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Results (193 - 195 of 3867)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#194 KentonBomb@… Fixed Minor SciTeConfig error

Not anything major.

If you go to SciTe Config from the Tools menu in SciTe, and you press "Check for Updates", if there is no updates available, the Messagebox says "No Updates available" with "Yes" and "No" buttons.

It's clear what is supposed to be across, but to new users, it could be a bit confusing to says "Yes" or "No" to something that isn't a question :)

#195 Jpm anonymous Fixed GUICtrlSetDefColor() causing a problem

You don't need any test code for this one. Just create a GUI with a few lable on it and include the line GUICtrlSetDefColor(0xFF0000). Run the script and it's going to work fine. Compile it and try again. Oooooooooops!!! I just spent about 4 hours trying to find the problem. AutoIt3.exe handles it fine. The compilers don't recognize the function. Tried both unicode and ansi. To make matters worse when the error window pops up it just says Unknown function without saying which function. I checked through the bugs on the tracker and found nothing refering to it.

#196 apoliak@… Rejected Enable shell printing of AutoIt source code

Most document types (at least the ones that come from Microsoft), provide a "Print" shell command, which Windows uses to figure out how to print or fax a document when using COM objects such as FAXCOMEX.FaxDocument. As it currently stands, a sample script (Originally in VBScript, translated to AutoIt) fails when called with an AutoIt script file name, works when called with the file's extension changed to .TXT, and works when the Print shell command is added to the AutoIt Script entry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\AutoIt3Script\Shell\print\command) , which in my case, I set to print with Notepad, since SciTE does not yet support the ability to print from the Command Line (although a script could be written that would call the print command). The command line I used (Default Value for Command key) is '%SystemRoot%\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE /p "%1"' (type REG_EXPAND_SZ), and it prints the source just fine.

It's a trivial change, but I think it would benefit programmers/system administrators to be able to programatically print any file in their system.

I bring this up because I am coding an email-to-FAX gateway, and as it is coded right now, it sends documents based on how they are printed by the Windows Shell (I might solve it by adding a Convert-To-PDF client-side feature once the server becomes stable)

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