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Please Help Me Question regarding Debugbar with Autoit

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I have the debug bar for IE installed and I used the "spy other IE instances" option for it to look for a specific line of code on this CRM webpage that I am using for work.

What it pulled is below:

<TD class=ms-crm-Form-StatusBar colSpan=2><B>Status:</B> <SPAN id=crmRenderStatus><SPAN id=EntityStatusText>Active</SPAN></SPAN> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></BODY></HTML>

The part that I'm interested in is in bold above. Basically a case can either be in active or resolved state, and right now I have a script that resolves a case but I have it sleeping x number of seconds until it closes the case. What I want to do to make it more efficient is to have it look to see when Status:Resolved then it goes ahead and closes the case.

below is the script I'm using in case someone needs to look at it. As always thanks in advance.

Winwaitactive("Resolve Case -- Webpage Dialog")
    MouseMove(653, 397)
    Sleep(5000); Right Here is where I'm waiting until the "close button" appears on the screen before it mouse moves and clicks on close for me.
;   Depending on how fast or slow the CRM server is running this time varies, and its a pain to manually play with the sleep time, I just want it to wait until the status of the case = resolved before moving.
        MouseMove(67, 137)
Edited by atnextc
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Based on the code you've provided, it sure doesn't look like you're tapping into the full-potential of the _IE functions included in AutoIt...

My suggestion, play with _IECreate, _IENavigate, _IEGetObjByName, _IEFormElementSetValue and _IEAction (for clicking) to open the page and get it where you need to check for this in the first place, it'll be a lot more reliable than MouseClick.

Alternatively, you can at least do an _IEAttach to hook into the window if it's already pulled up...

Once you've gone down one of those two roads, see what _IETableGetCollection and _IETableWriteToArray give you.

This code will probably help you if you don't know what table # it is on the page:

#include <IE.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
; I've put cnn.com as an example, you're going to replace this line with the $oIE object you'll end up with from either _IECreate or _IEAttach.
$oIE = _IECreate("www.cnn.com")

$oTable = _IETableGetCollection ($oIE)
$iNumTables = @extended

For $x = 0 to $iNumTables-1
$oTable = _IETableGetCollection ($oIE, $x)
$aTableData = _IETableWriteToArray ($oTable, True)
_ArrayDisplay($aTableData, "Table " & $x & " out of " & $iNumTables-1)
Edited by exodius
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