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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#38 Bert Duplicate _SoundLength

Ok. This is my script:

#include <Sound.au3>
$SND = _SoundOpen(FileOpenDialog ("", "", "MP3 Audio Files (*.*)"))
$LEN = _SoundLength ($SND, 2)
ClipPut ($LEN)

I need to get the length of a MP3 file in milliseconds. And now, for some reason, this returns nothing for me? But, change the 2 in _SoundLength to 1 and it works?

Win XP SP2, AutoIt V3.2.10.0



#39 Jon Valik Completed Add HWND to common dialogs

I (or somebody else) needs to add an HWND (parent) parameter to the following common functions: MsgBox FileOpenDialog FileSaveDialog FileSelectFolder

#40 Jpm Valik Completed Pixel functions should accept HWND

The following pixel functions should accept an HWND: PixelCheckSum PixelSearch PixelGetColor

Adjust PixelCoordMode options: 0 - Removed, no automatic "active window" stuff. 1 - Default, unchanged. Absolute coordinates for the screen if no HWND supplied. Absolute coordinates relative to the window if an HWND is supplied. 2 - Only valid with an HWND, relative to the client area of the window.

This is a script breaking change for those using the "active window" functionality.

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