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Intervew with Bjarne Stroustrup on C++0x dropped feature "concepts"


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Pretty interesting article here. It's a shame the "concepts" feature won't make it into C++0x. It sounds exceptionally useful because many times (while working on AutoIt things) I've wanted to enforce something that I could not. The feature discussed in the article would have allowed me to enforce what I wished.

Also of particular interest, the interviewer is rather... let's just say I think a punch in the face would do him some good. It's interesting to see how Stroustrup calls him out on his baiting/biased/leading/bad questions every single time. It almost reads like the guy is trying to piss Stroustrup off and Stroustrup sees right through it and doesn't bite.

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Also of particular interest, the interviewer is rather... let's just say I think a punch in the face would do him some good. It's interesting to see how Stroustrup calls him out on his baiting/biased/leading/bad questions every single time. It almost reads like the guy is trying to piss Stroustrup off and Stroustrup sees right through it and doesn't bite.

Yeah, I got that too -- I mean, Kalev doesn't even seem to be trying to hide it. Kalev's bio states that he was on the C++ standards committee in the past and to me it sounds like he has a bone to pick with them. I really did appreciate Stroustrup's blunt way of dealing with it:

I suspect some members of the committee will seriously resent those questions and consider them proof of ignorance or ill will.


You are wrong in your characterization of what happened to concepts.


Again, I object to the "Joe Coder" moniker. At best, it is patronizing.




Wow, that's quite a set of leading/biased questions.

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