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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#5 Jpm anonymous Rejected AVector[] out of bounds - AU3check should pick up on my error

$color = If _ChooseColor( 2 ) <> -1 then $color

Notice the code is incorrect I don't say $color = value but Au3 check should pick up on that and list it as an error.

That code throws an AutoIt error AVector[] out of bounds

Just a minor detail good luck! Tested in:

#6 Jpm Volly Rejected StringInStr not reporting error

WHen using string in string, I made a mistake in the code. I did this:

$stendSSB = StringInStr($read,'td width="100%"',18)

With 18 in the casesence slot, I should have gotten a error saying the command was badly formatted. I got no error at all. I should have coded the line like thia:

$stendSSB = StringInStr($read,'td width="100%"',0,18)

Version of AudoIt being used:

#7 Gary Saunders Fixed Example for _GUICtrlListView_AddArray uses _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems in Example_Internal()

Since the _GUICtrlListView_DeleteAllItems has been modified to not work with built-in listviews and listview items, the first example does not work properly, displaying an error MsgBox() with the notification to use GUICtrlDelete.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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