetMonthFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST= CInt( Mid(S, 5, 2) )

End Function


GetDayFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST =CInt( Mid(S, 7, 2) )

End Function

'-------------------------- MORE AUX FUNCTIONS

Function OctetToHexStr(var_octet)

'Converts binary data to a hex string

Dim n

OctetToHexStr = ""

For n = 1 To lenb(var_octet)

OctetToHexStr = OctetToHexStr & Right("0" & hex(ascb(midb(var_octet, n, 1))), 2)


End Function

Function PrintoutHex(var_hex, width)

'Takes a hexstring and returns an output in a hex editor style

'The width parameter determines how many byte per line the output has

Dim k1, k2, s1, s2

PrintOutHex = ""

For k1 = 1 To Len(var_hex) Step (width *2)

s1 = Mid(var_hex, k1, (width *2))

s2 = ""

s3 = HexStrToAscii(s1, False)

For k2 = 1 To Len(s1) Step 2

s2 = S2 & Mid(S1, k2, 2) & " "


s2 = s2 & String((width *3)-Len(s2), " ")

If (k1=1) Then

PrintOutHex = PrintOutHex & s2 & "| " & s3


PrintOutHex = PrintOutHex & vbcrlf & s2 & "| " & s3

End If


End Function

Function HexStrToAscii(var_hex, format)

'Converts a hex string to an ASCII string.

'If 'format'=TRUE, tabs and CR/LFs are inserted

Dim k, v

HexStrToAscii = ""

For k = 1 To Len(var_hex) Step 2

v = CInt("&H" & Mid(var_hex, k, 2))

If ((v>31) And (v<128)) Then

HexStrToAscii = HexStrToAscii & (chr(v))


If (format) Then

Select Case v

Case 8

HexStrToAscii = HexStrToAscii & vbTab

Case 10

HexStrToAscii = HexStrToAscii & vbCrLf

Case 13

Case Else

HexStrToAscii = HexStrToAscii & "."

End Select


HexStrToAscii = HexStrToAscii & "."

End If

End If


End Function

Function BinaryToString(Binary)

Dim I,S

For I = 1 to LenB(Binary)

S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary,I,1)))


BinaryToString = S

End Function



#include <Array.au3>

;CONSTANTS ------------


Const $attrToRetrieve = "passwordExpirationTime"

Const $uidToCheck = "uidToWorkOn"

Const $userToBindTo = "" ;"uid=myUID,ou=randomOU,o=randomO"

Const $passwordToBindTo = "" ;"mypassword"

Const $LDAPURL = "LDAP://" & $uidToCheck & ",ou=randomOU,o=randomO"

;MAIN PROGRAM -----------------

;conect to the LDAP and perform the search

$dso = ObjGet("LDAP:");

$obj = $dso.OpenDSObject($LDAPURL, $userToBindTo, $passwordToBindTo, 0);

;feed it to the cache, if a propierty is non standard you have to splicitly retrieve it (Ex)

Dim $tempArray[1]

$tempArray[0] = $attrToRetrieve


$obj.GetInfoEx ($tempArray, 0);

;retrieve it from the cache. OctetString for non AD standard objs

$prop = $obj.GetPropertyItem($attrToRetrieve, $ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING);

Dim $varArray

$varArray = $prop.Values

;transform the (always 1, but i'll do a loop just in case) OctetString value to an ANSI string


For $i = 0 to (UBound($varArray)-1)

$propertyValue= $propertyValue & BinaryToString($varArray[$i].OctetString)


MsgBox(0, "", GetYearFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST($propertyValue))

MsgBox(0, "", GetMonthFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST($propertyValue))

MsgBox(0, "", GetDayFromYYYYMMDDHHMMSST($propertyValue))


; AUX FUNCs -------------------------



return Int( StringMid ($S, 1, 4) )



return Int( StringMid ($S, 5, 2) )



return Int( StringMid ($S, 7, 2) )



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