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i'm trying to set up TCP client for a friend of mine. first i'm going to scare the shit out of him, later we might actually work this into something useful o_o

basically, i'm just messing with the TCP options of autoit right now.

i need to check whether i'm connected.

here's the code so far...

#include "Data\Inet.au3"
HotKeySet("^+{F9}", "killthething")

Dim $YOURIP = _GetIP
MsgBox(1, "Your ip is",$YOURIP&" give it to your lord and master!")
$INCOMING = InputBox("Incoming connection", "Insert the ip given to you by your lord and master here")

$ALLHELL is a short for ALLHELLBREAKSLOOSE, and will be used later... xD

i first need to connect to him. so he'll be listening to my ip, and when it connects, accept the connection.

i'm assuming i'm going to need TCPAccept somewhere in this.

i need to check whether i'm connected to him or not.

i have no idea how it's done. suggestions?

the idea is that if i'm connected, it first pops up a "yay, we established connection!" message box and then calls a rather scary function. XD

something like this:

If <check_if_connection_established>=1 then
$ALLHELL=1 ;i'm well aware i can just skip to the call function, but this is what i'm used to. this is more comfortable for me.
if $ALLHELL=1 then
call ScaryAssFunction()


edit: i'm pretty sure $MainSocket = TCPListen($g_IP, 65432, 100 )

helps somehow. question is, how?

Edited by GodForsakenSoul
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Straight from the help file:

;SERVER!! Start Me First !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
$g_IP = ""

; Start The TCP Services

; Create a Listening "SOCKET"
$MainSocket = TCPListen($g_IP, 65432,  100 )
If $MainSocket = -1 Then Exit

;  look for client connection
While 1
$ConnectedSocket = TCPAccept( $MainSocket)
If $ConnectedSocket >= 0 Then
    msgbox(0,"","my server - Client Connected")

;CLIENT!!!!!!!! Start SERVER First... dummy!!
$g_IP = ""

; Start The TCP Services

; Connect to a Listening "SOCKET"
$socket = TCPConnect( $g_IP, 65432 )
If $socket = -1 Then Exit


Return Value

Success: Returns main socket identifier.

Failure: Returns -1 and set @error according to Windows API WSAGetLasterror return.

If IPAddr is incorrect @error is set to 1.

If port is incorrect @error is set to 2.

Simple Server

I guess I assumed you would have searched competently.

Edited by qazwsx
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