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better way to do this?


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Basically what i want to do is get the Text between the brackets, this code does the trick but i was wondering if there is a better way to do it?

$Title = WinGetTitle("Game (")

$1 = Stringinstr($Title,"(")
$2 = Stringinstr($Title,")")
$3 = StringLen($Title)

$Title = StringTrimLeft($Title, $1)
$Title = StringTrimRight($Title, $3-$2+1)

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Basically what i want to do is get the Text between the brackets, this code does the trick but i was wondering if there is a better way to do it?

$Title = WinGetTitle("Game (")

$1 = Stringinstr($Title,"(")
$2 = Stringinstr($Title,")")
$3 = StringLen($Title)

$Title = StringTrimLeft($Title, $1)
$Title = StringTrimRight($Title, $3-$2+1)

If this works, it could be considered a better way by the minimumalists.

$Title = WinGetTitle("Game (")

$Title = StringRegExpReplace ($Title,"(.*)\((.*)\)(.*)","\2")

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both of them return 0 for me for some reason :S

Your original script implied the string in the variable $Title would have an opening bracket, "(", and a closing bracket, ")". And you required the string between these brackets to be returned.

If the string in $Title has "any character or nothing( Return string) any character or nothing" format . Then my example should returns " Return string". Just tested and it does work on my XP with current AutoIt version.

Looks like the best way is to use the way that works, your first post script.

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